Solve this soon

Olivia grunted, "Doris!"

Sky didn't care about what she said about the belonging of materialistic things. What she heard first gave her sharp pain in her chest, which made her difficult to breathe. 'She isn't your daughter after all. She has her own family. She isn't Barton. Why are you including her in everything with brothers?'

Doris retorted, "What I'm saying is the truth. Why are..."

Yes! It was the truth that Sky knew but not ready to accept it.

"SaMaRa." Jai scowled. It was the first time he took her name but it was due to anger.

All turned towards them. The Barton parents stood up to go near Sky. David froze.

Sky breathed through her mouth and patted on Jai's shoulder, "Brother Jai! It's okay. Don't get angry." She had just finished saying and a cane tap heard loudly and Sky ran towards it.

"You useless bastard! Who did you bring home? And you! dishonorable woman! Keep your a** away from my home."