Are you married?

Arlo raised his brows and waited for her to continue, "Because they can only see you. Similarly whoever you said can only see me. But YOU are the one who has ME."

Arlo understood what she meant. She may act crazy or be childlike but she was sensible.

"Should I take you back to our room?" Arlo whispered near her ear as they descended stairs. Because Ryan's eyes were on him and he knew he could read his lips.

Even if Ryan knows about it, that wasn't a problem. he would whine to Olivia all-day. Sky heard his enticing tone so she left his arm and ran down.

'We can't have a normal conversation anymore.'

After breakfast, Sky and Arlo left for Legacy. Arlo had increased the security and warned her not to roam around much.

"So the secretary is daring to warn the President?" Sky glared at him as they exited the elevator of Legacy with the other four.