Brother Jai is not waking up

Peter coughed lightly before calling, "Ms.Sky! I..."

Sky didn't raise her head from the laptop, "Excuse me, let me correct you, it's President Harley."

Peter wanted to run to the wall hearing her cold tone. She had ignored her worrisome situation and had requested him to go but hearing her using Elina's name to send him, he was vexed. Now he was paying for it.

"Ms.Sky! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have behaved that way." Peter finally said it after the third attempt.

Sky didn't reply and continued her work.

Loran who had pursed his lips for a long time let out a chuckle, "Sister Sky means to say by her behavior that there is nobody as Ms.Sky for you anymore."

Peter tried again, "President Harley, I'm sorry. I will not behave rudely again."

Sky paused and glanced at him, "Who are you? Are you an employee? I'm sorry, I don't remember. You can leave now."