The Singing Sword [Part 1]

Little John guided everyone to the inn they booked a day before the auction started. They couldn't stay at their previous inn because of safety purposes. Kei left them with instructions on what to do during and after the auction ended. Shino, Milfa, Little Daisy, and Lily would stay in the inn and watch over Kei.

Little John, Tifa, and Luke's task was to oversee the development of the "Hunt", and play the roles of fishermen during the on-going chaos. All of them were wearing the special masks that Kei bought in the City of Amaranth to change their facial features.

They already changed their appearance after entering their designated VIP room inside the auction house. This was a safety precaution that Kei devised in order to protect their identity.

"All of you stay here until we return," Little John said. "If anything happens, contact us immediately using the communication crystals."

Little Daisy gave his older brother a serious look. "Please be careful brother. Don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry, Daisy. Just watch over them."


Tifa patted Milfa's shoulder, "Make sure to protect the young master."

"I will. You be careful too sister," Milfa replied.

Luke and Lily exchanged a glance and both nodded their heads in understanding. Luke was confident that Lily would be able to protect their master and mistress. Although Lily wasn't able to showcase her full power against Kei, she was still a dungeon boss and have the power to back it up.

Ayuyu, the Bakeneko looked at them with interest. She was the new addition to their party and her emerald eyes had a mischievous glint in them. 'What an interesting bunch. Leaving my home and seeing the outside world to gain experience was worth it.'

Little John, Tifa, and Luke left the inn in a casual manner in order to not raise any suspicions.

Ayuyu settled on the couch and used telepathy to talk to Shino.

{Shino, are we are just going to stay here and wait for them to return?}


{Mmm, I guess that's also fine.} Ayuyu stared at Lily who was coiled on Shino's arm. For some reason, her instinct was telling her that the White Snake was not as harmless as it looks.

"Your name is Lily right?" Ayuyu asked. She was very keen in knowing more about the spirit beast that was always with her new Master.

Lily gave Ayuyu a sidelong glance before nodding her head. Ayuyu gave her a feral grin and decided to push for more answers.

"Can you speak?"

{Yes,} Lily replied using telepathy.

"What kind of spirit beast are you? I've seen a few of them in my hometown, but I never saw someone like you."

Lily looked at Shino as if asking for permission. The latter smiled and nodded her head.

{I'm not a Spirit Beast,} Lily said. {I was born inside a Dungeon. I'm more of a dungeon monster, instead of a spirit beast.}

"A dungeon monster?" Ayuyu gasped in surprise. "This is the first time I saw one in the flesh." Ayuyu's gaze shifted to her new Master.

Shino gave her a mischievous smile which made Ayuyu shiver. The Bakeneko shivered not because of fear, but because of excitement. She has always been the adventurous type of spirit beast, and this is also the reason why she left her home in the first place.

Ayuyu eyed the drooling Kei in front of her. She could tell that her Master has strong feelings for this person. 'For him to be able to make my Mistress care for him this much. He is definitely not a simple person…"


Meanwhile outside the City of Freyport…

Thousands of people were stranded outside the city. Unlike Kei and his group, the others didn't have the ability to instantly teleport inside the City. Of course, there were individuals who had made their preparations beforehand and used them effectively.

There were wealthy people who invested in teleport scrolls which instantly brought them to their desired location. Others invested on artifacts that allowed them to escape their pursuers.

Their was utter chaos as mercenaries, bandits, and other organizations targeted those they deemed to be easy pickings from the crowd.

{There is a bandit group three hundred meters from our right,} Luke said through telepathy. {They are now engaged in battle with a merchant guild.}

{Who's winning?} Little John asked.

{The bandit group had already slain half of the guards. It's only a matter of time before they cleared out the rest.}

Little John pondered for a few seconds before nodding his head. {Alright, let's help the merchant guild.}

{Very well. I'll scout ahead.}

Little John made a hand gesture and Tifa nodded in acknowledgement. The two of them ran in the direction of the bandit group. With the help of Luke, they managed to get a good vantage point and observed the battle.

The two of them were not in a hurry to help the merchants. They were not affiliated with them in anyway and although it might sound heartless, saving them was not their priority.

Little John shifted his gaze to what he felt was the strongest individual within the bandit group. He assumed that he was the leader and gauged his skills. The man had fine features and a lean build. His movements were precise and his sword style was impeccable.

Even Little John knew that he would not be a match against him unless he used his Titan Form.

"An [A Class] Elite Warrior and he can cast spells as well," Little John muttered. "Perhaps a [B Class] Mage."

Tifa simply nodded from the side. She had the same conclusion as Little John and waited for his instructions. The two of them were waiting for the right opportunity to do a sneak attack when they noticed a commotion within the ranks of the Merchant Group.

"Father!" A little girl that seemed to be around nine years old ran towards a wounded man lying on the ground.

The man gritted his teeth and tried to push her away. "What are you doing here?! Go back to your mother!"

"No! I won't leave you father!"

"Mark! Take her away!"

A man in his early thirties was about to take the girl away when a bandit headed towards their direction. He had no choice but to engage the other party in order to protect his employer and his daughter.

The two fighters clashed and exchanged blows with each other. Neither of them had the upper hand and Mark was making sure that the bandit won't be able to get pass him.

A scream sounded behind him which caused him to lose his concentration. The bandit didn't miss the chance and executed his killing move. Mark did his best to twist his body to the side, but the opponents weapon manage to graze the side of his chest.

He was lucky that he was wearing an enchanted armor under his clothes, or else he would have received a fatal injury. He gave everything he had for a counterattack which caught the bandit by surprise.

A powerful cleave separated the bandit's head from his body. Mark turned his head only to see the little girl using her body to protect his father from being attacked by the bandits who managed to breakthrough their defensive line.

He could only watch helplessly as one of the bandits slashed down on the poor girl who was dead set on protecting her father.

Blood flowed like a torrent and the girl's clothes were dyed in red. A sword was sticking out from the bandit's chest, piercing his heart. The lifeless body flopped down sideward revealing a beautiful lady in its wake.

The lady made a gesture and the sword returned to her hand. She turned her gaze towards the bandit group. She looked calm on the surface, but deep inside she was boiling with anger.

Tifa muttered something under her breath and the sword in her hand vibrated.

"Let's go," Tifa said in a voice brimming with fury. "Sing in the battlefield, Stella May!"