Doll's Past (4)

"Because Brother Jai, Dad, and Sam will know everything about you before letting you near me."

He knew she trusted them and what she said was the truth. "Convincing! what about the other half."

Sky giggled before saying, "Till you say I can enjoy boyfriend mode of husband."

He understood what she meant by boyfriend mode. But he didn't expect her to know why he kept her off the hook all this time.

"Oh! My wife is smart!" Soon both drifted off to sleep as they talked.


Sky who thought her teasing ended a night before, didn't expect Ethan to forward her few posts to tease her.

She was reading one by one to Arlo in the kitchen during lunchtime.


"The world's longest kiss lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. If you can break the record, our next dinner party will be on you."

"Holy! That's 2 days, ten hours 35 minutes straight. won't they get hungry, thirsty, tired." Sky said as she went towards the table.