Five wedding proposals

Before the banquet, Sky and Arlo checked the arrangements and were satisfied. "Rony! Why don't I see your company logo anywhere?"

"My company?" Rony scratched his head.

Seeing his confused expression, Sky again asked, "Are you working in Azure as other's company? I thought you working as it is yours."

Sky said and moved on saying, "Put your logo. You won't get a better opportunity than this." Because many socialites, rich business families, celebrities, political leaders were attending.

Arlo glanced back before saying to Sky, "Sky! you are smart."

Just her one line, 'I thought you working as it was yours.' made Rony happy and enthusiastic.

"Oh! You have got a smart wife." Sky said smiled to herself.

Arlo wanted to say 'Narcissistic' but carried her towards their room.

"Arlo! Do you think we are at home?" Sky pulled his ear as she asked.