
-: Chapter 3 :-

1 Corinthians 12:4-26

"For in fact, the body is not one member but many."

The floor of the bramble bush was blanked in brittle moss, the usual sponginess was gone and the deep green a now sickly pale beige. The air was strangely dry and odourless the moss which crumbled underfoot puffing up clouds of dust which scratched the back of the throat. The brambles' vines reached all around the small party, thick trunks giving off thousands of smaller limbs. Only small pathways were easily traversable through the brambles, Joshua had first thought they could be pathways made by some of the native creatures, but the lack of spoor's quickly removed that idea from his mind. There had been dozens of them winding every which way, John had chosen at random and set off. The brush was completely silent, save for the heavy footsteps of the men pushing through it.

"I don't know how the bloody hell we are supposed to see in this, let alone shoot anything! This was a crap idea John." One of the older lads said, Joshua had never really cared to remember his name.

"Holy shit Si, stop whining."

"I'm not whining! I'm just pointing out the obvious mate... there ain't nothing here!"

"You're fucking classic aren't yah? Ten minutes in and you wanna quit, no wonder you can't hold a woman down."

Low blow Joshua thought to himself, though Simon wasn't wrong. Before entering the brush he had speculated that perhaps when the bramble-bushes had grown to a certain size they stopped moving. That speculation didn't explain the porcelain like moss underneath his foot, each step puncturing craters into the otherwise pristine grey moss blanket. He took out a small plastic bag from his jacket and scooped up some of the crumbled Moss, he would run some analysis through it later. Shrugging his rifle he readjusted the straps and looked around, weird place.

The morning light sent streamers sporadically through the Bramble canopy overhead, despite the peaceful light the Brambles silence pressed on the party. Simons outburst was the first word spoken since the initial good-humoured banter died off, from when they had first entered.

There are no natural predators Joshua reminded himself, his nerves feeling a little on edge. Joshua closed his eyes and took a deep breath to try and settle his nerves, but instead got a lung full of dried-moss dust kicked up by the Sheriff in front. His whole body heaved a fit of violent coughing, his eyes watering he looked up to the see the impartial face of the sheriff looking down at him.

"Are you quite done, Doctor Dryden?"

"I'm-", more coughing, "fine, just need to-" Joshua unhooked a canteen from his belt and took a deep swig before spluttering it up. "That was... absolutely awful".

"What's going on back here?" John pushed his way through the line of men.

"I'm fine, just breathed in some moss... dust."

"Mr. Hunt", The Sheriff turned his gaze onto the tall lad, "Perhaps you should consider turning back, we have yet to catch sight of any creature big or small. Very unusual for this world, wouldn't you say?"

"Eh, we ain't far in yet, there's got to be something in here, the bloody thing is huge and all the other Brambles has 'em." John turned to Joshua "You good mate?"

"Never better," Joshua said with a rasp.

"Well, let's keep on then!" John slapped Joshua on the back which prompted more coughing before pushing his way back to the front.

What an asshole.

They marched on through the ever silent Brambles. Joshua began noticing a pattern in the vegetation around them, where the Brambles grew thick so did the Moss. The Moss formed embankments around long mounds of Brambles which coiled around themselves in a tight lattice, akin to the old-earth Ivy that strangled great trees. Surrounding these tumps the bush gave way slightly, the area opening up.

It was near several of these tumps that John called a halt to the party, they had been walking for well over half an hour and had seen no sign of the Bramble apes they hunted.

"I told you, ain't nothin' here," Simon said loudly.

John turned on him, spilling insults.

Joshua unslung his rifle, his shoulders were unused to carrying the heavy firearm and had grown sore. He leaned the rifle against a nearby vine that had dark green skin dotted with tiny yellow spots. Working his shoulder he caught the eye of the Sheriff who walked over to him.

"What do you think?" He had to raise his voice slightly, so he could be heard over the din from the two arguing men.

"I'm not sure Doctor, it is odd that a planet so fruitful would have dry spots like this."

"Perhaps this is just what happens after a while. The Brambles grow old and stop moving, the apes move out and the moss dies." Joshua didn't quite believe it, but what else was there?

"Hmm," the frown cast shadows over his eyes, "I think its time to abandon this hunt, you can return at a later date. With at least two others, not including David Lawson".

Those damn eyes.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME, ALRIGHT", the sounds of the row becoming heated pierced their conversation.

"WHAT YAH GUNN-" John's retort was cut short as the stocky man launched himself, fist flailing, towards him. The men went down in a cloud of dust as they landed heavily against one of the moss embarkments. In an instant the two were pulled apart, each man spluttering and coughing, by their peers.

Joshua frowned as the beige dust settled, the dried moss had slewed off the embarkment to fill where they had landed, revealing a section of pure white.


The Sheriff strode up to the two scuffed men, back straight as an arrow. "I was wrong to allow you the privilege of a party Mr. Hunt." His voice was cold iron, reaching down he picked up the fallen rifles. "I don't expect a word from either of you".

Ignoring them Joshua approached the tump. What in the world is that? It was completely unblemished, hesitating for just a moment Joshua reached out. Smooth, cold and hard. Brushing Moss away he unveiled more. The Sheriff had ceased his lecture, voice dropping away. Joshua stood dumbfounded, his mind not understanding the stimuli from his hands' and eyes'. In front of the small party of men, was a wall of pure white with a single carving etched into its smooth surface.


"It isn't V'vorian script and from what we know of the Kal it doesn't match their glyphs either," Adam mumbled under his breath.

The Sheriff had frog marched the entire party into Adams office upon returning to the Colony, confiscating all of their PDG's while In the Bramble. They were effectively under information quarantine until further notice. "Right, well, I'd better inform... someone". Adam scratched the side of his head, "I think, Minister Stone and the Prime minister would be the correct channel... Paul, get IT in here, we can't very well take everyone's PDG's can we?"

New life, new intelligent life, I'll be famous! Just wait until I tell Anne about this one! Joshua could hardly contain himself, "Mr. Lanston, this is an incredible discovery, let me send news of it to the university!"

"I'm sorry Doctor Dryden but I must inform the government first, we have no idea how old those structures are or if they are dangerous. Whoever built those structures were I assume, nonnative creatures of sentience. My first concern is for this colony, you may lead investigations after we go through the proper channels". There was no excitement in his voice, in fact, it sounded almost resigned!

Such a strange man Joshua mused to himself, they had just made the discovery of a lifetime and he was glum of all things. insane.

"So uh, what do we do now?" Asked John, his right eye was jammed shut, swelling puffing the skin.

"You won't need to do anything, Mr.Hunt, you will all stay here until I get IT to block outgoing communications from all but a select few PDGs, then you may go home."

Joshua frowned, I wonder what happened, for them just up and leave. It was pointless to dwell on that, they could have left for any number of reasons... war, famine, disease. He would have to set up a research team, perhaps request funding and personnel from the university. A dull headache had slowly started to set into the back of his mind, he hadn't had his afternoon coffee yet, symptoms of my caffeine addiction creeping in, Anne would laugh at that. Behind him, one of the lads from the hunt coughed chestily.


"Aliens Josh!" David's excitement was palpable, the lad was practically quivering with eager energy. "What are you going to call them? Where do you think they went? Do you think they will come back?"

"Whoa. Slow down, lad. The Gardeners for now and as for the other two, no idea! Though I highly doubt they were here recently."

"Why The Gardeners? Why not something cool like..." David's mouth twisted "The Kra...shnesan".

Laughing Joshua said "Because the poet in me couldn't resist it" He had hardly been back an hour before David had come knocking at his door, begging to be told all about the hunt and if he got one. Joshua figured the whole colony would find out sooner or later so may as well tell the lad.

David was as animated as Joshua felt, a real discovery that would make its way to the galactic media. This would make his career. "Its only a place holder name anyway, once we can get a good look at what has been left behind we might be able to to get a better picture of them and what happened!"

"Can I see it again?"

"Sure." In front of them, the pure white wall with the carving appeared. The hieroglyph was shaped like a Latin S but continued down to where the glyph started.

"whoah, what do you think it means?"

"Honestly, it could be anything... for all, we know it could be a symbol for, watch your step."

Two sharp knocks sounded, the door opening before Joshua could call welcome. Mary Lawson stepped through, she was a small woman, but fierce.

"David get your coat, your father is waiting. I need to get dinner on. I won't have us eating late". She turned and stared at Joshua who was still rising from his chair. "You missed your checkup."

"Uhh, I-"

"I assume you think you know best, typical men."

"No, Mrs. Laws-

"Well I won't be having it, if you are to tutoring David you need to make sure you are healthy. Have your headaches receded?"

"They are just from the caff-"

"See me tomorrow morning I have a slot free, David come now, don't dawdle"

"Bye Josh," David said abashedly as he was ushered out.

Mary shot Joshua a final look before leaving the room, her voice softened, "Please don't miss this one Joshua".

Blimey. Joshua stood just out of his seat dumfounded, the woman was like a hurricane... a force of nature.


A notification popped up on the display. Email - Anne C. Huh, so we could still receive information. He thought with a smile as he settled in to read her response.