I will kick you out

She was completely weak when she stopped crying. Her eyes were swollen. Her face had turned red with it. She was struggling to even open her eyes when Arlo carried her to bed.

He took a warm towel from the bathroom and wiped her face and neck. 

Knowing she couldn't eat anything after crying, he asked the doctor to put an IV and sedated after Sam's suggestion.

He arranged dinner for Loran and went to give him. Loran took the plate and asked, "Brother-in-law, Is Sister Sky alright?"

Arlo didn't want to tell.

Loran gave a faint smile and continued, "I know Sister Sky was trying to be strong from the morning so I didn't bring up about Brother Jai. I can't look after her in this state. You should take good care of her."

Arlo hummed and rubbed his head before leaving.

Arlo got to know about the understanding level of brothers and the sister was too high.