
"Sky!" He called twice as he caressed her head. Sky slightly opened her eyes and smiled looking at Arlo before asking him to sleep.

"Aren't you working out today?" He asked as he covered himself and her with the duvet.

"I slept late at night. Brother Jai told me to rest." She mumbled in a sleepy mood.

Arlo again felt uncomfortable. Sky continued to mumble, "I have asked Dad to get me one more assistant or secretary."

What she didn't say was, 'You don't have to run away again leaving me.'

But Arlo didn't really hear what she said at last and what she meant by it. As his mood was already sour. He got up after some time and went down at breakfast time. Everyone had breakfast except Sky.

Sky woke up and went downstairs when Jai was leaving. Arlo saw her wish him with a hug before letting him go. It was usual but he couldn't understand why he was getting uncomfortable looking at them.