As the dream progressed she saw herself getting inside the coffee shop thinking to herself. "Her name was Peace what an interesting development". She went to the shop attendant to order her coffee. Today she had paid extra attention to her appearance, she was usually not permitted to wear other colors besides white in her regular job or outside, yet she has obtained the permission from the system she made it a special day... Her dress was white with beautiful big blue flowers she was bold and her blue heels made her look slightly taller and more stunning. She ordered her coffee and yet she could not help noticing the coffee shop attendant he was exceptionally gloomy and looked rather sad he was not really handsome but his eyes were quite charming.
Without a second thought he gave him the coin...
"Here for you it will bring you some luck ". This was a joke she knew but the man lights up..." Maybe it will give me luck by getting a lover he said meaningfully "." It sure will " blue answers. the people were curious was this an event." oh not with me " she exclaimed by blushing a bit she finally understood what the man meant.. She took her coffee and quickly left...
The day was getting worse and worse she gave him the coin dammit....
What would she give Orange she did not think much and went to the shop were Orange was working today.... How did she know this was private information well her control system had its ways to know.... It was not exactly hacking well it could be considedred hacking but the system was unhackable so she was not doing anything illegal... She calmed her thought and entered the store...
She sat in chair near the shops cafeteria and entered her own little word by reading the book(that she gave him) . The time passed quitely as she was reading her book and sipping her coffee.... She finished her first cup of coffee and went for another she was a coffe addict and a time addict. She loved both coffee and time she did not like to waste either.... "Hello". She said to the woman who was going to make her coffee... "How many days to you think you will be working here" blue asked. The woman was stunned what was this customer she thought such a private question. Blue's sickeness was acting up... She pured the coffee to the cup and waited for blue to pay... She approached blue in order to scan her control system yet blue furthered herself a bit. The woman was standing there with the scanner and was trying to understand what was happening...
"Will you let me scan? "...
Blue answered without actually hearing the question." Do you know what is fair? " she asked a bit nervous and angry ...
The system was fair the woman thought without voicing her thoughts.... Blue approaches her hand and lets her scan...
She gets sitted the people can not stop wondering what had happened and started at her.... As she was continuing reading her book a notification came two minutes her personal control system notified.....