Chapter 12: Bickering Continues

"Is something wrong Danny you haven't touched your food at all." Matilda watched the girl repeatedly sweeping the peas around her plate with the rest of the food untouched for breakfast.

How could she answer that. Even if she was desperate to speak with someone how could she confide with Matilda in fear of getting Damon into trouble.

"Would you like the servants to prepare something else to your liking?"

Yes, I would like to have a lobsters roll. Her old self would have said something like that. Old self, heh, another reminder she can never be who she was before she came here, she wept bitterly inside.

"Danny?" Matilda called for her attention.

Danielle finally looks up at Matilda in the eyes, but still she did not respond but just smile sweetly at her and tried to take a bit out of the skewered roasted potato on her fork.

Matilda was still trying to figure out why Danielle was weeping so bitterly in the stable when they found her two nights ago. Damon too was missing that night and that puts him as her number one suspect on her suspect list.

Leaving the girl on her own to explore her appetite, her attention shifted to Damon's first in command seated opposite from her. "Cale, where is your Captain?"

Cale looks up at her with his mouth full of his breakfast, looking as if he haven't eaten for ten days ten night.

"Ta tat dock wist moning."

"For Poseidon sake don't speak with your mouth full, I haven't the faintest idea what you just said."

He took a moment to swallow everything down his throat he repeated himself. "Word came in saying he will be at the dock."

Matilda took a long sigh. "Well, I want him or his body back tonight. Do you understand?"

He nodded and continued with his breakfast. After they were done, Matilda followed them out to the front porch as they made haste with their preparation to leave this morning. Matilda had suggested Cale to take Danielle with him to the dock this morning to continue their search of Artty. Hopefully with a little bit of fresh air her mood will improve.

As Danielle was mounting the mare, Matilda reached out to the servants nearby holding a white wrapped object. She offered it to Danielle, who looks back at her with questions written all over her face.

"Something for the road in case you get hungry."

"Thank you." The finest words she ever said these few days.

With Cale mounting up behind Danielle, he bid farewell and guided the horse to the direction of the dock. After they left, Matilda went back in where she would go about her day but a sharp shrill coming from upstair had her racing up the stairs to where the scream came from. She sees two maids huddling together outside Damon's room.

"What's the matter?" She asked.

One of the girl with shaky hands pointed into the room. "Ther... There.... blood on the bed."

As the girl was comforted by her companion, Matilda sent them both off. Once they were out of sight, she entered the room herself closing the door behind her. She eyed the mattress of the bed where the truth to what the girl cried about was evident. The sheets of the bed had been yanked free and tossed in the fireplace in the room as she saw a piece of unburnt white fabric among the charcoal.

Her eyes dart back to the bed where she recognize a clothing article belonging to Danielle found on the bedpost. It was obvious now what had happened. That poor girl must have been devastated having no one to confide in. She would pray Danielle would not do anything silly, not at least she sought her justice. Damon was going to get a good tongue lash from her when he returns.


The sight and sound coming from the dock brought some comfort to Danielle. Not that she dislike Cale but after the incident between her and Damon she wanted to distance herself from male in particular. It was not fair to him as he was innocent but she couldn't make an exception even if she wanted to.

So, after finding a spot to tie the horse to, Cale dismount first before helping Danielle.

"Alright, time to get down to busy." He said adjusting her tricorn hat. "I will moving around like a merchant man."

"I will go by the store at the dock like a tourist." She initiated.

"A what?"

"A tour... I mean traveller."

"Matilda wouldn't want you out of my sight you know that."

"Too late for that now." She started making her way out from behind the horse.

Cale had no choice but started assuming his role since the crowd had seen his face. He will just have to make sure she was well within his sight. At the same time look out for his Captain.

It felt a relieve to be away from Cale, she composed herself before creating small chats with the people gathered at the dock to sell their goods. She had not hoped much out from them but really little could be learnt from them. This is much harder than it looks. Just sneaking up on the ship would make the situation a whole lot more easily. Don't you give up now woman, Artty is in this mess because of you. She sighed and continue her small talk around for a bit more before she went under the shade for some shelter from the sun.

As she fanned herself she notices someone familiar from the corner of her eyes. Godly Poseidon!

She let out a held in breath and turned to look back at Damon with a woman in his arm. Bastard! How dare he flirt with a woman and forget all about Artty! She clenched her fist as she look at him one last time before she turned away and crash into someone.

"What the...!" She bite her tongue.

The man double her size look down at the spilled ale on his shirt and growled.

"You brat, you are going to pay for this!"

"Sorry sire, I haven't any money on me. Beside aren't you the one who crashed into me in the first place?!" Danielle squared her shoulder. Finally someone for her to vent out all her frustration that contained inside her.

"Are you saying this my fault?"

"Damn right you are. Now move along to the laundromat if you don't want that pretty white shirt of yours stained forever." Danielle turned her back on him figuring it wouldn't be good to draw too much attention to herself, that Captain who held her captive might just be nearby eyeing her.

"Not so fast you brat." He caught her shoulder. Momentarily her instincts of fear override her.

"You will pay for this shirt with your life or money."

She slapped him in the face and he was quick to retaliate by punching her midriff where she doubled over in pain. She was expected another roar of attack but instead she heard him groan as she dropped to her knee and looking up to see what had happened. Danielle stiffened.

"Out of my way!" The man roared as he charged to throw a punch at Damon which he deflect effortlessly and retaliated with a punch up his jaw knocking him on his back. Damon then reached down to grab her wrist and made for a dash.

At a safe distance, they stopped to catch their breath.

"What in the barnacles are you doing here?"

"I am looking for Artty that's what! If you have time to fool around with a woman why don't you help out?"

"And I presume you were going to help out by getting yourself into trouble? Hard work indeed."

"And I suppose spending time with a woman is more productive? Or is she just another woman for you to ruin?"

"At least she is more of a woman than you ever will be."

That does it! Danielle slapped him in the face as color rose to her cheeks. How dare he, after taking her innocence he had the cheek to insult her.

"I had enough of you bastard, my whole entire life is ruined because of you. Have you no self-conscious of what is it you have stolen from me?"

"What has been done is already done. What do you want me to do? Apologize? Sure, Sorry! Are you happy now?"

"You are unbelievable!" She kneed him in the groin before running away.

"Wretch!" He fell on his knees cursing.

"Captain urgent news!"

Damon slowly stood on his feet again looking at Cale running like he was being chased.

"What happened to you?"

"Out with it, what is urgent?"

"I just got word the Sage will be leaving in two days."

He cursed inwardly. "I will go to Lousie, I might have a plan."

He started to stagger off, but Cale caught his arm. "Matilda wants you home tonight."

He sighed.

"By the way, have you seen Danny?"