She isn't Barton

Sky purposefully skipped dinner at The reunion to eat with the family. Seeing seafood feast, Sky happily dug in. She informed Arlo that dinner was prepared by Grandfather.

He understood why Old master Barton didn't praise his cooking skills. Because Arlo could never match Old master Barton's amazing skills.

After a few minutes, Sky's happiness turned to despair. Because there were three plates of Lobster meat extended towards her.

Sky alternatively looked at Old master Barton, Jai, and Arlo. Loran would only peel for her if Jai wasn't there. George knew Jai would do hence he didn't do for Sky and he gave it to Georgia.

"I will take half of all three plates." Sky announced and took as she said but it was still more for her.

Arlo said she didn't have to eat from his plate but not to make him feel bad, she took. Jai wanted to see how she would solve so he didn't take it. Old master Barton was already in a grim mood for taking half.