
The day of the general offensive has come.

It is the eve of the 'Third-Phase' of battle as what is written in history.

September 13, 1916, It is a precarious day for the German front, The British offensive only pierced 3 km deeply on the German line. Threatening Morval, Lesboeufs and Gueudecourt defensive fronts.

On September 14, 1916, the French divisions attacked Frégicourt and Rancourt defensive fronts, which then results in them falling into the hands of the French offensive encircling the Combles' defensive front and launching a supporting attack on the south bank of Somme.

Under the stubborn resistance of the Germans. Both offensives only advanced only 3km deep into the German lands.

British and French coalition forces totaling 55 divisions (Canadian Corps, the New Zealand Division included)(AN: I counted the Canadian Corps as a division as they have multiple expeditionary forces in the battle of Somme), advanced to the 3rd line of defense of the German line.

-3rd line of Defense Position B

The 3rd company did not encounter the enemy, but some of the soldiers are on the edge. Hearing gunfire and mortar rounds explosion not far on the horizon.

Alex is very clear that the battle that broke out from the 15th to the 22nd is the real hardest battle. On that day, a new type of weapon in the history of human warfare will appear on the battlefield.


Alex made the power and shape of the tanks clear to the soldiers of the 3rd company. Which made the soldiers quite curious. Making them imagine a reinforced tractor with a cannon on top and caused quite a ruckus while discussing among themselves.

Making them a question... did the enemy still have a trump card of such? No wonder some of the defensive fronts fell earlier than expected.

The British produced the Mark 1 "male" and "female" Tanks and named them "water tanks" for confidentiality. But the British couldn't dream that their top-secret weapon has is spread in a small company in Germany.

The soldiers of the third company did not doubt the authenticity of the company's information source. Hearing from the "intelligence department".

While the portrayal was describing the Tank, and how to deal with it, Hall Sergeant came over: "Lieutenant, there is a lady who wants to see you."

"Lady?" Alex stunned, what lady?

Bunkerley said with a bad heart: "Hey, Lieutenant, there is never a tradition of women in the German army."

The soldiers around them laughed.

A girl in a military uniform came over and was a sergeant. Alex stood up and greeted him: "I am the third company commander Lieutenant Wernst Gustav."

This tall, beautiful face, the sergeant with blond hair honored a ceremony: "Military Intelligence Department, Heinrich Elena."

When I heard the name of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Army Staff, all the third's people stiffened in their smiles and became very serious.

Everything in memory tells Alex why his own subordinates have such expressions.

The Military Intelligence Service of the Army Staff, the main intelligence agency of Germany during the First World War, was led by Major Nikolai and set up a secret intelligence station under the Military Intelligence Agency. Major Nikolai is commanding about one hundred and fifty intelligence officers. Many of them were directly led by him at the headquarters, while others were working in Berlin, at the military intelligence station, at the lower headquarters of the Western Front, in the Eastern Theater and the Southeast Theater Command. Most of the spies are led by nine military intelligence stations. At that time, the funding of the Intelligence Bureau was second to none in Europe except Russia.

In Germany, there is a saying that the Military Intelligence Service of the Army Staff has unlimited rights and they can go wherever they want to go.

Nikolai himself, although only a major, but many people with a higher rank than him are respectful to him.

Sergeant Heinrich Elena suddenly appeared, so that all the soldiers of the third company had put away the thoughts of joking.

"Sergeant, welcome to the third company." Alex also knows the other side's powerful, polite.

Elena's perfect face has no trace of a smile, and a pair of deep blue eyes always have some mysterious content: "Lieutenant, I need a quiet place to talk to you."

"Okay, please."

After staying away from the soldiers of the third company, Elena quickly said: "Lieutenant, a spy hidden inside us, escaping after gaining an important piece of information from us, he got a response from a British secret squad. We must kill them and get the information back, and the one closest to them is your third company."

"I understand." Alex said with ease: "Please give me some accurate intel specifics."

Elena is obviously very satisfied with the attitude of the other party: "The target you need to kill is Andreas, this is his photo…"

Alex took the photo and looked at it, then collected it. Elena continued: "The British squad has about eight to ten people, wearing German military uniforms, and will pass in this location today. Your mission is to reclaim the information, so you must not let a person go back alive."

"Understood, Sergeant."

"I will be involved in your action to make sure there are no surprises."

Elena's words made Alex almost trip himself as he treads on, he never thought that women would fight. Well, it seems that it is more appropriate to stay behind and do some auxiliary work.

However, the other party is the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Army Staff. Although the official rank is higher than her, the status can be far worse than her.

Shrugging: "Well, sergeant, but I hope that you can take care of yourself in the battle."

Elena's face is still so indifferent: "You don't have to worry about this at all."

"Hall, Bunkerley, Sterk… Adolf, you are coming along, and the rest continue to hold their positions." Alex made such an order loudly.

Soon, for the collection, we counted Alex and Elena, a total of twenty people.

The mission was then told to the soldiers, and the soldiers looked a little excited. Since the last battle, there has been no fight with the enemy for some time. Now, once again, they have the chance to give the British a lesson.

As the soldiers were preparing, Alex quietly came to the side and whispered to the tracker: "Asuka, Asuka, calling Asuka."

Asuka's voice came again: "It's been so long since you called me, what's the sitrep? The battle hasn't even started yet, do you want reinforcements?"

"Help me find a spy called Andreas. He seems to have stolen what the Germans have."

After a brief silence, Asuka said: "Andreas, a Dutch, developed into a spy by the British intelligence service in 1914… strange, why is the task of chasing is on your head? It should be by another force. To complete… I think maybe it's our appearance and changed some tiny historical trajectories… ah, this is what Dr. Reznov is most worried about…"

"I don't care what your damn doctor is worried about." Whenever it is about Dr. Reznov, Alex is resentful: "I need to know where I got to stop this damn Andreas!"

"Wait, let me analyze… To the west bank, the enemy is not far from the western front."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, don't forget that I am a computer."

"Okay, okay," Alex replied helplessly