Plastic surgery?

Once they left, Arlo took Sky back to their room but his mind wandered at what Jai said, 'Only two will wish to keep Sky safe even after the kidnapping. Either Milton or some psycho lover.'

Arthur could be handled easily when Sky gets to know about them.

'A psycho lover' who could be smart and patient would be a headache to handle.

Since Sky wasn't sleepy after sleeping the entire afternoon, she wanted work but Arlo sat with her in the balcony. Since she asked, he told her whatever happened when she was kidnapped excluding his warning to the Miltons.

Sky who was in her dome swing chair initially, she cozied up to him by moving to his dome chair as she heard him. She felt heartache knowing what he had gone through and she also knew he was just telling process more than about himself.

Before she fell into a deep slumber, she had mumbled to him in her sleep. 'Why are you so good to me?'
