As the side quest of finding the Rep at continues they head on trying to find the undead Repcat. But they still haven't gotten any souls for it to be revived.
Mave:"Oh yeah. We still haven't find any souls for the revival of the Repcat."
Crisistine:"To be honest this is the place you need to be to have one. I didn't say we need a living just a soul. Like the sinner soul."
Catbrun:"The thought of the Sinner Soul is someone who to do bad things, but does it affect the soul?"
Crisistine:" Unless I have the Divine Soul Nulifier. It neutralises any kind of soul they have as their attitude before they go here. And yet the kind of person they are as they live here is the kind of attitude their stuck in. Like if your a happy person and you died. You'll be sent here with all the knowledge about Happiness, however cannot think of another as the kind of soul your stuck with in here for life. You can't be sad and you can't die here. You can talk with people here but you can't change in the Underworld anymore."
Catbrun:"Now I'm scared to die in any dimension. Can I die somewhere else where there's no Underworld?"
Crisistine:" Nope.. You can't.. Its a shame."
Catbrun:" Oh........ fuck"
Mave:"Welp, I think I'll be a neutral person if I could."
Crisistine:"If your a neutral soul. Then your a nullified soul already."
Mave:" Nice it's possible.."
The people was closed in with relentless anguish screaming and laughing at the same time. The noises disturbs them the like a lot.
It gave them chills and especially for Catbrun.
Catbrun got stuck at one point of wondering.
Mave asked why she suddenly stopped walking.
Mave:"Uh, Catbrun why did you stop walking all of the sudden."
As Mave asks her with worries as he talks.
Catbrun was spammingly touching the lace of her Eyepatch every time.
Catbrun:" Oh. Umm... Nothing."
Mave:" Why'd you keep tapping your Eyepatch?"
Catbrun:" Well the anguish screaming reminded me of memories."
Crisistine:"Go on. I'm listening as I search around because this will take ages. Plus the dead beasts in here can't touch or hurt us."
Catbrun:"It touched me in my feels."
Crisistine:"Except for that."
Catbrun:"Are you both interested in my story though?"
Mave and Crisistine:"Yep."
Catbrun:"Welp. Its the Eyepatch with stories to tell.. Again for the fifth time."
(Bonus Continuation!!)
In the mind of feels the mind of Catbrun's tragic story of her eyepatch on. "How Catbrun lost her eye".(I'm sure this title is a rip off of something... Not sure what..)
In Gursville, Devonic House.
A place where all young people get killed as for an orphanage that has money and riches for selling Soul to the Count Corruptus as for he's still weak at that point where no powers was given to Count Corruptus yet. He requires souls for his Abyssal Terraform. And souls that he gathered are his souless soldiers that actually has soul but souls are the one that is required to summon them anytime.
In the orphanage a boy was chained up and they tore his top part as he takes his heart soul.
(Not the soul from the ribs but the essence that lingers from there source.)
Count Corruptus rips it out as it will hurt like being burned downed for 5 seconds.
The Children anguished in screams of horror as they hear the boy scream.
??? :"AHHH--HHHA. A...!!"
Count Corruptus:"Hmm... This soul this boy has the soul of mischief. This will be good for summoning traps."
Once the soul is taken the body will fill empty and cannot live for much longer as their Soul Essence that kept them being able to belong in this dimension causing them to die from suffocation by Cosmagic Radiation.
Within the time Count Corruptus takes the Soul Essence. His powers was filled with power of mischief that causes them to burst for a moment.
As the result the soul decided to take over his body and through the Boy's body that causes the door to break and for everyone to see what happens.
Young Catbrun was the one to see them first.
He recognises the person. His name was Mikeal. (Literally Micheal that has K for replacement of c.)
The Boy still got some last words to say before suffocating to death. He said silently.
"They'll ki.. ll uss al-"
The Boy fainted before he says the word.
Young Catbrun was the only one who saw him. After hearing him, the other kids cried but as for Catbrun she runs as fast as she could possibly go. Catbrun tried to warned everyone to leaved but she was afraid as she hears footsteps. But then the Exit is blocked as she runs and look on. She immediately turn back but the "Orphanage Caretakers".
Are already their.
(To be continued...)