escanor vs abomination and hulk part 1

mc pov

after gaining the gift from God, l made a new body, body that can hold my power and grow along it. l make it look like escanor from nanatsu no taizai when he was young and in his sunshine state.

( look like this, it was when escanor is young)

l created two weapons one was rhitta escanor own weapons, it was to pay homage for him and the other was a guan dao or Kwan dao (, something like that), the two weapons was branded in my soul so l can summon them whenever I want, rhitta on my left hand and Kwan dao that l call solas on my right hand.

as for the suit, it was made from nanotech the thing that l wish to make in my previous life, and have all the ability from my past robot, such as invisibility, infrared, and many other things.

after l was done creating these three l suddenly passed out.


mc pov

when l wake up l was inside some alley that l don't know, when suddenly the wall on my right broke as two giant things went past and broke the other wall on my left, one was grey and the other was green.

looking at the two more than 2-meter giant things that fought without caring for its surrounding, l have the urge to fought the two of them to test my power, thinking so l summoned my suit and make it look like a normal clothes and sunglasses that have the ability to create an optical camouflage, then l thought about a yellow sun as my body grows into more than a three meter giant, higher than the two things.

after entering the sunshine state l walked slowly toward where the two being fought and saw that the green one pummeling the grey one with two cars one on it each hand, as the car on the green one hand was almost gone l arrived behind him.

using my right hand l grabbed the green one head and flung it to the side, those that saw me will think that l was another giant but yellow colored. looking at the grey one in amusement l waited for it to attack back, but the grey one merely looked at me and grinned.

"hahaha another one hahaha"

looking at the laughing grey one, I grow bored, summoning rhitta on my left hand, l swung it toward the grey one head. feeling the danger the grey one hurriedly dodged rhitta.


rhitta attack hit the ground and created a small explosion, well who would have thought that the power enhancement from sunshine state alone can create such explosion without even imbuing it with the power of sun.

let's try imbuing it with the power of sun next, willing the power of sun into rhitta, l swung it toward the grey one who already got up and looking at the destroyed ground that was caused by rhitta.


3rd pov

looking at the destroyed ground, abomination knows he can't take such attack or he will be seriously injured. looking at the being that created such destruction abomination realized that the being seems prepared to create another attack but this time was far stronger, and looking at rhitta who started to glow abomination feel a sense of danger and his instinct told him to run, but his intuition as an elite soldier told him otherwise or he will die faster, and the wisest choice for him now is to dodge whatever attack comes his way.

escanor swung his charged rhitta toward abomination, a few centimeters before rhitta head hit abomination, escanor body was flung as he received an intense force hit him that throw him away.





escanor was thrown a few meters, he only stopped after his destroyed four building. walking outside the building wreckage, escanor saw the one who hit him. it was Hulk who he throws to the side before and his size have already increased because of his anger at being thrown away.

ignoring abomination who shielded from escanor attack that never comes, hulk jumped toward escanor once again.

seeing hulk jumped toward him with such force and speed, escanor thought 'so that's how he does it'. escanor then readied himself for a head-on confrontation with the charging hulk.