Doll's Past (3)

"Andy! What time are we leaving? Shall I come near the apartment or will you pick me on the way?" An excited voice of a girl sounded on another end of the call.

Andy remembered he was taking Hana to meet his parents. "I will pick you on the way. No need to travel back and forth." His emotionless voice heard.

"What's wrong? Is your workload high? Did you eat?..." A concerned voice sounded but it reminded him of Sky.

A self-mocking smile appeared on his face. "Hana! Got to go. I will call you in the evening." He hung up after finishing.

After a few seconds, he got a message, "Take care"

He didn't reply and went back to his floor. While exiting the restroom, he heard the low voice of a female followed by a male voice from the kitchen.

'...You know nothing other than kissing me all the time.' Her voice didn't carry any hint of anger or annoyance.

'I need my dessert Ms.President...' Andy left without continuing to hear.