Hunt for the Stars [Part 2]

Little John narrowed his eyes. He suspected as much, but hearing the answer from Shin Seiji gave validation to his guess. Breathing out a sigh, he glanced at Kei who was still sleeping on Shino's lap.

'He's not gonna like this news when he wakes up.' Little John then fixed his gaze at the owner of the Auction House.

"Very well, how you are going to compensate me?"

Shin Seiji smiled in relief. Since the man in front of him was asking for compensation, he had no doubt in his mind that this misunderstanding could reach a peaceful conclusion. He respectfully returned the artifact using both hands and a slight bow to Little John as a sign of good will.

Little John accepted it and gave it a twirl. The fan returned to its snowflake form and disappeared inside his storage ring. He watched as Shin Seiji returned to his seat and waited for the negotiations to start.

"Will you settle for gold coins?" Shin Seiji asked. "Or perhaps you are looking for something specific?"

Little John crossed his arms in front of his chest and thought for a while. Kei was unable to use his powers right now, so a weapon that he could use to protect himself would be the best option.

"Do you have any weapons or artifacts that is imbued by the power of Lightning?"

"Weapon imbued with lightning?" Shin Seiji closed his eyes to check the inventory in his auction house. He knew that this person in front of him was related to the Overlord of the West in one way or the another, so a weapon imbued with lightning was a fitting choice in order to reconcile.

"There is indeed a weapon in my collection that fits your description," Shin Seiji said. "However, it is only a replica. By any chance, are you familiar with the spear named [Scadrez]?"

Little John gasped in surprise. He knew of the name and knew it very well. It was a weapon that Kei had greatly admired and secretly sought out using his spies in Sparta. According to the ancient records, the spear disappeared along with the Lightning Emperor after he passed the throne to his crown prince.

Some say that he went to the Forbidden Areas in order to search for the path to immortality. Others, said that the Gods greatly admired his prowess and took him as one of their retainers. There were many variations of the tale, but all of them agreed in one point.

The Lightning Emperor and his fabled spear were never seen again in the face of the continent after stepping down from his rule.

"Are you talking about "that" [Scadrez]? The spear that belonged to the first Emperor of Sparta?" Little John asked in a serious tone. "The spear that the Lightning Emperor wielded in order to make the the kingdoms in the central part of the continent submit to him?"

"Yes. The spear of victory, the legendary spear of Sparta [Scadrez]." Shin Seiji nodded. "I am in possession of its replica. Mind you, even though this is only a replica it is said to possess a third of the original's power."

"A third of the original's power?"

"Yes. It was a spear that was forged by the Lightning Emperor himself and gave to the Temple of Azalea for safekeeping."

Little John frowned. If the spear was given to the Temple of the Goddess Azalea for safekeeping then why is it in the Auction of the Stars?

"I know what you're thinking, but that is not the case," Shin Seiji cut him off because the expression on Little John's face was not becoming desirable. "Five years ago, the High Priestess of the temple visited me. She told me to keep this weapon safe and give it to the first person who will ask for it."

Shin Seiji gave a bitter laugh, "Who would have thought that the one who would ask for the replica is someone related to the Child of Thunder? Don't you think that this is too convenient for a mere coincidence?"

Little John had no choice but to nod his head in acknowledgement. If this was just a coincidence then it was too good to be true. A weapon that his best friend sought out for years had conveniently landed in his hand. Even though it was just a replica, its power cannot be underestimated. More so because it was crafted by the Lightning Emperor himself.

"The game of the Gods is not something mere mortals can understand," Shin Seiji said with awe and respect. He raised his hand and an ornate box with exquisite carvings appeared in front of him. It was thirteen feet long and Little John could feel a pulse coming from inside it.

Shin Seiji eyed Little John and looked at his reaction. "The High Priestess said that only those who command the power of Lightning can touch it. Anyone else would be burned to a crisp."

Little John smiled and safely stored the replica inside his storage ring. His ring was special because it was personally made by his father, Cronus. It had many enchantments and were able to hold "powerful artifacts" that may cause harm if touched directly.

"I accept this as compensation, but it is not enough," Little John said with a mischievous smile.

"Oh? Not enough?" Shin Seiji almost laughed out loud because of anger when he heard Little John's words. He held it in and his lips narrowed into a thin line. 'I see, so this is your true color. Your just another one of those greedy bastards that think they can take advantage of me.'

Little John chuckled at seeing Shin Seiji's reaction. "Don't worry, I won't ask for anything excessive. All I ask is that you teleport all of us directly inside the City of Freyport. You can do that right?"

Shin Seiji's impression of Little John went up a notch. He thought that he was going to ask for something unreasonable. Teleporting their group inside the city was within his abilities, and he would be more than happy to send them away.

"I can. So our negotiation will be complete after this? No more hard feelings?"

"No more hard feelings."

"Great!" Shin Seiji offered his hand for a handshake.

Little John took his hand and shook it politely. "If there is an opportunity, I'll look for you to auction some of my inventions."

"Gladly! Come visit me anytime."

The two men shared a knowing look. Both of them understood that this partnership is a win-win for the both of them.

"Well then, if you are ready then I'll send all of you to the city," Shin Seiji's lips curled up into a smile. "I guess, the hunters will not be able to claim the grand prize of today's auction."

Little John glanced at his comrades and the girls all nodded their heads in unison.

"We're ready."

"Very well, see you in the next auction!"

Shin Seiji clapped his hands together and a bright glow enveloped everyone in the room. Kei and his party were teleported at the Plaza of the City. They could faintly hear the sound of battle from the outskirts of the City of Freyport.

Little John picked up Kei in a princess carry. "Let's go back to the Inn first, and then… we'll play the fisherman's game."