
The game went on and Arlo got Sky's name. All curiously looked at Sky including Arlo. But she didn't know what to do.

"Sister Sky! Give him something difficult." Loran said.

"Sky! Unleash your powers." Ryan said making others around them to chuckle.

"I don't know! what to ask or give" Sky said as she gave some work to her brain.

All started to boo Sky. Samara got up and asked to pick a different paper saying Sky would give him an easier one.

Sky sighed. Arlo got a girl name Sky didn't know. And the dare was 'Dance with me!'

Arlo gulped three shots without even thinking twice and went back to Sky. The latter was chuckling hard, "It was just a dance. I'm not so petty."

All gave thumbs up to Sky, "Loyal husband!"

The game continued on and Sky's name came for Loran. "Dance with me!"