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Winter Wolf

Island Cluster 2.

Somewhere in an Asteroid field.

"BOOM, BOOM... "

"Patatata... "

"Buzzz... . ."

The sound of explosions and rapid gunfire reverberated through the chaos as swarms of Entomons encircled the battleships, engulfing them effortlessly. Among them, heavy-armored Entomons charged through the frontline, smashing Prugnator-Droids and tearing them into pieces.

In response, humans unleashed their heavy artillery. The thunderous blasts of 4th Generation B-grade heavy cannons echoed across the battleground. Multiple rounds of 4B-Rail guns and 4B-Coil guns were fired at the armored Entomons, pulverizing them instantly.

Both sides became entangled in the ferocity of war, with the Entomons gradually gaining the upper hand amidst the chaos.

"Lieutenant General! Our military resources are running low. If this continues, we will not be able to sustain our operations for more than 10 days," reported one of the officers.

Lt. General Henry remained composed as he surveyed the holographic map of Island Cluster 2. After more than 10 months of warfare, they found themselves slowly being pushed back to the edges. It was only a matter of time before they were expelled from IC2.

He was at a loss for ideas. With limited resources and an endless onslaught of enemies, Lt. General Henry observed the increasing numbers of Entomons, including powerful Class 3-5 variants. These formidable creatures had the capacity to obliterate entire fleets of battleships.

The fleet may be small, but it comprises thousands of elite soldiers. The current situation is untenable, and a solution must be found quickly.

"Lieutenant General!"

"Lieutenant General!!"

The officer rushed into the meeting room with a panicked voice.

"Calm down, soldier! Take a breather first," advised Henry. The soldier took a deep breath and composed himself. He tapped his wrist, and a hologram screen appeared. On the screen stood 27 gigantic Entomons, each standing 40-45 meters tall, adorned with metallic armor and horns resembling scissors, akin to Stag beetles but more humanoid in form.

Behind the 27 gigantic Entomons stood a horde ten times larger than the ones they had previously encountered. Among them, larger and more menacing Entomons could be seen.

The gigantic Entomons wreaked havoc, destroying everything in their path. None of the weapons seemed effective against them; their thick, scaly armor proved impenetrable to lasers and conventional weapons, deflecting all attempts without a scratch.

Witnessing the gigantic Entomons mercilessly slaughtering his soldiers, decimating their battleships effortlessly, and toying with the cyborgs filled Henry with a mix of sadness and anger. Their once proud weapons now seemed useless against these formidable newcomers.

"They have finally sent out their Noble Entomons!" Henry exclaimed, his heart heavy with realization. The existence of these higher classes of Entomons had long been known to them. They referred to these ruling class or higher forms of Entomons as Noble Entomons, acknowledging their status in the Entomon hierarchy. Possessing the ability to control other Entomons, they epitomized the hierarchical structure inherent in every civilization, albeit in a more alien form.

"It's time for us to make an appearance on the battlefield," Henry declared, casting a determined gaze at his officers. "Tell every combat officer to suit up." With that command, he departed for the military warehouse. Making his way to his private room, he began the process of suiting up. His bio-suit, dubbed "Silver Wolf," and his Atom suit, named "Winter Wolf," awaited him, symbols of his readiness for battle.

The dense liquid ascended his legs, swiftly enveloping his entire body. Taking the form of a humanoid wolf, it sprouted silvery-white fur and metallic claws. As the transformation reached completion, the suit solidified, its edges razor-sharp. Designed for close combat, its agility was unmatched. Henry relished the sharpness of his claws, testing their capabilities. In a sudden movement, he assumed a fighting stance, his fist closing tightly. Eyes gleaming with determination, his fist drew in the surrounding air, culminating in a lightning-fast punch.


The forceful punch unleashed a shockwave that rippled through the air, shrouding his fist in swirling smoke.

This punch bore immense power and destructiveness. The suit's penetrative and explosive capabilities were tailor-made for assaults. Its silvery fur served a functional purpose beyond mere decoration; it acted as an insulator, ensuring optimal performance even in extreme weather conditions. The fur shielded the suit from freezing temperatures, allowing it to operate efficiently on planets with harsh climates. Moreover, it conserved energy, unlike other suits that required greater energy consumption to maintain temperature regulation. However, these benefits paled in comparison to the 6th generation suits like the "Bald Eagle", which boasted near-impenetrable defenses. With sufficient wealth, influence, and power, nothing seemed unattainable.

Henry strode into the vast warehouse, his bio-suit accentuating his figure as he made his way toward the Atom suits. Amidst the dimly lit space, he beheld a magnificent sight—a towering behemoth, resplendent in its pristine white hue. The colossal battle suit, resembling a humanoid wolf akin to his bio-suit, lay dormant amidst the shadows of the warehouse. Its sheer size dwarfed the standard Atom suits, standing an imposing 52 meters tall. Yet, despite its imposing stature, the suit exuded an air of tranquility, akin to that of a slumbering innocent child.

of battles past. As he synchronized with the suit, a sense of camaraderie washed over him, akin to reuniting with an old friend.

"Old friend! It has been a long time since we fought," he murmured, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "The battlefield has called us again. It's time for us to reunite."

With resolve etched upon his features, Henry activated the Atom suit, signaling his readiness to embark once more into the fray.

"Zzzz Vvvvvv…"

As the engine roared to life, emitting a powerful pulse, the Winter Wolf suit seemed to awaken in response. Its eyes gleamed brightly, a flash of light piercing through the darkness, as if acknowledging its partnership with Henry.

"Welcome, Henry!" greeted a female voice, resonating within his mind.

"Hello, Leto! Open up the carrier door for me please," Henry requested.

"As you command," Leto replied.

Slowly, the carrier door opened, revealing the expanse of space beyond. Henry concentrated, condensing light particles beneath his feet, and began to ascend into the air. With graceful movements, he floated out of the Mothership and...




Henry vanished from the Mothership, streaking through space towards the battlefield with incredible speed. Behind him, millions of light rays closely followed, representing the elite forces of humanity as they surged towards the impending conflict.


On the frontline of the battlefield, the intensity of the war reached its peak.

"SCREECH... . ."

"ROAR... "

The soldiers faced a dire situation as the Noble Entomons mercilessly slaughtered humans and Prugnator-Droids, reveling in their power over their victims. Desperation engulfed the soldiers, who found themselves at a loss against these formidable adversaries. They were not afraid of death, but the thought of dying in vain was unbearable. Urgent help was needed to turn the tide of battle.

Matthew, a captain leading a platoon of combat soldiers, fought alongside his trusted CCS2-907 (Colossus Combat Suit 2nd Generation - Serial no. 907) Atom suit, towering at 33 meters tall. Initially effective against most Entomons due to their size advantage, they now became prime targets for the Noble Entomons. Despite the threat, the Noble Entomons were fortunately low in numbers, sparing them from potential annihilation in mere minutes

Despite exhausting every tactic, nothing seemed to deter the Noble Entomons. The frustration was palpable as they realized that heavy weaponry from the Mothership was their only hope. Amidst the chaos, Matthew found himself engaged in combat against a group of Entomons. In the midst of the battle, his focus shifted abruptly as he witnessed one of the Noble Entomons targeting his girlfriend. Instantly, his eyes blazed with determination as he charged toward them.

As Natalie watched the gigantic Entomon charging towards her, time seemed to slow down, and her mind went blank. In that moment, she felt the weight of fate pressing upon her. Despite her lack of extraordinary accomplishments and the fact that she wore the standard CCS1 Atom suit, which stood only 30 meters tall, she found herself facing this monumental threat. The impending confrontation left her grappling with the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

"Maybe it's fate." She thought.

With death looming closer, Natalie's legs weakened as fear paralyzed her. Despite her attempts to escape, the Stag Entomon closed in relentlessly, every millisecond ticking away like a grim reaper. As the Entomon drew nearer, Natalie felt a sense of resignation wash over her. Accepting her fate, she stood still, acknowledging the inevitability of her impending demise.

"Nooooo... . ." Matthew's scream pierced the chaos as he burst out of the crowd, charging straight at the Stag Entomon. The Entomon, surprised by the sudden assault, initially ignored Matthew, focusing on grabbing Natalie with its pincer. In a critical moment, Matthew seized the opportunity, aiming for the creature's left eye. With unyielding determination, he pierced through the Entomon's eye, delivering a decisive blow.


The Stag Entomon let out a shrill, shrieking loudly in pain and anger. Underestimating the humans had come at a heavy cost. Fuming with rage, it bellowed, "'A mere tiny worms dare to hurt me.'" With a swift motion, it swiped its giant pair of scissors, aiming to pulverize Matthew. However, Matthew dodged gracefully, his movements calculated and precise.

"Natalie! Get away from here. Retreat back to the base," Matthew shouted, deftly dodging the attacks. Natalie hesitated, but before she could finish her sentence, Matthew cut in sharply, "That's an order. Now go back to the base."

Feeling the weight of her perceived burden, Natalie didn't hesitate any longer. She flew off away from the battlefield, knowing she had to obey the command for the sake of safety.

The Stag Entomon glared at Matthew with his remaining eye, filled with fury and determination. 'I cannot let this little worm escape,' he thought, fixating his gaze on Matthew. He buzzed his wings and charged straight at Matthew with incredible speed, almost reaching the velocity of sound despite his large size.

Matthew realized he couldn't dodge the incoming attack; it was too fast and too massive for him to evade. In a split-second decision, he activated his energy shield and flew backward to mitigate the force of the impact.

The Stag Entomon accelerated with incredible speed, crashing into Matthew with his scissor-like horn. Matthew watched in slow motion as the gigantic Entomon shattered his energy shield like fragile glass. In a desperate move, he activated his life-saving Airbag, which instantly puffed out and covered the whole mech. However, it was short-lived as the Airbag deflated upon contact with the Entomon's horn.

Matthew was sent flying like a rocket, slamming against an asteroid with tremendous force. Miraculously, he survived the impact. The one-eyed Noble Entomon, confused, felt he had hit something soft and noticed the deflated airbag. He then looked at Matthew, still alive, realizing he had been tricked once again.

"ROAR… ."

With a deafening roar, the Stag Entomon flew straight towards Matthew, seeming to have lost all sense of reason. Atom-suited soldiers attempted to block his path, but he smashed through them like a paper wall, driven by madness and fury.


And landed on the Asteroid where Mathew had fallen.

Matthew smiled bitterly as he watched the gigantic Entomon approaching him on the asteroid.

'I promised Natalie that we would marry after we return from this war,' he thought to himself.


"I cannot fulfill that promise now," he muttered as he closed his eyes and waited for his imminent death.

The one-eyed Entomon approached Matthew menacingly, its gaze filled with malice. As it drew near, it seized Matthew with its scissor-like horn, intending to tear him apart. However, time suddenly froze, halting all movement. Everything around them came to a standstill.

In the very next instant, an unbelievable event unfolded before Matthew's wide eyes. A brilliant, white-silver flash caught his attention, and as he processed what he was witnessing, he realized that the one-eyed Entomon had been abruptly split into two halves.

The sudden and astonishing occurrence caused everyone to let out a collective scream, their surprise echoing throughout the scene.


"What was that?"

"What's happening!!"

The Entomons, too, were momentarily stunned by the turn of events. As the haze gradually dissipated, revealing the figure who had intervened, everyone's gaze finally settled upon a remarkable sight. A colossal Atom suit, adorned in silver, stood beside the remains of the defeated Entomon.

This Atom suit was unlike any they had ever encountered, towering at an astonishing 52 meters in height. Its unique design set it apart from all other Atom suits they had known, captivating the onlookers with its grandeur and mystery.


"That's Lieutenant General Henry!" someone from the ranks of higher-ranking officers exclaimed, recognizing the figure in the silver Atom suit. The realization that their much-needed backup had finally arrived washed over the soldiers, and their joyous screams filled the air.

For far too long, they had endured the oppressive hand of the Noble Entomons, desperately seeking assistance. Their faith had been tested, but now, as they witnessed their esteemed Lt. General Henry squash the once-formidable Entomon like an insignificant bug, their spirits soared. At last, they had a powerful ally who could stand against the Noble Entomons and bring hope to their plight.

As millions of streaks of light approached, the soldiers watched in awe as pilots donning CCS3 and CCS4 Atom suits joined their battle. These formidable warriors charged headlong into the throngs of Entomons, unleashing a devastating display of power. The Entomons, once a menacing force, now seemed like mere insects in the face of these titanic Giants.

The pilots, all elite soldiers with years of experience under their belts, had honed their skills through countless battles on hostile planets. Their expertise was evident in their battle strategies, as they delivered lethal and efficient blows that left the Entomons shattered and cleaved in their wake. The once-feared Entomons now met their demise with ease at the hands of these highly skilled warriors.

With the CCS4-clad high-ranking officers leading the charge, they skillfully engaged the Noble Entomons, keeping them occupied and preoccupied. This strategic move left the lower-class Entomons without the support of their once-formidable leaders. The tide had turned, and the humans seized this opportunity to regain the upper hand.

The soldiers swiftly reorganized into their battle formations, utilizing their superior weaponry to its full potential. They began to push back the now-disadvantaged Entomons, their unwavering determination and tactical prowess proving to be the deciding factor in this crucial battle. The once-feared Entomon forces were now on the defensive, their defeat seemingly imminent.

Henry closely observes the overall situation of the war. He needs an overview of the situation to make a decision.


"Lieutenant General! Thank you for saving me," Matthew coughs, standing and giving a military salute.

"Don't mention it! I saw your fight against the Noble Entomon. You did a great job and worked hard. We will need everyone's strength in the near future," Henry praises him.

"It was just luck," Matthew replied with a sense of shame.

"I don't think so! No luck can pull off that kind of stunt. You should return to the base and take care of your injuries," ordered Henry.

"Sir! I..." Matthew attempted to interject, but Henry interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

"Go back! That's an order," Henry waved off his hand, ignoring his pleading.

"Yes, Sir!" Matthew could only helplessly shake his head and fly off to the temporary base.

Henry watches the fight between his officers and the Stag Entomons. Both sides exhibit similar speed, size, and strength, but the elite soldiers possess superior fighting skills, better weapons and equipment. The suits they wear are made from Titanium, pure graphene, and rare materials from planet Nanian, allowing them to withstand hits from the Noble Entomons. As a result, the Entomons are at a disadvantage. The Atom suits are equipped with some of the most advanced weaponry, including a high-frequency blade capable of slicing through almost anything.

The Noble Entomons emitted piercing screeches as their bodies split in two. The soldiers watched in awe as the once-feared creatures were cut down, avenging their fallen comrades. The sight boosted the soldiers' morale significantly.

Amidst the cheers, many soldiers observed the elite soldiers wielding the Grade A high-frequency blade, radiating with power.

"I wish I had that Grade A high-frequency blade," remarked one soldier, his eyes fixed on the gleaming weapon, expressing his admiration and longing for such formidable weaponry.

"Dream on!" scoffed one soldier in response.

"Those are not cabbage. They require an enormous amount of energy, and someone strong enough to wield them. Even if you wield one, I don't think you can slice through a cabbage. Besides, you need to be a high-ranking officer or elite soldier to wield it. It would just be a waste in our hands," remarked the soldier beside him, his tone tinged with sarcasm.

The soldier tightly clenched his sword and made a firm decision. He needed that sword. If he survived this war, he would practice a hundred times harder than his usual training.

As the fight continued, humans gained momentum with the help of the elite soldiers, and the number of Entomons was slowly dwindling.

"SCREECH... ."

A very long and painful screech was heard. It was the last Noble Entomon that was killed.

The lower class Entomons realized that the war was going south. So, they started retreating slowly. In this battle, the Entomons lost more than 65% of their numbers, while the humans lost around 11%. If not for the backup, they would have lost this war.

"Henry was deeply pondering the sudden retreat of the Entomons. He gazed far into the pitch-black, dark abyss.

A CCS4-Atom suit came flying and landed next to Henry.

"Lieutenant General! We lost 790,000 soldiers, 6 million Cyborgs, 21 million Prugnator-Droids, and 143,000 Meta-humans, Sir! We lost 11% of our fighting power," Colonel Luke reported.


"We lost so many even after we intervened," Henry said remorsefully. So many lives were lost in one day.

'I don't know how long we can keep this up,' he thought.

"Go and give everyone a one-hour rest, and get everyone ready for combat. Our guests will be arriving soon," ordered Henry.

Luke was startled. He followed Henry's gaze and looked into deep space. He zoomed in and saw some activity. It wasn't clear, but he got the idea of what it was. It was the Entomons; the blurry cloud was getting bigger by the second.



"Yes, Sir!" He saluted and flew off to the battlefield to start preparing for the upcoming battle.

"Leto! How many hours left before they reach us?" asked Henry.

"1 hour and 15 minutes," replied a soft female voice.

"How many of them are there?" Henry inquired.

"37,261,047,931, and counting. I detect a lot of higher energy lifeforms, with two at an Upper Peta level," Leto paused for a moment and provided detailed answers.

Henry inhaled the cold air deeply, feeling a sense of intimidation from the numbers. His gaze fell upon the pitch-black, dark abyss, his teeth clenched in determination.

With a fierce growl, he let out a long, resonating howl that echoed through the air. It was a call to arms, a declaration of war that resonated with his fellow soldiers.


As the soldiers witnessed their Lieutenant General's primal call, a sense of solemnity washed over them. The howl stood as a declaration of war by Henry himself.

Giving a final glance towards the vast darkness of space, Henry checked his battle equipment. He understood fully that this upcoming battle would be one of life and death.