Goblin World

The skies were brown with a hint of blackness hidden amongst it; the land was harsh and unfulfilling, years would pass before a bountiful harvest emerged; and millions would have died to ensure it; working days and night; before the land returned back to its old state once again, waiting for the next sacrifices. The ocean of the world that surrounded the continent was grey and poisonous, posing a frightening threat to even those who stood above life and death.

The continent is a cruel and brutal place where life is as cheap as water, a cup of clean water could cause someone to sell themselves, becoming slaves. Food was even rare and more sought after, whoever had food, and strength were lords of the land; they made the rules that all must follow.

The land is controlled by the Council of Gods, who are goblin gods. Since each goblin is greedy and scheming against, the goblin gods wouldn't be any different as well, which is why, the goblins that serve and worship them were living in constant fear and dread as wars happening so often that if not for the reproduction ability of the race, the goblins would have been exterminated, something many back in the World of Gods would love to see.

The number of grudges the goblins had is so many that many gods would join an alliance to kill them; however unfortunately or fortunately because of their Main God, a Heavenly God who serve one of the Ancestral Gods, concessions were made, in the form of the goblins getting their own world, far away from the influence of the World of God. This was more of banishment than anything because being away from the main world meant that no goblin would rise to Divine Stage, let alone godhood.

In the World of God, the difference in strength was closely marked with each stage, each needed a special and unique requirement to advance.

The stages are the Mortal Stage, Spirit Stage, Sage Stage, Divine Stage, Earth Stage, Heavenly Stage, and Ancestral Stage. It was ten times harder to advance a stage but the rewards outweigh everything.

Because the World of God was one of the few known main worlds in the universe which is capable of producing Earth Stage beings and higher beings. However that wasn't the same about the worlds around the World of God, these worlds were attracted over by means of the gods, having their source devoured, and having their faiths seal, becoming subworlds or minor worlds of the main world, the World of God. These worlds could at most depend on how much sources they have, can produce Divine Stage beings and below, of course, there are cases of minor worlds giving their source to one being of their world, creating a powerful subsection of gods that even Heavenly Gods wouldn't say they could beat easily without some form of price, which was not worth it when fighting World Gods who are basically the close beneath Ancestral Gods to true immortality.

The day was the same as always, the aura of constant struggle and death filled the air, as depressed soulless goblins walked across the land, going about their day, either going to plow the fields or go to the cities, doing jobs that put no meaning into their souls.

No, it would be more accurate to say that most things remain the same with a few changes. One of such changes being that fewer and fewer goblins gather to celebrate the gods, secondly, goblins countries and states collapse with no resource to support them, thirdly, goblins actively seek out invaders, wishing to sign contracts with them no matter how demeaning they are.

Of all the goblins, the strongest force of the Goblin World is the Goblin Knights, knights that serve the gods. Because of their noble identity, the Goblin Knights are only beneath the gods and priest, making although arrogant opportunists who seek to their own land, making them akin to nobles, Noble Knights.

Their jobs consist of a few simple but necessary things, of those, their main job is to inspect each and everything in the Goblin World, looking for invaders.

Invaders are those for the World of God and the surrounding worlds, each wanted to capture goblins and form slave contracts with them. The gods were unwilling to see their kind enslave and become items of others, thus they task their knights with killing any invaders they may find, be it young or old.

The Goblin Knights in their crude and unsophisticated armor visited every city, village and even the slums they came across to inspect.

As usual, the Goblin Knights found invaders which they directly executed on the spot, causing the ground to turn crimson. As more and more Goblin Knights kill invaders they begin to frown as the number seems more than normal, tens of times more.

The leader of the Goblin Knights Marcus frowned at the report in front of him, before musing a little, what so unique this time around? Could something have happened back in the World of God? The more he thought, the more confused he became; so he could only send it to the temples for those who are paid to think to look over it.

The news soon travels to the temples and soon to the goblin gods ruling above them.

Inside a dimension separate from the real world, inside a building that was crudely designed but better looking than the buildings of the goblins, a group of approximately 16 figures sat around a long wooden log shape table.

Each of these goblins was dress grandly, wearing golden suits, armors, or robes but at the end of the day, they fall short of truly extravagant dresses. Of all these people, only an old goblin was sitting calmly on rags, standing out amongst the goblins.


A goblin hit the table angrily, " This is too much, even after constantly killing these intruders, they still keep coming with no end in sight, easily breaking through our barriers. Who was it that mentioned Summoning Contracts back on the World of God? If I know, I will definitely kill them!! Those people are intent on destroying us by any means necessary." The goblin was so furious that his temples tremble with rage, breathing evenly and calmly he slowly calms down, running his temples, "Not only are the numbers of invaders not lessing, it has increased over the years, at this rate I believe it won't be long before we are fully invaded by God level beings; at that point, we are doom."

The only old goblin present stroked his beard, agreeing completely, he signed, which was like a repressed sign that many were holding in. When the Main God was present no one dared to invade but after he returns to the World of God, more and more problem followed; honestly if not for their Main God being the subordinate of an Ancestral God, the goblins would have died but he wonders if this situation was any different? Were the goblins even alive? Where are the goblins that wouldn't falter in battle and the intelligence that used to bend nature at will? At this rate, the goblin race would die and the goblin gods that kept interfering and taking from them would follow along.

What makes a God a God is a faith and faith comes from followers, without followers depending on the level of the God, they would either lose power or fall from their pedestal in heaven.

The old goblin wisely looks at young goblin gods present, " So are we going to keep avoiding the issue at hand? The goblins are losing faith in us, which means we are losing power, if the gods do in fact invade us, would our measly reserve of divine energy be enough? We could instill fear in the goblins to solve this problem but for how long? Why not simply cure the land or even take them here, the divine realm of Main God? Why exactly are "you" delaying for?" The old goblin slowly began to lose pride and joy of success in becoming a God as at heart, he was still a mortal, he didn't see anything apart from their long lifespans and powers that made them different from mortals. Mortals tend to be happier than them, their small life made them see more than the gods saw in their almost limitless life.

"Old fool, don't bring that shit up again! You know the reason, the Main God wants this to happen, how are we supposed to question him? ' Oh Main God, can you help the goblins?' do you believe he would pity them? He places them in that state." One of the young goblin gods, only young by appearance, became furious as he spoke!! 'Does this old man think he was the only one feeling the feeling of losing divine power? They were all where!!! To be honest he wanted to save the goblins now and put them back on path however he was but a small Earth stage, God. The extent of his powers is limited, he can't just deny the order of a greater god.

The old goblin God only signed and shook his head without saying anything. He truly was foolish in even coming here, he knew from the beginning what would happen but his old heart still has hope, hope for a miracle. He truly dislikes seeing his race struggle because of one's being stupidity, even if that person was the Main God.

The goblin gods began to talk about minor matters, deluding themselves from the main focus. The old goblin signed, even more, shaking his head as he got up and left.

Even after the old goblin left, no one seems to have noticed he was gone, maybe that just show is significant to the group.

As he walks out of the building, the old goblin looks at the vast landmass full of vitality and greenery. This place could easily solve the goblin current situation so they could focus on curing the land, yet he alone can't challenge all the gods and change their views. He could see they were on the same page as him but they fear someone who is perhaps dead. How else would you explain the constant stream of invaders? Obviously, the main God is dead.

The old goblin God turn around and walked close to a stream, there he saw a young goblin goddess, submerging her feet into the clear untainted water.

The young goblin goddess didn't even look at the old goblin as she spoke, her voice deep, " It's funny don't you think? The goblin race was pushed to extinction because of the main God, he saves us and now we are going to be exterminated but the main God is dead. It's very funny."

The old goblin ponder and nodded, however, he was declined to speak, all the gods already know his stance, so speaking further to a lost cause was pointless and honestly he was tired and wish to rest even if that means watch the world crumble.

Getting no response, the goblin goddess turned and saw that the old goblin was leaving, his back low casting a long lonely shadow.

Hesitating the goblin goddess finally decide to speak honestly, " I received a vision, the vision was blurry however I saw two fate for the goblins submission or death."

Pausing, the old goblin shook his head, " You know what this so-called submission means right, it means us becoming slaves. The gods of the World of God won't allow us to return, so that means mining some material from some dead worlds or stars. I rather die than allow the already broken goblin race to fall into a deeper pit of misery."

" I agree with you however I never said the one's in my vision was from the World of God; they are from somewhere else, although I couldn't see much, I saw power beyond what I have ever seen, divine stage beings number thousands and I assume their or other above them for me not to see much." The goblin goddess said after much hesitation.

The old goblin shook and turned around with misty and hopeful eyes, " Are you sure?! I can't believe such a force, not of the World of Gods exists; however, this is good news. Oh? Why are you telling me this and not the others, if you tell them you had a vision no one would doubt you like everything you predicted has come true." A hint of doubt appears in his eyes as he looks at the goblin goddess.

"I would have but they won't believe me. They don't dare to believe; think of it this way, how would you react if I told you that the World of Gods will fall and a new main world will take its place? Shock and disbelief right? Ahaha, that was just an analogy, the falling of the World of God is unlikely. That's the reason I didn't tell them but you, you place the benefit of the goblin race before even the gods, such devotion had never appeared in a race as scheming and cunning as ours."

The old goblin eyes flickered as he was lost in thought, seeming to come to a conclusion, he slowly knelt as he spoke, "If what you have told me is right and this will indeed save the goblin race, I will serve as my main God, I shall make you the ruler of the gods if you so will."

A change finally appeared on her face as she nodded with approval. She didn't do all of that because she cared for the goblin race, she did it because she knew the old goblin God is powerful, second only to the old main God in strength; with him by her side, she could be worry-free if things go south. A rabbit had two holes but she had ten thousand!!!