Beginning of Conquest

Lain equipped himself in his armour and had Orb of the World in his hand, in its Helbard form. He was getting excited about the thought of conquering worlds, and leading an army. Many days had passed since his order of creating the legion of conquest, and many soldiers had gathered at his call, they all went through the Gate he created for them, arriving in the space outside the World Tree.

Stepping through the Gate before him, Lain arrived outside the World Tree, transforming into his true form, a gigantic titan that could support heaven and earth. His hair flows wildly with the absence of wind, a crimson aura of bloodlust and battle erupts from him as he faces the million-strong armies, who were equipped with golden armor, making them look like an army of divine soldiers.

The space behind Lain became unstable and crack as his aura was changing the rules of the universe itself. He knew he was strong, but he didn't know even the outside world would not be able to withstand a portion of his strength, it's a good thing he used the Rule Creator to make the army unaffected by his power or they would be killed accidentally which would cause him to be embarrassed.

Facing the army, Lain grips his halberd, pointing it at the direction of the world they would conquer, " My loyal soldiers, my chosen, you have pleased me greatly by answering your God and Emperors' call to battle. I will be blunt, many of you will die so we can conquer that world, many types of blood will be spilled, families will be broken, the world will weep." The extremely large face of Lain spoke coldly as he looked at his army, an army made up of many races, elves, humans, dragonborn, giants, vampires, and many more. He even saw three Half Gods amongst them, which surprised him since according to his knowledge, Half Gods were the elders and guardian of their family clans. It was at this moment did he realize that his words truly possess weight, even gods had to come when he spoke.

The army, contrary to what one would expect when one spoke about their deaths, were calm and indifferent as an aura of battle erupts from them, changing the aura around them to be blood red.

"For the Supreme God!!!!"

"For the Emperor!!"

Shouts echo like the sound of weapons reverberated in space. Causing Lain to pause and look at this army deeply; many thoughts flash through his mind, yet only pride in his heart made him realize he was happy with this army of conquest.

Looking at the army, Lain laughs causing the space to shatter and the World Tree to tremble in fear or maybe it was awed? "Good, good, it seems I belittle you all too much; how can my warriors fear death? Ahahah, truly..... I'm honored to call you all my subordinates; those who fight in my name. Whatever you fancy in this world is yours, don't let me lose face my proud warriors by doing atrocities."

"Never your Majesty!!! We rather die than cause our Creator to lose face!!!"

"Supreme God, fear not, we shall spread the might of our God to these natives, let them witness the might of the Legion of Conquest."

Such words echo, with each warrior's eyes erupting with battle light.

Lain nodded and turned to the Gate that was still opened even after he came through, from it, the King of Death, Yama, the Divine Goddess Raina, and the Emperor of the Earth Raul, stepped through, bowing before their father. They didn't kneel as they felt their father would be displeased if they did.

The three of them were shocked beyond belief, as the sight of their father was terrifying. A titan that stood taller than anything they had seen, a power so dense that they could be crushed if he so willed it, and a weapon even bigger than his body. What was even more frightening were his eyes that used to be golden turning different colors every second and the runes of ultimate knowledge hidden within them.

The Legion of Conquest was awestruck by the sight of the children of their God and Emperor; each of them possesses power beyond them. Some of them were crying tears of joy as they had never seen the gods before, let alone the most powerful of the gods, the children of the Creator.

"Listen up, the King of Death Yama will be in charge of the army, all of you must obey him. " Lain said before continuing, " You guys over there, you all will be generals that obey Yama's orders and report to him." The ones Lain singled our we're the Half Gods that joined his cause. He didn't think he was being rude as he could tell that this was a chance to get stronger for them; even if they didn't become True Gods after the world was conquered, he could secretly make them True Gods.

" The Divine Goddess, Raina will be placed under the care of Raul, the Emperor of the Earth, no harm is to come to her, is that clear?" Lain's voice was deep and full of commanding dignity as everyone knelt down and swore to lay their lives down for the goddess.

Raul knew his father wasn't talking to the soldiers, but him, so he nodded. He noticed that his father was very protective of his daughter, which pleased him, after all, if he was protective, and yet he gave him the task of protecting his daughter that meant he trusted him, his son as well. It was obvious his father was pleased with his power to warrant such attention from him.

Lain was originally going to allow Raul to protect Yama as well but realize that Raul's power is less than Yama outside the World Tree. Not only that, but Yamas Divine Authority was also extremely powerful in Lain's eyes, so he wanted to see it and even help him enchant it.

Waving his hand, a magic circle emerges and a carriage being pulled by dragons emerges, matching the size of it's summoner. There were nine dragons of different colors, each bigger than Ancient Dragons; and even more powerful yet here they are but mere mounts before the Chaos Titan.

Raul's eyes twitched as he became jealous of how his father had such a magnificent carriage while he had to fly or teleport everywhere. He vows he will get a mount to drag his carriage for him.

Lain entered the carriage which was like a palace on wheel; his children were by his side as the carriage rumbled and moved towards the discovered world.

The stars in the surroundings seem to shatter as the huge dragons that were like landmass cause tears and cracks in the fabric of space, moving at a frightening speed akin to teleportation.

The army was able to keep up as a golden aura surrounded them, bringing them along.

Inside the carriage, Lain look at his children with a smile on his face, he had already returned to his small form, as a maid poured red pristine wine into glass cups and stood at one side waiting for further instructions.

Grabbing the glass cup, the cup almost shatters as he uses too much strength, signing, he used Rule Creator to make the cup strong enough to not break in his grasp. Taking a sip, Lain smiled as he looked at the maid, " God Wine? I thought we didn't have any more?"

The maid smiled, " Your Majesty, although we ran out at one point, the head servant recalled that you like it and created some more; I'm embarrassed to say however it doesn't match the original in taste and effect."

Lain smiled and didn't reply immediately, he turned and looked at his children, " This must be your first time drinking this wine, it has a great effect on the body and enchants various attributes of the person drinking it."

Hearing their father's words, they looked at the cup with mystical eyes and drank it in one gulp, feeling the changes and slight increase in their power.

Yama's eyes gleamed, " Father, could I have some more of this wine? Or even the recipe?" Yama could feel that the wine didn't affect the body or the magic of the person but the divine authority they wielded; he immediately concluded the wine was a divine wine, something he never saw or heard of before.

Raina and Raul could feel the changes too but since their divine authorities were not working outside their worlds, they couldn't feel the full effect of the wine.

Lain didn't say anything but look at the maid. The maid frowned, " Your Majesty, while I would love to, I can't, the head servant is the only one who can create the wine and he won't share his knowledge with anyone."

Everyone but Lain were shocked that a maid said no to the Creator! The balls on the maid must be made of divine metals.

Lain nodded, " I expect you to say that he's the God of Wine, after all, giving away his prize wine was already kind enough, but asking for his recipe? Ahah, unless I order him, he won't budge."

The God of Wine, is one of the most devoted NPCs he created, whose focus on brewery was beyond obsessive. Of course, he wasn't created to be a God but with how the World Tree changed and the fact he was a level one hundred NPCs, he was a God, and his specialty being wine made him the God of Wine.

The topic of the recipe and wine fade as no talk about it.

The carriage became awkward as no one talked or know what to talk about. " Raina, come here." Lain waves his hand as he calls his cute little daughter.

Confused, Raina nonetheless got up and went to her father. Standing in front of her father, Raina, she became speechless and embarrassed as her father lifted her up and put her on his lap.

Lain examined her wings and patted her on her head, " Raina, have you been happy lately? I want to get to know you a bit better."

Raina's face was crimson red right now, as she couldn't believe her father place her on his lap, seemingly looking for imperfections. His loving action causes her to be happy and embarrassed at the same time.

"Father, I'm okay, I have been learning about governing and other things from my Celestial Lords. Recently, I have even learned a really powerful divine spell." As she spoke, Raina became more spirited and excited. She seems like a spoiled child who wanted to be pampered by their parents, which she did.

"Celestial Lord? Oh, Zeus and Buddha? I didn't expect them to be able to aid you in learning new knowledge, it seems they are good teachers for you." Rubbing his chin, Lain eyes flash, ' Another abnormality, Celestial Lords. I did create them but I didn't give them titles yet they did. It seems they even gain knowledge beyond what they should be able to teach the highest-ranking amongst angel new things about divine magic.

Raina felt proud to hear her father praising her teachers but became sad when she thought about one Celestial Lord, Yahweh. Like a spoil child, she told her father everything, about how crazy Yawhew was and how he wanted her to change.

Lain couldn't help but shake his head, how could he have forgotten about him? "Don't worry, if you don't like him, just send him away, you could just send him somewhere where he could utilize his powers. You are a Holy God so you can't dirty your hands, so just let him do that in your place. In fact, you could use him in other places as well in Heaven, by having him be in charge of the angels, this should increase their power by a bit."

Yama's eyes showed praise as he heard his father's words; he saw how wise his father was in just a single movement. In one step he created a carrot and a stick method, his sister being the carrot and Yahweh would be the stick. As an angel, his sister can not do evil things as she might fall from grace, becoming a fallen angel. Yahweh was different though, he had the mindset of a God and the power of one, so even though he was also an angel, he wouldn't be corrupted since he would believe he was doing something good. How wise.

The concept of good and evil was relative. A fiend that slaughters millions to save his wife and child could be seen as good, a God that kills a world because of boredom would be seen as evil. Ultimately, what makes one evil or not is the rule that one applies to reach that conclusion.

Raul didn't care about what was going on as he slept with his eyes open, which occasionally blink. Making it seem like he was awake. After ten thousand years of being a lazy God, he found many ways to fall asleep while pretending to be awake. Of course, if this wasn't a safe environment, even he wouldn't dare to sleep just anywhere. Being next to his father, was perhaps the safest place in the world.

The maid, on the other hand, seemed not to agree but didn't say anything. She believes her master was wise but she didn't believe the plan was feasible; because from what she heard just now, Yahweh was power-hungry, at first he would probably obey the princess orders but for how long? He probably would control Heaven and push Raina from her throne or even make her his puppet as he wouldn't dare to kill the child of the Creator. Of course, this was all on the premise that Buddha wasn't mentioned.

As she was about to speak, the maid stopped and bowed, " We have arrived."

Nodding, Lain kissed Raina on her forehead and stood up, stepping out of the carriage, returning to his true form. Pointing his halberd at the world, Lain spoke, " Onward to conquer, slaughter everything that doesn't bend the knee, don't leave one disobedient ant on this world. Generals, spilt up and kill the gods of this world, capture some for interrogation."

" Your will shall be done!"

The million-man army became an army of three, following the path of the three Half Gods. Yama calmly blended into one of the armies along with Raul and Raina.

Standing silently in space, Lain looked at the maid standing on his shoulders, " How long do you plan to play the maid Ainese? "

The maid signed and transformed into her true form of the Goddess of Darkness and Night, in a black robe that fit her body snuggly, a busty woman that wasn't inferior to Gaia appeared. The goddess was silently caressing the massive face of Lain, which made him shrink as it uncomfortable to look at his woman as in his true form.

He approaches the woman and opens his arm to embrace her but she steps back; causing alarm bells to ring in his head.

Ainese signed shaking her head, " I want to be your woman, which woman wouldn't want the creator to be their man? However, I can't be the wedge that destroyed your family, if you want me to be your woman fully, I want to be accepted by Gaia and your children, I want to earn my place at your side; at least give me that." She approaches him and kisses him on the lips, before parting and becoming black smoke that disappears.

Lain looked at the spot she was at, and contemplated his actions. It seems he was belittling his creations, they all had thoughts, they weren't things just to claim as he fit.

While lost in thought, Lain still did his job, " [Rule Creator]: Everything here is normal, nothing is out of place." An invisible wave of energy spread across the world, and even the universe, changing the universe slightly. A cape seems to shroud the world from view, leaving a copy that seems uneventful to appear to those who might look at it.

He began to descend on the world, he didn't dare to descend in his true form less he destroys the entire world. He could destroy space by slightly moving in his true form, what would happen if he moved while on a world? It seems he might have to use [Chaos Avatar] later, so he could fight with his army or he would have to suppress his power with Lurking Monster to not destroy the world. Even while suppressed, a single attack by him could end this world, he had infinite power, after all, even a simple fireball spell by him could cause a catastrophe.

While he couldn't fight, he didn't mind looking at the world and gaining some knowledge in the process.