Plans to slaughter

It wasn't half an hour they talked, all heard Sky calling Arlo in her groggy voice. Since she was stretching his name, it sounded like she was singing his name and all seniors' attention diverted about the couple. Arlo ignored their question and went towards the room.

Sky exited the bedroom yawning as she wore her sheer floor-length full sleeve sheathe. She thought Arlo must have gone to meet the culprits leaving her alone in the villa. So she quickly rubbed her eyes as she went towards stairs to take her mobile from the living hall and saw Arlo coming towards her.

She let a breath of sigh before wrapping her hands around him, "Why did you leave me in the bedroom? Don't even think about meeting bad guys leaving me alone? I will come with you to all the places."

From the previous day, he started to feel like he was being protected by his wife than he protecting her. He liked the feeling of being protected by his little wife.