
Somme, German defense, position B, third company.

September 11, 1916.

Alex Dickintton – Lieutenant Wernst Gustav has officially taken over the 3rd company.

In this war that is not related to justice or injustice, the German soldiers did show their exemplary qualities. In the previous battle, the third company has already lost a lot of people, leaving only 61 people. If you count the new Lieutenant Wernst and Adolf Hitler, there are only 63 people.

But this does not affect their high morale.

In a short time, Alex was familiar with most of the 3rd company.

Sergeant Hall, his own assistant; Bunkerley, that is the famous marksman; Sterk, if it is about firepower, no one can compare him; with Sean, Beaver, Aiken, being the MG08 type Maxim Heavy Machine Gun's front and rear shooter and ammunition hand…

These German soldiers wearing pointed hats, Alex can fully see their enthusiasm from their eyes.

"Lieutenant, the enemy may launch a large-scale attack in these two days." Sergeant Hall reported with utter composure that lacks a look of fear and soon introduced the situation to the new Lieutenant Gustav: "We have just received supplies for ammunition, but the personnel losses are serious. Insufficient forces, once the enemy launches an attack, I am worried that it would be difficult for us to have enough troops to defend."

"This is not what a German officer should say, Sergeant." Alex interrupted his words with a serious expression: "Sergeant, you will calm your heart before the fight."

"Yes, Lieutenant, but I have to report the current bad situation to you." Sergeant Hall is a stubborn person, and he insists on his own opinion: "I think we must ask Major Denison for reinforcements, at least sir to complement our forces."

"Sergeant, there is no reinforcement." Alex still being serious: "It is up to us now, but timid people can leave my company."

Sergeant Hall seems to have been greatly insulted, and his face has also turned red: "You can't insult me ​​like this, Lieutenant, I am willing to sacrifice for my country, but not blindly dedicated."

"If my words are wrong, I will apologize to you." Alex was somewhat dissatisfied with Sergeant Hall, but he still restrained his emotions: "But before the battle, I don't want to hear anything like that that could affect the soldier's morale."

After that, he called soldiers under his command together: "Soldiers, I am taking this position on the first day today, and many of you are not familiar with me. I, Wernst Gustav, the third company Lieutenant." Starting today, I will lead you to fight together. If I die in the hands of the enemy, then Sergeant Hall will take over the command…"

The soldiers are stunned, is Lieutenant ready to die?

"At least I think so. The soldiers who don't want to sacrifice are not qualified soldiers." Alex's words are very firm: "At the same time, as your commander, I must tell you frankly that the Battalion Commander Denison has told me very clearly. We can't get reinforcements, that is to say, from now on, there are only 63 people in the company…"

His eyes swept through the soldiers:

"The enemy will attack very quickly. From now on, each of us will burst out more than a few times more than ourselves. The timid people will not be able to stay in my company. Soldiers, let us raise our own Courage, fight for our country, everything for Germany!"

"Everything for Germany!" The soldiers' answers were neat and loud.

"Let those British ladies lick their ass in front of us!" Sterk suddenly came up with such a sentence.

"Boom", the soldiers laughed out, and then sang together: "Let those Britain ladies lick their ass to die in front of us!"

Alex also laughed. Who said that the Germans have no sense of humor?

This is an official meeting between Alex Dickintton and his soldiers. He also showed his attitude to everyone:

The people he needs the most are brave people like these!

Nothing else, because he wants to go home!

And the first requirement for going home is to complete the task here.

And this point, the soldiers of the 3rd company will never know…

Adolf Hitler is perhaps the most excited among the group. When the soldiers began to prepare for the battle, Hitler came to Alex and was very curious about the guns of Alex:

"Lieutenant, what kind of weapon is this? Why have I never seen it?"

"Bergman MP18Sub Machine Gun, our newly developed weapon, has not been officially equipped with troops." Alex perfunctory: "I am very fortunate to be the first to test this weapon."

Hitler suddenly realized: "Lieutenant, where are you from?"

"Regensburg." Wang Weizhen didn't know why he said such a place name.

"Regensburg, a beautiful city on the Danube." Hitler enviously said: "I have been there, the cathedral in the city stands, the church is surrounded by various brick-red houses, it is just the most beautiful landscape, I still used to paint a picture with this background…"

Third-rate painter Hitler? Alex's mind suddenly came up with such an idea. Haha

"I was born in the small town of Braunau in the Austrian side of the Brenau River in Bavaria, in a small inn called Pommer." Hitler didn't notice what Alex was thinking: "I did a lot of work, but I finally came to the army, I really can't imagine what I can do after the war."

"The war won't end…" Alex said something in his words.

Hitler did not understand the meaning of Alex: "Don't you think that Germany will eventually win?"

Alex was silent and did not answer this question directly: "Adolf, whether Germany can get this war is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that even if you leave the army, you will be extraordinary and great in the future. And you will achieve it!"

Hitler couldn't believe what he had heard, and no one ever had such a high degree of evaluation. His face was red with excitement.

"Believe me, Adolf!" Alex said very seriously: "You will succeed, and your achievements will exceed the vast majority of people. But now, what you care about is how to fight and be good in battle. Protect yourself."

"Lieutenant, thank you, I will always remember your words, you don't know, no one has ever said this to me. Everything for Germany!"

"Everything for Germany!"