She was asleep

Arlo pulled her back to embrace as his ever so gentle voice sounded, "Don't worry, I'm there for you. You will reach on time."

She trusted him wholeheartedly so when he said it, she knew he will do as he says. So she fell asleep in his arms.

Arlo didn't sleep, he thought about how they were and how much they have changed in just a year. On Saturday, it would be a year when he first saw her.

Despite being frightened by the surroundings, she saw his uneasiness and tried to help him.

In the process, she didn't even care about herself that she got cut until she was told. He wasn't sure whether she fainted seeing blood or fainted due to blood loss, he was still calming his mind from the Phonophobia of bullets when he saw rows of soldiers take her out.

He had checked all the injured list but there were no names as Sky or Harley.