Some psycho lover

'Sam? Loran? Dad?....' She asked about everyone and made video calls to let them relax as they went out and she purposefully played dumb without asking about kidnap. Because if she asks, they would still keep on working without rest.

She was taken to the hospital for the blood test since she was injected with an unknown solution. In the meantime, she spoke with Mrs.Jeff and Ethan who didn't know she was kidnapped.

Once the preliminary blood report said everything was normal, Jai and Arlo took her to the Harley mansion after sending Peter and others to rest. Ryan went to Sigma to handle a few things related to the kidnap before he went to the Harley mansion.

Olivia was kept in the dark. Sky met David and Loran who was anxiously waiting in Harley mansion even though she made a video call to them. Loran had ignored Jai's warning and reached the Harley mansion to see Sky.