Hide for Life

As Crisistine sees the way to the Underworld,

she immediately think of what they could do.

Crisistine uses foreseen shadow and memorize the way in. The problem is the Markot Guild members are on the watch as well. As they hid themselves in a cave area where at most Markotians wouldn't go to occasionally.

Catbrun:"Oh.. Shit.."


Crisistine:" I think I know how to get in but first we must unveil our skins."

Mave:"Unveil our skins? Ummm.. This is oddly interesting..."

Crisistine:"Well I just had to use my Invincibility spell.. Which you are required to undress well at least for full contract.."

Catbrun and Mave:"WHAT!!"

From Catbrun and Mave shout some members from the Markot Guild heard their shout..

Crisistine:"I just need you to remove all apparel from your outfit to conceal yourself.."

Mave:" Oh sh-.."

Markotians:"Is someone there! Show yourselves.."

The Markotian starts to approach them slowly..

Crisistine:"Come on!!!"

Mave:"I'm feeling uncomfortable with this.. But I have no choice.."

Catbrun:"Well I just had my tunic let no more on the top all undressed.."

Mave:" *Looks away* why.."

Catbrun:"Come on do it, Mave.. You big boy already..."

Mave:"Bein one only boy her is discomforting.."

Mave proceeds to undress his tops..

Crisistine was already wrapped with fabric cloth to cover herself to conceal with any clothes to hold on her body..

Markotian:"If you don't show yourself I'll be forced to charged you for ¶¢ Dimensional currency.. Cause I need this.."

Both Crisistine and Catbrun looks away to give Mave privacy..

Mave undressed his bottom..

Mave:"I'm ready.."

Markotians:"Who's ready there.."

Mave slightly whispers:"Whoopsy daisy.."

Catbrun:"Oh fuck.."

Catbrun was boldy showing her top and didn't give a fuck about her own privacy..

Crisistine looks away and said silently :"Conceal thy Seal.."

They all became invisible and untouchable.



Mave:"Marvellous.. I can't even touch my own body.."

Crisistine:" Please wrap your items and hug them as you fly.."

Mave:"Oh I can fly no bu-"

Markotian was about to see them on spot with a ungravitational items within them.

Crisistine:"Hug them all now.. Levitationary.."

Levitationary - the ability to fly and without the experience of the gravity..

Mave, Catbrun and Crisistine wrapped themselves up to cover all there stuff as the their items can be seen within the naked eye.

They all fly to the same direction as Crisistine whispers to them.

The Markotian finally arrived at the cave and saw nothing.. Until he found some crumbles of steps and Catbrun feet bumped to the Markotian's Shoulder.. And a fabric fell from them..

Catbrun:"Oh.. Fucking damn it.."

Markotian:" Intruder alert!"

The whole area was alerted however they already head to the area they should be in..

Now they've travelled to the Underworld..

With the effect of Conceal thy Seal slowly

fading away as their vessels are able to be seen again..

They all both split up and run to a hiding place for them to hide or to get dress rather.

Crisistine goes on first to find a hiding spot,

Mave found himself a small spot for his bottom half to undress.

Catbrun search but decided to explore the place of gloominess. The place felt dark inside of Catbrun's soul as the place faintly a reminder of a sacrifice for dead or an eyepatch as her eyeballs where disposed and remove from an extreme fight now she wears an eye patch through her entire journey. The eye patch was a black line patch perfect for covering up her eye socket.

The effect of the Conceal slowly faints and now reveals Catbrun her naked body from a middle place. She was too busy to remind herself about her privacy. Catbrun rushed in and found herself a spot to hide, but as for Mave he was the fastest to dress up first among them all. Crisistine goes on and Catbrun rushed up to dress.

When everyone is ready they head out to find the Repcat for the Repttin..

(To be continued...)