The day she was dreading has appeared she was sick to the bone yet she dared to approach some people..
She said overconfident. " I am looking for someone to help me may I sit.."She sat at the bench without waiting for a reply the woman was eyeing her and dared not say something she only lit her cigarette and draw in the smoke.." I am blue and I am looking for someone to save us from great danger someone that is worthy to be a hero".She mocked at the other girls that curiously were observing blue"wait and see girls I ll save the world.."
She was a simple shop attendant wearing all black the color that shop attendants were since is elegant and not boring at all. Actually all people were this color in their jobs as to not distract others by the color given by the control system which was meant for your family and lover... Asking what color you were yesterday was very private and not permitted... So as you guess this earth was black and white. Very few elites wore white they were public people and highly acclaimed artists. Rich and poor this gap did not exist every one was equal in the eyes of the system, everyone was doing a job that the system had decided for them... Blue's job started at one pm she was a cleaning lady in a big company that day..."This world is so annoying" blue thought in the old days you could try hard and become everything you want now everything is limited by the system...
The cities were dark and gloomy everyone wearing black not matching the weather and the day which was bright and sunny...
Back to the present moment...
Blue stared the woman and she said. "Do you believe in the old world". The woman alarmed answered what are you saying the old world was a mess? Crime poverty war....? "Yes but do you believe in the freedom that gave you" ?
"If you were lucky you mean".Luck was a term rarely said nobody believed in it because everyone knew what was going to happen before happening.... It was like they could imagine and the result came to life with the help of the system there was only 100% chance of making it happen. Do you want a new lover then the system will help you get you want a new house or want to change your regular job then again the system will make it for you... The only thing you had to do was follow the system instructions about what to do and everything resolved itself.... Life was simply that boring as fuck predictable as fuck....
The only thing for blue looking forward too it was events that the system has created that helped lovers get together.
This was no simple matter and every new couple was on the news... Also the breakups were quite fun to watch....
She reclaimed her thoughts and returns to the present moment....
"That is true." she stared at her and she finally realized the system had turned this into an event but why... There was music coming out a super old song at that...."Heaven is a place on earth for you" the voice was singing mellowy... An event here and now why who and how? She looked around and saw none. "what was going on" music was meant for lovers or businesses. What happened. The whole four girls saw there control system...
Nothing was displayed on there screens...Maybe a malfunction?
But the system was perfect what had truly happened.... Then blue gets up and slowly lives while binding her goodbyes....