
: Chapter 4 :-

Acts 20:28

"Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock"

"The last thing I want is the damn military crawling all over Arcadia Beth, you know that. But what else can I do?" Things were going from bad to worse for Adam, a week had passed since the hunting party had returned with their news. A Victoria class battleship - Ilex had appeared in orbit in the middle of the night and was fast approaching Arcadia's orbit. "I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated, Ted Andrews from Hydroponics is complaining about root-weeds in the farms, Mary Lawson is getting at me about restocking the medical supplies and this whole alien thing is getting to me."

"I know love, I'm sure they will keep to themselves. They will be far more interested in the buildings than interfering with what you are trying to do here."

"You say that, but I've heard what bored Marines can be like, I don't want them causing trouble for our people!"

Beth moved over to where Adam was slumped and placed her hand on his, "they are still a few days off, you should contact whoever is in charge of that ship and set some ground rules." She smiled happily to her self and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure they will see reason".

I have, he thought to himself, Ship-Master Jones wasn't a man Adam could just order about. He had asked about setting ground rules and had received a quick denial. The men and women aboard Ilex have been promised ground leave, they will be rotated fifty at a time to minimise disruption to your settlement. Ship-Master Jones carried a recent reputation for excellence, having won a convincing victory in a boarder skirmish against the Commonwealth of Northern African States. Indomitable the media had called him, just what I need.

Ship-Master Jones stood with his back to the small assembly, broad in his red uniform he contemplated what Joshua had just said. The man wasn't what Joshua expected, the media had painted the man to be sword brandishing hero, not this quiet thoughtful man.

"Doctor Dryden I am happy for you to lead the investigation into The Gardeners, you may have full access to the Victorias lab's and computers. I expect daily reports on your investigation, delivered to the Victoria's head technician." Still not turning to face them he said, "Mr. Lanston, the ground contingent will setup outside the Bramble that houses the ruins. Those on ground leave will be situated there, but will be given full access to the colony as we previously discussed".

"Thank you Ship-Master." Joshua said breathing a sigh of relief, he had been worried sick that Jones would appoint one of his own technicians to lead the investigation. "When can I get started?"

Turning to face Joshua he said, "Today". Everything the man said seemed to be slowly considered. "The Victoria's head technician is currently with the marines setting up the site base, they are expecting you there once we are finished here". He stopped to consider the room, "Engineers onboard The Victoria will be making landfall this evening, they will have access to the colony's communication array. They shall be redirecting all communications through The Victoria, she will scan the transmissions for mention of this discovery. Until we have ascertained the full picture of what happened here, it has been decided that it will be classified as a state secret." The room was silent as he spoke, he held gravitas that captured your attention. "The Victoria will be stationed outside of Arcadia's gravitational well as she is still marked under rapid response, every five days she will be brought back into orbit for planetside leave for the troops."

"Right, well yes… very well. Ship-Master would you care for a coffee?" Adam was clearly unsure with how to proceed, Jones commanded respect in way he was unable to replicate. As Adam faffed, Joshua took his leave.

Joshua was beaming by the time he got back to his house, his worries were banished and he couldn't wait to get started. Rushing around he packed all the essentials, if he was going to be the lead researcher he would spend most of his time in the military camp. If I know anything about the military, I won't want their ration packs, he thought as he stuffed a carrier full of Hazzie's instant bacon burgers, "a delicacy," he chuckled to himself.

After stripping his house of all coffee, instant foodstuffs and potentially useful tools, Joshua brought his skimmer into the air and headed south towards the bramble fields and the site of the alien ruins. The day had been warm by Arcadia standards, the air still held the days heat as his Skimmer shot over the Roaming Bramble fields. His shirt flapping in the wind Joshua grinned, excitement welling up in his chest, he left like a child again.

Below him the Roaming Brambles made their inexorable march across the plains, Joshua imagined he could hear the creaks and groans of the vines as they dug into the ground to slowly drag themselves across the moss-laden ground. The Bramble-Apes, all brightly coloured, postured and chirped as they tended to their moving home. In the wake of their perpetual journey, the churned earth showed the white lattice of the weed roots that infested the soil.

A thunderous roar sounded over the drone of his engines, as above him a transporter crashed through Arcadia's atmosphere. The great hulking ship streaked through the sky above, it's conventional rockets shrieked as it forced the piece of plasta-steel to slow its descent to a controlled lumber. The sound tore Joshua from his reverie, bringing him back from his absent musing's, he tracked the Transporter as it laboured through the evening air. The setting sun slowly brought a burgundy blanket over the land and sky, the Transporter was a black blot making it easy to follow, it would land as Joshua arrived.

Joshua's PDG buzzed as the camp came into view, answering the call, a strongly accented voice came through.

"Civilian Skimmer, landing area is on the East side of camp, lit by white beacon lights. Camp personal will meet you there, over."

Right o, Joshua thought, he wondered how much free reign he would get in the camp.

The Transporter had beat him to the camp by a few minutes and was being unloaded by various industrial machines. The ship was long, fat and very ugly. Joshua assumed it had brought down more vehicles, prefab buildings and lab equipment. On its side the word Jessie was painted in a faded yellow, the writing was pocketed from the harsh void of space and extreme temperatures of atmospheric penetration.

Making his way to the east side of the camp, a brightly lit square came into view, on it a single person waited. Joshua gently set his Skimmer down on the near edge of the landing square and jumped out. Ahead of him, a young woman strode forward with a toothy grin, hand extended towards him.

"Joshua, right? I'm Phoebe, though you can call me Phebes. I'

m the head Technician on Victoria! Can I call you Josh? Though I suppose I should call you Sir, right?"

Shaking her hand he was taken back by her zest. Expecting an austere military woman, the technician was anything but.

"Nice to meet you, uh, Phebes." Joshua stood there for a second, gathering his wits. "No it's okay, Josh is fine".

Bubbling, Phoebe gestured towards the camp, "Come, I'll introduce you to the team. We can't wait to get stuck in, we have all read your reports, but it would be good to get some ground knowledge from the man himself!".

"Sure, I mean, I don't know all that much yet… Um, what about my stuff?" Joshua asked, gesturing back towards his Skimmer.

"Oh it's fine, some of the loading crew will transport it to the lab. Say, you didn't bring any Coffee, did you? The stuff they serve on the Victoria…" She scrunched her nose in mock imitation of disgust.

"Sure, I brought some of-"

"Sweet! The guys will love you for that, got some late nights ahead so I hope you brought enough!"

The camp was a hive of activity, prefab structures were being constructed in a concentric pattern by men and women in military drab. The outer ring where Joshua had set his Skimmer down had towers and barriers being erected.

Traditional military paranoia, Joshua thought as he followed Phoebe. She strode through the camp with a sense of purpose, ducking past construction vehicles and weaving through groups of joking marines. Looking back towards him she said with a smile, "Not much further".

The Lab turned out to be nothing more than a grey squat square of a building with a small side extension.

"Home sweet home," Phoebe said with a wry smile as they walked up to the unadorned building.

"Wait, is this the lab or were we sleep?"

"Both!" She said, pointing to the small extension, "Bunks are there, the rest is the lab." Opening the door she strode in, Joshua following close behind. Inside, the room was cramped, the space having been crammed full of computers, scanning equipment and tools. Three people sat on a small fold-up table playing cards, a small pile of coins in front of each of them.

"Alright, Phebes," said one, nodding to Phoebe before pointing with his cards, "This our esteemed leader and Doctor I take it?".

"Sure is Alan," she said.

Joshua examined the man, slightly portly he looked to be in his early fifties. Joshua gave a small wave to the trio, "Hi and yes, you can call me Josh. I look forward to working with you all." Joshua moved to the table and extended his hand towards Alan, "Nice to meet you". The man's hand engulfed his own in a suffocating grip.

"We'll see," he said eyes narrowing under bushy eyebrows, before giving a hearty guffaw and letting his hand go to slap Joshua hard on the shoulder.

Not looking up from his card's another man spoke up as be pushed some coins into the middle of the table, "I'll raise you two credits".

"Don't mind Alan. I'm Helen, nice to meet you." She proffered an olive-skinned hand towards him giving him a small smile.

"I'm just having a bit of fun," Alan said, before sitting back down. "I don't believe you have bugger all, I'll see you." Alan's meaty hands pushed some more coinage into the growing pile of credits.

"Full house", the second man said displaying his hand on the table.

"You piece of shit," Alan said with another belching laugh. "To hell with me if I play with you again".

"Alan you always say that," Phoebe said.

"Well brand me a liar and strike me down!" Alan replied still laughing. "Not got anything better to spend the poxy money on, may as well lose it in company!"

Helen shook her head in dismay, "this is Jed by the way" gesturing towards the man who was busy scooping up the small pile. He looked up at his mention and nodded towards Joshua before miserly going back to his winning's.

"So, The Gardeners eh?" Said Alan looking up at Joshua.

"Just a nickname till we get a better idea of them."

"Names have a habit of catching on son," Alan replied while stretching back on his chair.

"Oh hush Alan", Phoebe said, "Come, Josh, I'll show you where our quarters are." She motioned him to follow "You're from Spero aren't you?"

"Sure am, the accent?"

"Plain as day, seen some pictures of the place, its beautiful. I'm from Cerberus myself, hot as hell", she said with a wink. "Here, you boys get this room." The room was tiny, with three immaculately made cots crammed in together,aluminumm chests were placed at the bottom of the beds for personal storage.

"What luxury" Joshua said.

"Why else do you think people join the Military, certainly not for the food. You can get situated later when your stuff gets here, for now … you any good at Poker?"

"I can hold my own."