Chapter 14: Lost & Found

"Mistress, they have returned." One of the servants reported to Matilda who was supervising in the kitchen.

"Finally." She exclaimed whilst shoving the wooden spoon in her hand to the servant closest to her as she storms out there to seek the dead man.

"Glad to see you finally return home Damon." Matilda resisted the urge to throttle him this very instant.

"It's only been two days." Damon replied shrugging out of his coat to the butler before making his way to the dining room in search for a drink. Cale followed behind him.

Matilda stared at the door for a moment before realizing that the last person wasn't going to walk through the door.

"Where's Danielle?" She followed them.

She expected Damon to reply that, but it was Cale who looked at her dumbfound.

"What do you mean? Isn't she back yet?"

"Why would she be back before you two? She left with you on o-n-e horse."

Cale stiffened and turned to his Captain with a questioning look.


Downing his last mouthful of rum, he replied "Then, she probably hasn't got over it yet so let's just assume she is staying at an inn for the night."

"Staying at an inn?" Matilda repeated to herself while Damon walked out of the room. "Damon!"

He pretended not to hear her and continue his way up the steps to his room. She followed him and so did Cale.

"Matilda, I don't think it is a good idea to confront him right now, think they had another argument." He tried to stop her but should have known better that he was the next to be fried.

"You too left her alone?"

Cale stood uncomfortably feeling her unseen fury warf building up.

"Y-Yes" He hesitated.

"Oh, for the love of Zeus!" Matilda cried a stream of long curses and pointed at the door.

"Go bring her back, I need to speak with Damon."

"But I..."

Her glare was enough to tell him that if he wanted to live he will do well to shut this mouth and do as she say. He nodded and left. She took a deep breath and entered Damon's room where he was seen standing at his desk with arms pressing his weight on it and head inclined.

"A poor servant girl was shocked to her wits when she saw blood stains on your bed this morning. Explain yourself."

Damon opened his eyes with head still inclined, cursing under his breath.

"What is there to explain about the anatomy of a human being?

Matilda's jaw drops as though it would reach the ground. "I brought her back to be under our protection not for you to satisfy your urges you fool!"

"I believe what I do in my bedroom is no concern of your nanna."

"Oh right, and I am sure your mother will be so pleased with your action as she watches you from above."

That was it, he lost it. The mentioned of his mother, no he could not fight it, not with nanna. His heritage would put his action to shame. That was why he couldn't bear to be in the house for the last two days as he was ridden with guilt of his actions.

"You bear the responsibility of your action Damon. Don't forget what I told you about the girl before."

"What about the things you did not tell me."

"We've talked about this numerous time and you know why I can't say."

"You choose to protect her identity over me risking my life for someone we barely even know."

"For a good cause."

"My Lord," a butler rattle the door with a knock, "a lady outside wishes to speak with you."

"Send her off, he is grounded at the moment."

"She insists its important."

"We are not finished young man." She slammed the door behind her.

Matilda furrowed her eyebrow and decided to make an acquaintance with this lady instead. And so, she followed the butler to the front door where she was greeted by a person dressed black in hood like a shadow of a person.

"Can I help you?"

She turns around and was equally surprised as Matilda was. Not quite expecting someone else besides Damon, she thought she best introduced herself.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Louise a friend of Damon. Is Damon not in?"

"What business do you have with him?"

"He left something of value in town and I was hoping to get him to come collect it. However, if he is not in then please leave a message that I dropped by." Dipping into a short curtsy she prepared to bid her farewell as she pulled the hood over her head.

"Hold it." Matilda stopped her in her tracks. "I am Damon's nanny and I believe I have the right to collect what is it he has left behind on his behalf."

She let out a soft laugh, "I am afraid there is some restriction at the place and I cannot allow you to go."

"Pardon my directness but are you one of 'em lady from Porthel?"

She just gave smirked from under the hood to Matilda's dismay.

Turning over her shoulders, she had the butler call for Damon while she remain lock eyes with the lady before her.

"May I enquire to what exactly is this valuable?"

"I believe Damon has the answer for you." Swiftly, she mounts her mare to wait and also a sign she will not take anymore questions.


Damon walked briskly down to the vestibule after having been called. A lady. He wasn't sure but had a guess in mind who it might be though he did not expect her to march up to his house so openly. How daring of her he thought to himself but then again, if she did come here alone it really must be important.

"Damon." She addressed him with a bow on her horse when he appeared at the front door.

Her gaze melting Matilda's stare that was searing his flesh from the side. He headed straight for his horse that his broom had brought out for him. Mounting it, he gave Matilda an assuring look and promise to be back before taking off with Louise. Both riding off for a long distance in silence before they eventually slowed their speed and Damon realizes they weren't headed for the town at all.

"So, who's the femme fatale?" Louise broke the silence.

"Did you call me out to ask me that?"

"Of course not." She laughed softly. "I come to return what belongs to you and also to remind you to keep your property in check, if it is tarnish at any cost I will bear no responsibility."

"What are you talking about?"

"You will see soon."

Damon couldn't see but could imagine the smirked she had under her hood, teasing him as she also has. It was still a long ride before a lake came in sight and Louise pulled her rein halting the horse in his step. She dismount first followed by Damon. They ventured through tall bushes across thick tree root before reaching a makeshift hut.

"Ready?" She teasingly asked him again when she slide her hood backwards. He just gave a wary look when she pushed the door opened and waited for him to enter. Inside, he was greeting by a servant girl he had seen from Porthel. As she rises from her short curtsy, his eyes spotted a oddly shaped rolled up rug half leaning against something behind her.

The girl moved aside allowing him the full view of the rug. Upon Louise's urge, he pulled open the rug revealing Danielle inside. Her hair cascading down her left shoulder even and shirt that looked like it has been forcefully ripped open.

"Wh... What happened?" Damon asked Louise whilst examining the red mark on her neck.

"Your little damsel landed herself in one of my guest's room this evening. Haven't I heard her screaming, she would have been killed or tarnish."

"What on earth was she thinking." He meant it more as a statement than a question. Gently he scoop her up in his arm and walked out of the hut with Louise trailing behind.

"She must have followed the people you are looking for into my place. Why she ended up in the room with a guest of mine, you will have to ask her that yourself." Louise held on to the unconscious girl while Damon mounted his mare and reached for the limpless girl's body. Then he look down at Louise.

"Thank you. I do hope no damage was done to Prothel reputation?"

Louise laughed and reach up to pulled Danielle's tattered top together blocking the view of her half exposed chest from Damon's view.

"Shed your concern on the damsel she needs it more than my reputation."

Damon look down at her resting peacefully against him. She has quite a soft look on her face when she sleeps but how on earth does she conjure up so much anger on her face each time she sees him. He sighed.

"Think you found your resolve, I shall leave you then." She curtsy to him. "Till we meet again."
