Brother Jai is in danger(3)

One thing he noticed was, she returned to him faster than the previous times whenever he apologized. His eyes were fixated on the door and saw her exiting the room in less than a minute which was the shortest time.

When his eyes never left her, her eyes and smile always directed at him. He couldn't stop his curling up lips. She didn't care whoever passed nearby as she reached him.

"Hey Handsome! How about I get you a drink? And you just have to be mine for tonight." Sky sounded like a coquette.

Before Arlo could respond, Dyan choked on his drink who had just gone behind her with the other three. The other three looked speechlessly at Arlo who was a penchant of his wife.

Sky pouted and turned around as she said, "I didn't know you guys like to be weeds." She rarely flirted with her husband and that also ruined.