Let me spoil him

Sam and Clark were next to her so that they could help her when required. The other three climbed faster showing off their climbing skills.

After reaching the peak, Sky's arms were sore. She cried with no tears making others laugh. They were all proud of her making it to the top as they didn't expect her to complete.

Peter taught her rappeling and how to use her toes and feet well before she careening down suspended by only one single piece of rope.

All celebrated their clearing of activities and successful completion of weekend outing with wine and lots of meat. All pulled tried bodies to their villa. Sky finished her calls before asking Sam to help her in the kitchen of the restaurant.

Both swiftly baked a cake and settled on the chair waiting for the other three who came rubbing their eyes.

"Ms.Sky, Aren't you tired? Why are you torturing us at this time?" Peter rested his head on the table after sitting.