Up & Down (Yoongi)

Prologue: You and Min Yoongi have been dating for a year and 3 months now. You used to work as one of the staff helping out, at the events of BTS and seemed to catch the eye of the elder. He would make you work twice as harder and would keep troubling you so much that you thought he hated you. But it came as a surprise when he confessed. At first you didn't accept it thinking it was some kind of joke but after a month where he diligently pursued you, you had to give in. And it was the best decision you had taken as he made you feel on top of the world. For the first two months you had to be kept a secret except from the members but Yoongi was nothing but serious and went against all protocol and made your relationship official.


You unlock the apartment, with the spare key given to you by your boyfriend. You knew that the members were out at an event and your boyfriend was forced into taking a day off because he had been too busy with composing new tracks and seemed to have pulled all nighters and so the members were adamant on him taking a leave. And how you know this, you ask, because your boyfriend kept bored texting you every 10 seconds while you were working, so much that your head had to let you go, just to stop your cell phone dings getting on his nerves. So having an involuntary half day at work, you decide to spend rest of your day with your boyfriend, trying to cheer him up.

You enter the apartment and walk straight to your boyfriends room, having no directions needed as you've been here a countless times. You softly knock on the door, remembering your manners before opening his bedroom door and walking inside. You don't see him anywhere and instead find him all bundled up with the blankets sleeping on his bed. You decide to just let him be and catch up on his much needed sleep. You look around the room to find it a big mess. His work station disorganised and crumps of papers strewn about the room. Well since you were already here, you decide to clean up and afterwards collect a big reward from your boyfriend for it.

You grab the bin and start dumping in the crumps of paper, lying around the floor and once done with that you arrange his work station, exactly how he likes to be and put all his work papers in a neat pile, that is a bit messily on top of his desk beside his music making gimmicks. You decide to make some late lunch for the two of you before you had to wake him up to eat it. You head towards the kitchen and quickly make some rice and chicken stew to eat along with. After cooking you once again make your way to your boyfriends room. You walk towards the lump on the bed, that is your boyfriend and slowly shake him.

"Yoongi, hey wake up!" You softly nudge him but get no answer, so you shake him harder. "I know your tired but you need to get up!" You say, louder and this seems to have earned you a low groan from the lump. "I made you some lunch. You can go back to sleep after you have some of it." You say, trying to coax him into waking up, but to no avail, instead he seems to wrap the blanket around him tighter and snuggle some more into the pillow. You heave out a sigh. "Fine I'll come wake you up again in five minutes and you better wake up then." You say giving up for now. You turn around to leave only to end up on the bed next to your boyfriend due to a harsh tug at your wrist, pulling you down. Before you can make a single move to get up, you find an arm around your waist, with a tight grip, holding you hostage.

"Aah~ so comfy." Yoongi mumble, drawing you closer.

"You've been awake this whole time?" You ask, incredulous.

"Just for a few seconds here and there." Yoongi murmurs.

"Well then, you seemed to be awake now, so let's get up and go eat lunch." You say but get no reply. "That I prepared." You try again, still nothing. "With great difficulty." You add, nada response. "Yoongi!!!" You whine.

"Let's sleep some more." Yoongi grumbles, pulling you tighter into him.

"How about we eat and then you can sleep some more?" You try to coax him.

"But I'm comfortable now." Yoongi mumbles.

"Well now you are, but if you eat you'll be full and get a better sleep. You can't miss lunch, Yoongi. It's not good for your health." You try to reason.

"You're here and you're good for my health, so let's go to sleep." The stubborn mule says, brushing off your words.

"Nope, absolutely not. Let's eat and then go to sleep? Okay? I'll stay with you till you wake up! Heck I might even fall asleep with you. So get up now and sleep later." You try wriggling out of his hold, but can't causing him to tighten his grip some more.

"Sleep now, eat later." Yoongi says.

"No, eat now and sleep later." You argue.

"I like mine better." Yoongi grumbles.

"Too bad, I like mine and you are going to eventually give in to me." You state.

"What makes you so sure?" Yoongi, asks pulling you on top of him, making you let out a yelp.

"Because you love me." You answer matter of factly,

"That I do." Yoongi nods, slowly pushing the loose strand of hair behind your ears. The gesture so simple yet so intimate cause the butterflies in your stomach to go wild. He leans closer, so as to kiss you but before his lips could meet yours, you stop it by covering his lips with your hand.

"First let eat." You tell him.

"I was trying to. You wouldn't let me." He pouts, making you blush.

"Not me you dufus, I meant the actual food." You say, lightly hitting his chest.

"I like you better." Yoongi smirks, making you turn a shade darker.

"Sh-Shut up! Now let's go eat." You command but it seems to have fallen into deaf ears.

"I haven't exercised in a week." Yoongi says, confusing you with this change of subject.

"Okay? Why are we talking about exercising? If your worried about gaining weight, I made sure that the food was balanced also it wouldn't hurt to get some meat into those bones." You joke, poking his hands.

"Well, I'm not all bones, I'm some part muscle and it seems to not be working. You are heavy!" Yoongi teases.

"How mean?! If I'm so heavy then let me off." You pout, even though you knew he was just teasing you. Looks like he hasn't heard that you should never joke about a girl/women's weight.

"Well I would but your going to help me exercise." Yoongi says.

"Me? Why should I?" You ask him.

"Because you are my girlfriend and also cause you weigh perfect." Yoongi says, smirking making you blush. Looks like he didn't forget.

"How exactly am I going to d-woah!" You exclaim as Yoongi lifts your body up with his legs.

"Like this." Yoongi states, while rushing you Up & down, with his legs. A soft giggle lets loose from your lips.

"W-what are you doing? I'm not a kid!" You exclaim still giggling.

"Well I am exercising my legs as you can see. I've been losing my muscles in my thighs and this helps." Yoongi smirks.

"But isn't this exerting?" You ask him.

"A little but it's fine. Now let's see how high you can go." Yoongi says, raising his legs higher, lifting you higher as well.

"Stop! I'm going to fall." You claim, trying to get him to stop.

"Wow nice trust." Yoongi retorts sarcastically.

"I trust you but not your legs now let me down." You say, but him lifting half your weight and holding your arm disables you from moving away.

"Just a little more. And you weigh less than a paper so I won't drop you, trust me." Yoongi says, keeping you still.

"Oh when you drop me I'm so going to kill you." You say, but remain still.

"If I drop you." Yoongi corrects. "Now let's see how high you can go without falling." He smirks.

"Do you want to have a girlfriend at the end of the day?" You ask him, restraining him with your weight from doing anything too reckless. But he is stronger than you and manages to lift you up effortlessly.

"There we go easy peasy." Yoongi says flashing you his gummy smile, which makes you melt and you can't help but return.

"Okay, now that you've seen this can we please stop this and go eat lunch?" You ask.

"What's the rush? This is fun! Up & down. Up & down." He laughs raising you up and down on his legs. And you have to agree it was fun. It reminded you of your childhood. It was nice being treated as a kid again and Yoongi was really careful about hurting you or as you feared dropping.

"Okay. Up & down. Up & down. Are you done yet?" You ask after playing along with his game.

"In a moment. I want to try something. Hold on tight." Yoongi says, grinning mischievously.

"Wait Yoongi, it-woah!!" You exclaim as he lift you up and instead of balancing you in his legs he die it with his feet.

"Steady..." Yoongi says trying to calm you. You take a deep breath and by some miracle manage to keep your balance. You start enjoying the feeling. "Okay, I'm going to drop you now." Yoongi says.

"Wait, What?!" Before you can protest, Yoongi removes his foot and you feel gravity finally doing its job, as you fall, but luckily for you and unluckily for your boyfriend, you fall on top of him. "Kya~"

"Oof~" grunts in pain.

"Serves you right." You tease, moving away from on top of him and lie down beside him.

"I guess I shouldn't have done that." Yoongi chuckles.

"You think?" You say, trying to hold in your laugh. But as soon as the two of your eyes meet the two of you burst out into a fit of laughter.

"You were really heavy you know. I think I broke a few of my ribs." Yoongi jokes.

"Your ribs? I would have broken my neck if I had fallen on the floor." You argue.

"Well I'm glad that my broken ribs saved you from breaking your neck." Yoongi retorts, sarcastically.

"Well you should. It is your duty as a boyfriend to do so!" You grin.

"Really? And isn't it your duty as a girlfriend to take care of your injured boyfriend?" Yoongi asks.

"Well when the said boyfriend almost broke his girlfriends neck then no she doesn't have to." You stick your tongue out at him.

"Meanie!!" Yoongi cries out in mock anger.

"Takes one to know one." You reply, blinking your eyes innocently at him.

"Take that back!" Yoongi cries out in mock horror.

"No!" You smirk.

"I said take it back." Yoongi commands, tickling your sides. You burst out in a fit of giggles.

"No! Yoongi stop!!!" You manage to wheeze out.

"Take it back and I will." Yoongi promises, still tickling you.

"Okay okay!" You cry out and finally he stops.

"Say it!" He instructs.

"Nope." You stick your tongue out.

"You!!!" Yoongi continues to tickle you.

"No no!" You keep chanting as he keeps tickling you.

"Say it and I'll stop." Yoongi promises.

"Nope." You laugh. After a few more seconds Yoongi's hands stop.

"So stubborn." He chides looking down at you. In the middle of the tickling feat you ended up below Yoongi as he hovers above you.

"Learnt from the best." You wink up at him.

"Proud of you." Yoongi says, looking at you with adoration. Your breath hitches as the fond look turns completely into a loving on. Yoongi leans down and softly kissed your forehead, making you close your eyes. He then kisses both your eyelids and you slowly open them to look at him.

"You know I did that to show you, that with you by my side and you trusting me we can make it out of every Up & down's that life may throw at us." Yoongi says, sincerely. "Our relationship, no our love, can overcome any huddles and Up's & down's life may throw at us. So don't ever think of giving up. Just trust and believe in me, I won't let any harm come to you." He promises.

"I do believe and trust you." You whisper, your voice thick with emotions.

"I'm glad." Yoongi smiles brightly before leaning down and claiming your lips with his. After a few seconds he pulls away. "Love you, F/N L/N."

"Love you, Min Yoongi." You say, and his face instantly lights up. He leans down to kiss you once again but you stop him by covering his lips with your hand. "I'm hungry." You quickly peck his cheek. "Let's go eat." You sing pushing him away and getting up before rushing away towards the kitchen.

"Yah y/n!!!" You hear your boyfriend calls out after you, making you chuckle.

"Come and eat Yoongi." You yell.

Through the Up & down, always..,


A/N Hey guys another update!!! Yup yup!!! Don't make a habit of it.. I'll try to update as often but I can't promise such fast updates all the time so please bear with me...!! Again requests are open..! You can request through Comments or DM/PM's..!

xoxoxoxo Daydreamz107 :)