Is it your way to say you miss me?

Jai was silent for a few seconds before replying, "Take your jet, don't use the public plane."

"Really?" Sky asked again. Jai could say she was missing him, He hummed. "Drop me a message after reaching."

Sky gave a flying kiss before saying, "You are the best."

She hung up and planned quickly. 'Now 8, 9-1 flight, 9 I have to be back, so at 5 I have to leave there.'

She quickly dialed a string of numbers, "Prepare jet at 9 to country Y, from there to here at 5 am of country A."

After hearing the response, She hung up and changed the dress before going to David's room. He agreed happily and asked his main guards to drop her to the airport.

On the way, she reviewed all the mails and prepared drafts. Harley's corporation car picked her up after landing, she finished her work before reaching her villa where Arlo was staying.
