
The faint sound of gunfire continued to sound.

This is a completely strange land, at least for Alex.

Where can I find my 3rd company? Alex was confused and Asuka did not give himself a clear indication of direction.

At this moment, he found a small German soldier in front of him, and hurriedly screamed: "Hey!"

The soldier squatted and immediately found Alex, hurried over, a salute: "Lieutenant!"

I don't know why, Alex felt that the German soldier in front of him was familiar and looked at his rank. This is a corporal: "I am Lieutenant Wernst Gustav, I am going to the 16th Bavarian Infantry 3rd Regiment Camp. Soldier, do you know where is it?"

He was surprised to find that he could understand German and that his mouth was exactly the same as Asuka.

"Ah, you are Lieutenant Wernst Gustav?" The German soldier became excited: "Lieutenant, we have heard that we have to send us a new company commander. I am welcome you sir battalion commander. Please come with me, Lieutenant."

Seeing the other side is to meet their own, Alex's heart has also been put down.

Behind the German soldiers, Alex said: "Thank you, Corporal, what is your name?"

"The 16th Bavarian Infantry Corps Corporal, Adolf Hitler sir." The corporal did not say back.

"Boom", Wang Weizhen's head exploded.....(AN: man...think about coincidences.)

Who? Who's this guy? Perhaps I'm still dizzy or something

Adolf Hitler?

"Can you repeat that again corporal?"

God, I am now walking with the future imperial head of state, Adolf Hitler, and he is his commanding officer? Damn... now that is fucked up...

Alex involuntarily touched his gun. He suddenly had a thought. If he killed Adolf Hitler now, would there be a Second World War in the future?

But he immediately denied his idea. No, he must not let such a big history change because of impulsiveness. What kind of time and space disaster would it bring?

His hand was quietly released from the gun…

Adolf Hitler, who walked in front, didn't know that he had just left the gates of death…

The sound of the gunfire roared in the distance once again, and Adolf Hitler looked indignant: "The damn British crickets fired here again, and soon we let them know the power of Germany! Lieutenant, you will play a beautiful battle, Will you defeat all those who are British and French sir?"

"Ah? yes." Alex woke up from his tuple daydream and answered the question in a random manner.

More German soldiers gradually appear in his sight as he walked with the corporal, a few Mortars here, machine gun placements there, He even encountered a dozen German soldiers smoking cigarettes beside the mortar, and as Hitler came over and a soldier whistled: "Hey, Adolf, whos this comrade you brought?"

"It is our company's new company commander Lieutenant Wernst Gustav."

Hurriedly, the dozen German soldiers stood up together, threw away the smoke in their hands, and stood straight with the accompaniment of a salute: "Lieutenant!"

No matter where they are, German soldiers are model soldiers.

"At ease people." Alex waved his hand.

"Lieutenant, the camp is here."

Hitler took Alex to the camp's department and reported to the officer inside, and then led Alex into it.

Major Denison of the supplementary camp was looking at the map hanging on the wall, heard Hitler's report, turned his head, and looked at Alex: "Lieutenant, welcome to the frontlines."

"Wernst Gustav is ordered to take over the third company and is here to inform you, Major!"

"Well, Lieutenant, the situation is urgent, you don't have to say this anymore." Major Denison didn't have a lot of polite words, and straightforwardly called Alex to the map:

"Lieutenant, according to our scout reconnaissance, the enemy will continue to launch a large military advance in the near future. Our battalion is arranged in that area, and your mission is to lead the third company to firmly hold the B point. Do you accept this mission Lieutenant?"

"Yes, major." Alex has been silently thinking about his task countless times.

"Never let the enemy advance." Denison's voice was stiff and in a tone that could not be allowed to be questioned: "After the retreat is ordered if the enemy has broken through point B, it will be the biggest shame of the German soldiers! Even though I know the third company in the previous battle, the losses were serious and it was not reinforced, but I don't want to hear any excuses."

"Please rest assured, Major." Alex's voice is equally firm: "I know my responsibility."

"Okay, do you have anything to request Lieutenant?" asked Major Denison.

Originally, I wanted to say no, but I don't know why Alex's heart suddenly moved: "Major, please allow Adolf Hitler to add to the third company."

Major Denison didn't expect the other person to make such a request, and looked at Hitler: "Adolf, are you willing?"

"I am willing!" Hitler did not hesitate.

"Well, from now on you will be assigned to the third company, Corporal Adolf Hitler!"

Then he saluted to Alex: "For Germany!"

"Everything for Germany!" Alex also returned the salute replied loudly.

War is nothing but a continuation of politics. No matter which world war it is, the soldiers are just the executors. In the First World War, there was not a party of justice nor injustice.

Yes, it is only the interests between the state and the country.

The soldiers are actually innocent.

Although Germany eventually lost the war, the German army did not fail. What really failed was their government.

Alex does not consider the position of his own station now. Since God sent him to come here, then he will fight to get out of here.

Everything for Germany!

Everything is to leave this era!

Adolf Hitler apparently did not expect Alex to name him to go under his command. When he left the camp, he was very grateful: "Thank you, Lieutenant."

"Oh, why," Wang Weizhen asked.

"I always wanted to go to the front line and become a real soldier sir, not a commander who just ran around." Hitler's answer was full of passion: "All for our victory, everything for Germany!"

Alex smiled.

It is difficult for him to connect the future head of the empire with this Adolf Hitler in front of him. The person in front of him is a young soldier full of fanaticism about his country, but such fanaticism is completely different from the fanaticism of the future head of the empire.

Alex is convinced that if Adolf Hitler is to dedicate himself to die for Germany, he will not hesitate to do it!