How to fake a smile

Sky chuckled hearing Freddie.

"I'm very grateful that you guys were and are with Arlo handling his cold demure, for worrying about him, for taking care of him, for wishing him well, for standing by him through thick and thin during his stay in the country U. Thank you! This is just a token of appreciation, I hope I don't offend your feelings by this."

Sky sincerely thanked them but she kept it short without making it mushy. 

When she had turned to them, they were puzzled thinking about what she was up to. They genuinely felt warm after hearing her. 

Arlo would always help them when they needed and he never uses gifts or words even if he was thankful. He didn't stop Sky when she wanted to buy but hearing her, a smile appeared on his face and he had to control himself from hugging her in front of five men who were admiring her.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

Four seconds...

Five seconds...