
6 months passed at the same fashion. Ming Shu and Yunning would have breakfast with their respective Mothers, then would meet on their class of the day. After that the two girls would lunch together and go to their Father's study, where they would practice calligraphy or grid ink. Occasionally they had a tea break, in which Ming Peizi would ask the progress in studies or update them in some things that were happening in the city or country.

Lady Ye was so busy trying to manage the shops and fighting with the branches about the expenses that she didn't have time to scheme against anyone. This give time for Madam Ming and Lady Ling to prepare against any attempts against the baby that was still unborn. Without anyone knowing the maids that will assist the birth we're all hand picked by the Old Lady. This would prevent that fault if anything went wrong to fall in Madam Ming.

Of course, Ming Shu didn't have any plans to let her unborn brother/sister to have any problems. So she decided that before the birth she would have a little talk with each of the woman who were chosen.

"Hello! You name is Zisu right?"

"Answering to the first Miss, Zisu is this slave name"

"What a good name! I heard that you will were chosen to help the Lady Ling's deliver is that right?"

"Yes Young Miss"

"Aren't you awesome Zisu?! After all, I heard that delivering a baby could happen many accidents, so the ones chosen should be really knowledgeable in this area. To think that someone at your age was so knowledgeable"

Zisu thought that the First Miss of her house was only curious about the birth of her new sibling. So she decided to entertain her young mistress.

"Answering to Young Miss, this slave already helped with 3 baby delivers, so you can rest assure Young Miss!"

"I'm glad to hear that Zisu! Otherwise if something goes wrong you would have to loose your life right? And this would be bad to your younger sister and brother, since they depend on the money you send them every month to survive"

Zisu was startled with the words that the Young Miss of her house said. If was said by an adult she was sure that they were threatening her, but this was said by a 10 year old girl, who had a sweet smile through all the conversation. Unsure on how to react, she chose the safest option. Kowtowing and knocking her head on the ground she asked for forgiveness.

"This slave wouldn't dare to harm the new Young Miss or Master. Zisu will put her life on the line so that the child can be born safe"

"Please get up. There is no need to kowtow, I was just concerned about your family. I'm sure that you will dedicate all your strength so that my new sibling can see the light of world right?"

"Yes! Zisu pledges her life to let the new Young Master or Miss to see the light"

"Fufu~ you are too serious. Thank you for giving me a little bit of your time. You can go back to our duties now"

"Zisu, thanks Young Miss"

After leaving the Young Miss courtyard Zisu couldn't help but shuddered.

'How do I think that the First Young Miss is even more terrifying than Madam?'

This scene repeated itself with each and every other person who would do the baby deliver.

'Now that I have dealt with this people I should go to the gate. Older Brother is coming back today'

Ming Peizi and Ming Shu didn't thought that Ming Peng could persist for so long under the General Li. Although their plan went a bit astray, having him on the barracks is better than having him pass out in the Red District.

Madam Ming and the two Young Misses from the First House could be seen at the gates of the Ming Household. It didn't took long until a young man, with a light tan and firm muscles came in a dark horse.


Ming Shu ran towards her Older Brother who didn't resembled the fragile white face that went to her Grandpa.

'Good job grandpa!'

Ming Peng hugged the missile that came his way.

"Hey lil' one. You seem more beautiful than before"

"Fufu~ I could say the same, now you finally look like you can handle a duel with me"

The joke made Ming Shu earn a flick on her forehead.

"Cocky brat. Let's go, Mother is waiting for us"

Holding his sister, Ming Peng went to the woman that he he misunderstood all those years.

"Hello Mother"

"Peng'er is good to be back. Did your grandpa was to strict with you?"

"... it was okay"

"Haha. Father didn't change a bit I see. Come let's go inside, your Father is waiting"

Before following his Mother, Ming Peng saw his half-sister, who would always isolate herself from her siblings. Finding strange he looked at his sister with doubt.

"Yunning is now my study partner. She wanted to come to welcome you. You should hug her too brother, or are you still to weak to hold both of your younger sister at the same time?"

"Who do you think I am? Of course I can! Yunning come here"

"H-hello Brother, welcome back— aaah"

Holding both of his sister, with maybe his arms trembling, Ming Peng came back to his house.