Louise Van Hill

In a spacious room, Sheri's eyes fluttered open. As her eyes slowly adjusted to the light, she stared wonderingly at her extravagant surroundings. A light blue ceiling with a small chandelier and a grayish wall came into view. Her luxurious bed was already enough for four people. Having enough fill gazing at the whole room, she sat and reclined herself at the headboard. She took a deep breath and painfully pinched her legs. Feeling pain, she realized that everything was real. She gradually ingested every single thing that was taking place. For her, all of this looked like a fantasy.

"This must be an illusion," She muttered in disbelief. She still couldn't believe that she was really given a second chance to start over.

Being reminded of her family, she once again felt a deep grievance. The last memory of Devon forcing her to watch over what had happened to her distraught family. Painful images painfully shot through her mind. She could still remember the terrible pain showing in the sunken eyes of her parents, yet they still showed concern.

"Daddy, Mommy" Sheri tearfully murmured.

Her trembling hand was brought up to cover her mouth as she began to tear up. She thought that this was just a hallucination. It was real!

A mechanical voice abruptly talked in her mind, diverting her focus on her situation now.

"Uploading story of this world," the mechanical voice said.

Bursts of specific images and memories projected in front of her. She tried to instantly comprehend the story of this world she was brought to while battling fiercely to keep her emotions under control.

Her name in this world was Louise Van Hill, the heiress of Van Hill clothing company. Twenty-eight years old socialite and currently wedded to Henry Bacht, the adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Bacht. Henry was 29 years old, tall, handsome, hunky man, and an extraordinary genius at birth. He was the person behind the success of Bacht business turning their hotel chains to world-class hotels.

Since they were engaged under the agreement of both families, they were coerced to get married and gave birth to two children. After ten years of a miserable marriage, they finally had two children - Liss and Arnold. Henry had been extremely patient toward Louise's action. Every possible scandal she did had always been concealed by him by bankrupting a leading media company or even forcing the reporter to resign, and the list went on. Louise, on the other hand, was still unaffected and disgusted with Henry and opted more for clubs and parties.

After years of being neglected by his own wife, Henry found unspeakable comforts from his own secretary. That was where the female lead appeared. Her name was Lovely Faon. She came from a loving middle-class family and a hard-working woman. She graduated from a prestigious university with honors. Smart, beautiful, and everything a female lead must have, she had them all. With her wit and kindness, she landed a good job in the private company of Bacht. In no time became the capable secretary of Mr. Henry.

As a result of being neglected by their mother, Henry had been bringing the two children to his company. Eventually, the responsibility of looking after them fell on Louise. She personally took good care of them and as they grew up, they gradually forgot their own biological mother and recognized Louise as their own mother.

Years went by and their children grew up under Henry's care with the help of Ms. Lovely. Being kind and an extraordinary lady, the two children became closer to her. Meanwhile, Henry and Louise, after 20 years of marriage got a divorce.

After the divorce, Louise found out that she was sick and there was no cure. When it had gotten worse, no one came nor even visited her. She died destitutely. No one cried, no one missed her and no one even went to attend her funeral. She was buried alone and lonely just like that.

On the other side, Henry and Lovely got married and enjoyed a wonderful marriage. They have four more children, and the children of Louise still adored their stepmother.

At present.

It was the first year of their marriage. Their honeymoon was ended in a way that Louise abandoned Henry in their honeymoon room. She didn't want to sleep with her husband. The first thing she imposed after the wedding was to set her own rules. Each of them would have their own separate rooms. She wouldn't allow him to touch her in public nor in private. It's been a year since they got married and everyone in the mansion was already aware of how they lived their marriage life.

This was also the year that they were being pressured to birth a child. Louise was being threatened by her family that if they wouldn't give them a grandchild, she would inherit nothing and her allowance would be cut off.

Today was the day for them to go back to the old patriarchs' mansion and had dinner together with their parents.

Formerly, the owner of the body promptly rejected the dinner invitation. Naturally, as a patient and understanding husband, Henry made an excuse for her. But their lie of an excuse was unfortunately exposed as published photos of her attending a party and hooking up with another man was all over the tabloid the next morning.

Henry was informed about the gossip on the local news and tried his best to suppress the media but was yet leaked and seen. Louise's parents were deeply ashamed. They dragged her out and made her kneel in front of her parents-in-law and also to Henry. Louise didn't care less nor bothered about it. She just rolled her eyes at them and did what her parents wanted her to do. Her father almost lost his senses and slapped his daughter but his wife interfered in time to calm him down.

Her parents sincerely apologized to Henry and his family. Henry was utterly silent the whole time. The patriarch of the family Bacht was certainly not happy but let him decide whether to divorce her or not. In the end, he still forgave her and moved on just like what happened was nothing trivial. Her parents were gradually thankful and the day after the event, her allowance was deliberately cut off. Her father was especially infuriated and ashamed. To make things worse, she caused her father to be hospitalized after provoking another scandal.

Now that Sheri took over, the only wish of the body's owner was to have children with Henry, properly treating him this time and to fall in love with him. She wanted to become a proper wife and a real mother toward their children. She mustn't allow the female lead to have her way to her husband's heart. This was her mission.

She tried to calm herself and sort out the overwhelming emotions from her past life. She took note of everything that she needed to prepare from the owner's memories, her eyes showed a hint of resolute dedication to succeed her mission in this world.