meeting and prelude

mc pov

It's been a few years since I arrived at this world, I already roughly grasped my power and from my training, I also found that I can use magic but without any knowledge on it I can only crudely use it. also, I never aged anymore but I did grow it seem sunshine make me into some kind of immortal or maybe because of this body that suits this power and grow along with it, that gives me this kind of effects.

after staying in this world for a few years and constantly searching for information on this world, I became enamored by what this world called hero but l hate to sacrifices myself for human or their principle of no killing or what not, then I found this man called Wade Wilson or what he calls himself as Deadpool who kills all his enemy and yet can be still called somewhat hero, even though his ability was merely regeneration and martial art. using this man called Deadpool I become a hero who acts whatever I want.

downing my nanobots suit, l turn it into a black tuxedo and a coat, and a black hat. wearing these I walked outside of my home and wandered around aimlessly. While I walk around many people mostly girl looked my way, well maybe they find me attractive or weird as l wear such suit in such weather.

anyway I ignore all of their gazes and resumed my walk, and somehow I arrived at the park, then I sense something that I can't really describe it was something similar to my sunshine something that didn't originate from this world but from outer space. following my sense, I found two people a man and a girl, sitting on a bench and discussing something or maybe arguing.

I moved toward the both of them, the closer I got to them the clearer what I heard about what they arguing.

"c'mon sue what wrong with what Reed said, this is our chances to be a true superhero without people fearing us or be skeptical about who we are, I'm done with the way people look at me every time I come to help them sue"

"but Johnny if we follow what Reed said, we will lose our family, our place, our homes"

"su- no sis, just this one time, just for this one time can you please support me and agree to join, together with the four of us, it's not like we will lose our family, just think that our family become bigger okay"

"but.... ha... okay"

the two people or from what l heard was a sibling made up and agree to join something, after they done made up I spoke to them.

"Hello, can I take your time for a moment?"

the both of them became startled when suddenly I spoke to them, the man looked at me and spoke.

"Woah man, can you not surprise us by suddenly appearing like that"

"well, sorry about that but I was already standing since a moment ago when the two of you arguing whether to join something or not"

hearing my word the man became shocked, he started to point at me as he spoke.

"yo... you... you heard that?, but how come I can't sense you?"

"well, I don't know about, but probably because the both of you are too focused in your discussion, so can I have your time for a moment"

hearing my word the man became silent, while the girl who since the start only looking at me answered.

"yes, you can my name is susan storm and this was my little brother Johnny storm, can I have your name?"

susan offered his hand toward me for a handshake, I politely give her a handshake as I introduce myself.

"ah, where my manner my name is escanor, nice to meet the both of you"

"nice to meet you too"

"Ahem... until when are you guys gonna keep handshaking?"

hearing Johnny word the both of us hurriedly let go each other hand, then I received a glare from Johnny.

"Okay, what do you need from us escanor!"

"Hmm, how should I say this are the both of you human?"

hearing my word the both of them was shocked, seeing their shocked expression some of question was answered.

"uh... of course?"

Johnny answered without confidence and in a questioning tone, while Susan just keeps silent while lowering her head.

"well, I know this maybe inappropriate but you guys probably similar to me, have a power that was not of this world but from outside, and what I mean by outside is space"

the both of them looked toward me in shock after hearing my word.


3rd pov

inside S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier, fury was in a meeting with mr. fantastic or Reed Richard.

"so what your decision mr.reed?"

"three of us are fine with joining avenger, but one of us are still undecided on whether she will join or not"

"well, that's fine to-"


a giant explosion was heard from outside, as helicarrier started to wobble out of its course.

outside helicarrier, a helicopter was flying as it shoots missiles toward one of helicarrier fans.

inside the helicopter Loki was hypnotizing the pilot to attack helicarrier after a path was opened from the missiles Loki entered helicarrier. humming something he leisurely entered the helicarrier and when he meets some agent of S.H.I.E.L.D he would hypnotize them and make them show the way for him toward the tesseract.


mc pov.

I was on my way home after meeting the storm siblings and from my conversation with them, I found that the both of them along with some other mutated after they got radiated by what their captain called cosmic radiation.

all the way home I can only think about this cosmic radiation, because maybe it can help me better get a grasp on my power. let's put this matter behind for another time when I can create a rocket of my own and finally able to enter space.

walking home, I hear what seemed to be an explosion from above me. I looked above and saw nothing, then activating anti-obscuring of my nanobots I saw that behind the cloud there was a flying aircraft carrier that was propelled by four fans, and one of those fans was being bombarded by missiles.

activating optic camouflage of my nanobots and make me invisible I entered a new state, where my body stayed the same but my hair and pupils become white and my power was more than 100 time than sunshine state, but instead of emitting heat my body absorbing heat. I called this state white flash state.

under white flash state, I absorbed the heat around my feet until the air itself froze then I lightly tapped on it and jumped upward, I did this for a countless time until I arrived at the flying aircraft carrier.

arriving at the top of the aircraft carrier I thought maybe it was a good time to act hero, so I undid my optic camouflage and turn my nanobots into a golden colored suit, then a long silver colored coat.

on the back of the coat was a golden lion while on the front of the golden suit was a silver colored lion.

but just I arrived and show off my suit....