No racing

"Sky! Go for a jog in nature walk route early morning, It will be good and don't forget to put on extra layers of clothes as it will be cold. You will get to see many flowers blooming in the morning. You can ask the manager for the route. Don't go alone, Take Sam and others. Choose the afternoon to go for river crossing activity, you will get to see the water sparkling. Keep rock climbing when Sun isn't hot else you get sunburnt. Zipline is good all the..."

Ryan told about every activity and the best time for it. He also mentioned to try out a few special dishes of the resort and nagged for some time before letting her sleep.

"Wow! Ray, I didn't know you are so good at planning such things. Next time, we'll do as you say. I'm kind of already looking forward to it."

Both talked for some time before hanging up the call. She had a smile on her face all the time till she kept her head on the pillow.