

"What's wrong Shu'er?"

"Since we are going to lunch with Father, don't you think someone is missing?"

" My two princess, Father and Mother. Everyone will be there"

'And the second princess is even a recent addition'

"Sigh. You only trained your muscles, it seems. Since us three are going to have lunch together, shouldn't we call little Zigui?"


"He is our youngest Older Brother!"

"Is that so Yun'er?"

Although she was not familiar with her Older Brother, Ming Yunning got excited with the prospects of having all her siblings sharing a meal with her, which prompted her to talk with her Brother without stuttering.

"It is Brother Peng! And he is such a well behaved child!"

"Little Zigui is also really cute Older Brother. His chubby cheeks are so good to pinch, you must try it too!"

"Little stupid, how can I do something atrocious to the youngest?"

"Tch- What wouldn't you do. But I must warn you, if you bully little Zigui, I will punch you like there is no tomorrow"

"M-me too"

"Hee... to think that my two cute little sister would gang up against me because of Zigui. My heart is hurt, you should do something to heal it, don't you think so?"

Ming Shu rolled her eyes at her Brother's foolish act. 'That I don't hit your face with this stupid grin is your blessing'. But different from her actions, Ming Shu gave a light peck on her Brother's cheek.

"Yunning, you should also do it"


Seeing the contrast between his sisters personality, Ming Peng thought how they together became cuter than when they were alone. 'Hehe, having two baby sisters is not bad at all'

With a foolish grin on Peng's face, that made Ming Shu use every ounce of her self-control to not smack his face, the trio arrived at Lady Xiao's courtyard.

Seeing the rare visitors Zhou mama got startled.

"Hello Zhou mama, where's Zigui?"

"Answering to First Young Master, Second Young Master is inside playing with Lady Xiao. Do you want this servant to announce your visit?"

"That is not necessary. Say to Lady Xiao that we came to pick the youngest to lunch with us and our parents. We will bring Zigui back later"

"Yes Young Master. I'll rely your message to Lady Xiao"

Going inside the door Zhou mama was confused. 'Since when the Young Masters were close enough to have lunch together?'. But in any case, this is good news. If all the children were in friendly terms, the courtyard's fights would surely diminish and they could leave in a more peaceful environment. For the servants, who would always shoulder their Master's mistakes, it was wonderful news. Having thought until here, Zhuo mama open a small grin. Seeing her Mistress playing with her son, she relied the message she was entrusted.

"You are saying that the three Young Masters came to pick Zigui to lunch?"

Lady Xiao looked at her trusted mama with doubt written all over her face.

"Yes Mistress. The First Young Master just came back from the barracks so he will have to lunch with Master and Madam. This servant thinks that the lunch that Little Master Zigui was invited will have Master present as well, so it should be fine to let Little Master Zigui go"

Lady Xiao pondered a bit. It's true that the Young Misses from her house were very loving towards her son, however, Zigui and Ming Peng never interacted. 'But I guess it should be fine if it's a lunch with Master'.

"I understand. Zhou mama take Zigui to his siblings, they should not wait for long"

"This servant obeys"

Zhou mama picked the chubby Zigui's hands and took him to the trio.


Completely ignoring his Big Brother presence Zigui ran to his sisters. But when he got close he realized that he couldn't reach them. Looking at the source, Ming Zingui threw a murderous gaze to his Elder Brother. Who was this stupid looking person who had the audacity of hugging his sisters?

"Woo awe you?" (Who are you?)

"Wow there lil' Zigui. Is this how you supposed to look at your Elder Brother?"

"Elder Bwothe?" (Elder Brother)

"Hmh. Although he looks stupid he is the oldest of us Zigui"

Hearing his Older Sister, Zigui couldn't help but nod. He really looks stupid.

Seeing his younger siblings saying he looks stupid, Ming Peng couldn't help but feel hurt. He turned to his only source of hope.

"Say Yunning, do I really look stupid?"

Yunning saw her Older Brother's eye shining. Knowing that she needed to comfort him, she avoided her gaze and pet his head. 'A little lie shouldn't hurt right?'

"No Brother. You are handsome and wise"

"En. I knew that you were the most sensible one Yunning"

Seeing the interaction of the two Ming Shu rolled her eyes.

"Brother, release me and Yunning, and pick up Zigui. We should be on our way since Father and Mother are still waiting"


Seeing that was his beloved sister order, Zigui didn't protest to go to Ming Peng's arms.

Ming Peng saw that his Younger Brother really has chubby cheeks that seemed good to pinch. Without hesitation he started to play with it.

"What awe you doing?!"

Annoyed with his brother who was not only looked stupid but also acted stupid, Zigui smack his hand. Not that it worked, since Ming Peng just went back to pinching his cheeks.

"Don't get Zigui. I will stop once I get tired of it"

Avoiding the stupid scene, Ming Shu turned to Zhou mama who had a blank face. 'It seems that we truly lost face now'

"Zhou mama, we will be on our way then. We will drop Zigui here later"

Seeing her Young Masters back, Zhou mama smiled at the warm scene.

'It would be nice if they could always be this close... but alas'

Sighing, Zhou mana who understood the dirtiness of the courtyard battles, went back to serve her mistress.