Catch Me If You Can (Hoseok)

Prologue: You have been dating Jung Hoseok for 6 months now and are going through what everyone calls a honeymoon period. You met each other through common friends and just seemed to click from the start. After meeting each other for weeks, and developing feelings, you confessed and he accepted, having had the same feelings for you. After 3 months of dating Hoseok made your relationship official. It did seem fast, the progress of your relationship, but at the same time it felt so right. You met the other members as soon as the two of you started dating and all have been supporting about your relationship and gradually got closer. At first it was hard dating a famous celebrity but you soon got used to it.


You were at the recording studio, waiting for your boyfriend to be done with his work. You've been waiting for a hour and half already and were bored to death. You decide to walk inside the room and find out if he was done with his work yet. You knock and slowly enter the studio.

"Hobi?" You call but don't get any response. You walk inside and find your boyfriend buried neck deep within his work. "Hobi, you done yet?" You ask him, slowly tapping his shoulder, finally gaining his attention.

"Oh y/n, sorry have you been waiting long?" He asks.

"Not that long but I'm bored." You complain.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to finish this but it isn't working. Just give me a few minutes more." Hoseok says.

"Maybe what you need is a break." You suggest.

"No I don't have time to take a break. I need to finish this piece today at any cost." Hoseok shakes his head.

"Hobi don't force yourself. Listen to me and take a break and clear your head. Once your mind is cleared, inspiration will come to you." You reason.

"No y/n didn't you hear me. I can't take a break!" Hobi says. You sigh and let him get back to his work, still tensed. An idea makes it way into your head, giving your eyes a mischievous glint. You walk towards you boyfriend and gently massage your boyfriends tense shoulders. "Y/N I'm working." Hobi whines, but unconsciously leans further into you hands.

"I know, I'm just trying to relax you." You whisper. You move your hands down his arms, slowly. "Doesn't it feel nice to relax?" You ask and he hums, closing his eyes and getting lost in the bliss. You smirk and quickly grab the music sheets away from his hands.

"Y/N!" He exclaims in surprise and you jump away from him. "Give me the sheets back!"

"Nope. You need to relax and I'm bored. You can play with me for a while and get back to your work later." You tell him.

"Y/N I'm still working on that. I need to finish it today. Now stop being stubborn and give it back." Hoseok scolds, lightly.

"I'm being stubborn? Your being stubborn. I told you what you need to do is relax first before getting back to your work. And who better to help you relax other than your one and only girlfriend." You smirk.

"Okay, how about this. You let me finish the work and once I'm done we can play?" He tried to coax you.

"Nope." You shake your head.

"Y/N give me the sheets." Hoseok warns, taking a step towards you.

"Nope." You sticks out your tongue, taking a step back. This cat and mouse game of yours keeps happening as he takes a step forward and you a step back.

"Y/N come on. I need those sheets." Hoseok pleads.

"If you need them then Catch me if you can." You sing as you run away from the studio.

"Yah! Come back here." Hoseok yells after you.

"Nope, if you want it come and get it! Hobi-ya Catch me if you can~" You call out. You hear footsteps thundering after you, so you turn your head slightly to look behind you, and you find your boyfriend running after you.

"Y/N get back here!" He calls but you keep running away.

"Nope. You want your sheets? Too bad you need to catch me before you can get it." You call out after him. You keep running away, a laugh chortles out of your throat. You turn your face slightly and find your boyfriend almost catching up to you, so you take a quick turn and increase your pace. Hoseok almost misses you but manages to catch up. You keep running, feeling like a small kid, your h/c hair swinging softly with the air.

"Y/N, come on give me the sheets back." Hoseok calls, not giving and still chasing after you.

"Catch me if you can, Hobi." You giggle. You enter the common room still running but Hoseok was faster with his long legs and manages to quickly enter right behind you. You quickly pull a chair in between the two of.

"Caught you." Hoseok laugh, a glint in his eyes.

"Not yet." You giggle. The both of you circle around the chair, almost a step ahead of each other but you still manage to stay away from his hands.

"Get back here." Hobi chuckles trying to grab you over the chair, you push the chair and along with it you manage to slightly push Hobi and quickly turn around to walk out of the room but before you can pull the door open you feel a tug on your hand and your falling backwards into something soft. You were on top of the couch on the room, still a giggling mess. Before you can get up, Hoseok blocks you by hovering over you and you find yourself trapped in between his hands.

"Caught you now." Hoseok smiles down at you.

"Relaxed yet?" You giggle.

"Hmm, not yet." Hoseok smirks, and you gulp looking at the mischievous glint in his eyes, and before you can run away his fingers brush your sides making you giggle uncontrollably.

"Ho-Hobi!!" You giggle as he continuous to tickle you. "St-stop! Stop please." You pleas still giggling and feel a stray tear slide down your cheeks. Finally seeming satisfied he sets you free. You try to catch your breath.

"Now I'm relaxed." He smiles fondly at you. You return his smile. His hand softly caresses you cheek, and his thumb slowly brushes away the tear that had found home on you cheeks. Your breath seems to catch again, as you find your boyfriend slowly tracing your face with his fingers. "So beautiful." He whispers, as if entranced by your beauty. Your eyes unconsciously flutter close as he keeps tracing you face gently, as if it was his most prized possession. Your eyes slowly opens as he starts tracing your l/c lips. Your lips open softly letting out a soft breath. He looks up in your eyes and down at your lips as if asking your permission. He leans closer, his lips just an inch away from your own. Before he can make contact you cover your mouth with the music sheets.

"You were looking for this?" You ask, softly.

"I was but I found something better." He nods pulling the sheet away from your face.

"Hey, didn't you chase me all the way here for those sheets?" You ask him.

"At first yes, now I just want to kiss you. So stop distracting me and let me do just that." He says, pinching your nose, slightly.

"I was not distracting you, I was just stating facts. Weren't you the one who kept going on about finishing your work today." You argue.

"And who's the one who didn't let me do that? And made me rub around the whole building? So I think you need to be punished." He argues right back.

"Punishment? How mean! Your girlfriend was only trying to reduce your stress." You pout.

"Well my dear girlfriend if you want to reduce my stress I have a better idea." Hoseok smirks.

"Don't you have a work to get back to?" You ask, nervously. "I mean you were the one who wanted to finish the work tod-" before you can finish your rambling you're interrupted by a pair of another lips on your own.

"This my dear is way relaxing." Hoseok smirks, making you turn scarlet. You hide your face with your hands. Hoseok softly presses a kiss to your hands, and removes it away from your face. He peppers kisses all around your face, your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks and finally your lips. After kissing for a few seconds Hoseok pulls away, looking at you with adoration.

"I told you taking a break would help." You smile at him.

"You were right." Hoseok nods.

"I'm always right." You stick out your tongue at him.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You were right this time. I needed my mind clear to get inspired." He says, pinching your cheeks.

"So feeling inspired yet?" You ask him, rubbing your cheeks, after swatting his hand away from them.

"Well it wasn't that hard. My inspiration is always with me so it isn't hard to find it." He says.

"Eh?" You ask confused, but soon come to regret it. Knowing your boyfriend he was gonna say something cheesy.

"My inspiration is you." He says smiling cheekily at you.

"Aahhh~" You cringe in dismay at the cheesiness. "Did you have to say that. My hands have curled in and won't open." You chide him, but can't help but blush at his words.

"Really now. Let's get it back to normal." Hoseok grins, as he starts tickling you again.

"Aah~ st-stop!!! Pl-please... H-Hobi!" You manage to wheeze out in between your laughter fit.

"I will only if you give me a kiss." He conditions.

"Fine Fine! Stop!!" You give in. He stops tickling you.

"Now that kiss." He smirks.

"Close your eyes first." You say, and he does as told.

"Hurry up!" He complains, impatient. You lean forward and before your lips can make contact, you push him, startling him out of the couch and quickly run away.

"Catch me if you can~" You call out after him. You don't manage to run very far away as he quickly catches up to you and lifts you off your feet, both of you laughing.

"Caught you." He whispers into your ears, huskily making a shiver run down your spine. He puts you down back on your feet before turning you around and pecking your lips. "No matter where you run off to I'll always catch you." He says making you hide your face in his chest in embarrassment.

"Love you." You whisper, your voice coming out muffled, but he still manages to catch it.

"Love you too." He says, kissing your temple. "No matter how many times you make me chase you." He chuckles and you hit his chest lightly, making him burst out laughing. Listening to his laugh a small smile dances on your lips.

You catch things that runs away from you but I'll always come back to you... You think, pulling him closer.


A/N Hey guys another update!!! Yay!!! What do you think???? Like it? Hate it? Can't get it out of you head???? Well look forward to my next update! Again requests are open so you can send it through Comments or DM..!

xoxoxoxo Daydreamz107 ;)