Chapter 13: Brothel Adventure

Danielle stormed off ignoring the continuous curse that came from Damon. She had enough with that brute she would so love to run a knife through his heart when he's asleep but no she couldn't cause she needed his bloody ship to take her out to sea once she rescue Artty. Sheer dumb luck.

Storming into the horse stable where she and Cale bid farewell earlier, she saw no sign of him. Tired and hot from the heat, she sat with the horse in the stall and waited patiently for his return. She waited and waited until the sun was almost down and there was still no sight of Cale. Did he also abandon her with the horse?

"Seriously!" She flop herself over the horse's as it seated on the ground with her the entire time.

"How long ye will be gone?"

"Four at most Five. Keep a good watch."

"Aye, no longer than Five."

Danielle lifted her head, that voice, sounded vaguely familiar. She waited in silence waiting for the voice and footsteps to recede before crawling on fours to peek out from the stall to see who did it belonged to. Just a side glimpse of his face she immediately recognized who it was, one of the crew that kept her and Artty in captive! In Poseidon's name, luck just fell on her side. It was not such an unproductive day after all.

However, she was torn between following the man and staying behind to wait for Cale but she wasn't sure if he was ever coming back so she ruled that out gave a chase to the man, trailing him at a safe distance.

They had walked a long distance before the man finally seems to be taking a stop at a house to which he knocks and turned around to look at his surrounding. She slide back to cover waiting for a moment before peeking out again and this time the door had opened, greeting him was a woman about the age of twenty-ish leaning against one side of the door frame in only her corset and undershift. Barnacles! To much inform she thought but did not give it much thought only cursing when she sees the woman coiling her arm around him and disappearing behind the door.

"Damn it!" Danielle stormed her feet.

She had thought there was no way for her to enter until she heard a group of drunkard walking down the streets and the few girls standing around the streets by a roll of houses, sniggering and laughing trying to get their attention. Lured to their calling like mermaids luring a sailor to their death they followed the girls into the house. Danielle joined the drunkard and entered among them.

Danielle choked the moment she entered, the smell of perfume floating in the air was just overbearing. She covered her nose and tried to make out her way around the dimly lit this house. Maybe she had entered some sort of nightclub gathering that from the laughing, giggles and clanking of glass from the background. Squeezing her way around to find the man, she noticed a man behind a sheer curtain burying his head in - Poseidon barnacles! She looked away to find another horrific scene of another girl bouncing on a man's lap yelling out in pleasure! Oh my Poseidon!

"Hey there." Danielle turned around still in shock to see a girl about her height approached her with every intention of pouring out her bosom as she squeezes herself up close to Danielle.

"Looking for someone in particular? Or can I offer my service?" She winked at her.

"Erhm....." She clear her throat to deepen her voice a little and maintain composure. A quick glance in the room she saw the man she was looking for hiking up the stairs at the far end of the hall.

"I am here on duty with that man."

She pointed to the man that had already disappeared up the steps. Even after she said that the girl did not let her go she had no choice but to play along to get herself out of here.

Snaking one arm around the girl's waist closer, she planted a kiss on her cheek and to her neck. That quickly earned her a reputation of cheer of wooo and awww from her action and a series of groaning and screaming from her surrounding which she had not notice the attention.

"Now, if you excuse me ma cherie, I must be on my way." She let her go and tip her tricorn hat at her learning yet another round of scream.

"You are free to come back here once you are done monsieur."

Danielle winked at the girl and went after the man. Or rather she was relieved to be away though the fact still remains that she was still in a fishing brothel! Calm down Danielle you can do this.

The corridor on the second floor was much narrower than the lower. Since it was that narrow, it was harder for her to follow him without being noticed. Her cue to appear from behind the alcove wall was when he entered one of the room. Stealthy, she entered the room beside it and plaster herself against the wall to see if she could pick up anything through the wall.

"Has he cough up anything?"

"Ain't naughting at all."

Then there was a lot slam on the table. "Chuck his dinner in the trash, let's see how long he lasts."

Danielle had to cover her mouth in time before a gasp escape through her lips. Oh, poor Artty she need to get him off the ship fast before they kill him. She reached for a glass cup on the bed beside the bed and placed it on the wall for better hear and blimey, it works like magic just like in the movies. As she bite her thumb and tried to make out what they were laughing at, she realized a shadow towered over her.

"Are you whom they sent to keep me accompany for the night?"

The glass slipped from her hands and smash on the ground. She stood up to face the man looking in his forty with a beer belly, his featured kind of reminding her of some fatty lord she imagined back at the manor. His eye scrutinizing her from head to toe like she wear a piece of meat. Please can't tell that I am in a disguised, she prayed in her heart.

"No sir, I believe it is not I who will be offering you this service," then shattered glass crunch below her feet as she shifted her footing.

"In fact, I have been sent to check on the wall which seems to be a little..."

"A little?"

"A little rotten in the inside. And also, it seems the wall are not exactly soundproof, and the Madame here have received multiple complains about it and sent for me to check it out. Now if you excused me, I believe your companion for the evening will be in shortly."

Danielle tip her tricorn hat and took quick stride towards the door. She managed to open it a jar before it was slam shut with a palm resting flat on the door.

"Strange, I was not informed of such service during my stay here."

"Well, I apologize for the short notice and my intrusion. The Madame is still awaiting my report."

Her hand reached for the knob, but the man spun her around by her shoulder to face him only then did Danielle realized he reeked to beer..

"It did not seem like you were checking the wall," he jerked his head the direction where he found her. "Mayhaps, you were eavesdropping?"

The smirked on his face instantly instill fear in her. She opened her mouth to scream but it came out muffled as he was quick to cover her mouth.

"Uh ah, no screaming for help. If you do, I would march over and inform them of your little act."

Danielle shook her head violently allowing her tears to roll down in fear.

"No? Perhaps you have something else you would like to offer in exchange?" Dragging her away from the door, he swings her on the bed.

"Boy oh boy, what a lovely surprise!" He was staring at her hair spilling out from underneath her tricorn hat.

"Let me go, I am not the one you seek." Danielle struggled as he climbed on top of her resting his beer belly on her.

"Why make things so difficult just lie back and spread your legs for me."

Reaching for a pillow behind her, she rams it up his face until he fell back knocking his head on the bedpost. Danielle scrambled off the bed thinking she had a chance to escape but he caught her ankle causing her to spat face down on the ground. This time he rested his whole weight on her legs, giving her no mercy he rips her shirt apart down to her midriff.

"Help! Somebody!"

"Scream as much as you like but you do know that you are in a place where nobody will come to your rescue no matter how loud you scream. So, do yourself a favor and shut it or I will do it for you!"

Danielle spat in his face.

"That does it, you bloody wretch!" The man growled and wrapped his hand tightly around her neck.

"Let's see you beg for your life now!" He yelled tightening his grip even more. "Go on scream, scream!"

Danielle vision was starting to blur from both tears welling in her eyes and the lack of oxygen flowing to her lungs. She never thought this was how she would die, but what a better way to do so, to rid her of having to deal with the shame of being violated twice.

Wait, who is that? In her misty vision, someone had come to her rescue, a woman?