
Sheri Hoal. An attractive but easily angered lady, considered as the black sheep among the seven siblings of Hoal family. She must obtain what she wanted or else hell would break loose. She had six siblings, but had never been fond of any of them. A socialite, self-centered lady who opted for only clubs, parties and such.

In contrast to her personality, she has loving and hardworking parents. In spite of their busyness, they had never neglected to care for their children, giving their best. Of all the 7 children they had, only Sheri acted indifferently and the difficult one to handle. Because of this, they kept on blaming themselves thinking that they didn't give her enough love or attention. The Hoal family's reputation and foundation were naturally good, and in reality, she was the one who ruined everything.

During one of the private parties hosted by the Hoal Company, Sheri fell in love with a business tycoon named Eric Copper. His muscular, well-built sturdy body and riches promptly caused everyone to strive to have a connection with him. He was widely known as a handsome and sought-after bachelor in the world. After years of pursuing the man, her feelings were still unrequited. She even allegedly used her father's personal influence to have a connection with him, but it resulted in jeopardizing her family's business. Her actions made the Hoal Company lost countless billions of dollars in a lucrative deal.

Unknowingly to Sheri, the man was in love with an ordinary woman named Janice Faren. They met when he and Mr. Devon from Goori cooperation had a business deal. During their private meeting, Janice accidentally made a remark which in turn had made both of them amazed. Her dazzling beauty and good personality dazed everyone. Mr. Devon had also noticed how good and innocent she was causing him to be interested in her. As the days go by, both Eric and Devon gradually fell deeply in love with her.

Sheri came to know about Eric and Devon chasing Janice and bitterly asked her self,

"Why is it that an ordinary person is being chased by two business tycoon? I'm equally beautiful as that woman and I'm even richer than her."

The moment Janice voluntarily accepted Devon, she naively thought that she could have a chance with Eric. However, Eric on the other hand still loved Janice in spite of having a lover.

One time, armed with violent jealousy, she had aggressively pushed Janice on the stairway. As a result, her violent action had caused Janice to lose her unborn child.

Upon hearing what happened, Eric and Devon were so angry. They made the Hoal Company bankrupt and had also kidnapped Sheri.

In the middle of a forest, an old European mansion could be seen. Inside the mansion, a hidden underground base could be located and in that base was where Sheri had been chained up.

Her haggard face couldn't even be identified, and her shabby clothes had been tattered to pieces. She was tortured every dying day, some of her cracked skin was already scarcely peeling and some of her broken bones were already popping out from the flesh. A few of her crooked fingers were severely cut. At this time, she could horribly smell her own urine and feces.

She had earnestly beseeched them, begging for forgiveness but they wouldn't listen. They turned out to be unsympathetic people, a devil in human form. If she had only intuitively grasped who they really were, she would never provoke them. Both men made it certain that she would not die that easily. Whenever she fainted, a personal doctor appeared merely to wake her up. Eric never neglected to come daily and torture her, while Devon sometimes came just to watch the show. Both were likened to a beast, having fun in inflicting pain towards her.

Every single day was torture beyond the pain every man had ever felt. She was tired, deeply hurt and dying not just physically but emotionally, mentally and psychologically. It all comes to an end until one terrible day. Devon walked inside holding a used laptop. He put the used laptop in the cutting table in front of her and sat down in a clean chair. He coldly faced her. He pressed the play button and let her watched her ill mother and anxious father's unfortunate circumstances. She could see that her dad and mom looked like they had aged for ten years. Her siblings were, moreover, not in the best situation. They inadvertently turned into miserable beggars. No one would ever want to hire them due to the brutal oppression and illegal order from the two business tycoons she had provoked. She couldn't watch anymore and forcibly closed her sunken eyes. Her overwhelming guilt had completely consumed her. All of the terrible pain and overwhelming sadness, fear had long last succumbed to her body and soul. Finally, after terrible months of cruel torture and terrible pain, she breathed her last.

In her death bed, she thought.

"This life, she will offer just to let her loved ones have a good life. She will do everything and every way to change their fate just to be released from the hands of these men. If she has a second chance, she will give her all in exchange for her family to be safe and be far away from these people."

In a void space. Sheri gently opened her eyes. As she carefully looked at the space where she was, a mechanical voice unexpectedly spoke,

"Welcome host 343, I'm system 56 of the luminous galaxy Enid, we scientifically investigated your case and you're lucky to be the winner of a draw. We can let you go back into your world, but it naturally depends on how many missions you want to achieve."

The confused face of Sheri instantly relished as soon as she heard the voice saying that she could go back. She didn't care whether this was a dream. All she could think was to save her family! She sobbed silently remembering her family's situation. They were all that mattered now. She should and would definitely alter her fate.

"I want to go back and change everything. I would do everything, just tell me what to do?" Sheri asked desperately.

The mechanic voice sounded again.

"Every successful mission is equivalent to a year. You can decide how many years you want to go back. The only difference is that the first mission instantly begins with an easy mode. The more you progress in your missions the more the level of the hardship of the mission is. In your case, the last mission will be the hardest, but after completing all the missions, you can stay in your world. But you have to remember that in these missions, you are on your own. You will be parted with all the necessary information regarding your tasks to do."

Her nails dug into her palm as she firmly swore that she will get through these missions for the sake of her family. She decided to do seven missions. That would be enough to change everything.

"7 years, I would like to go back for 7 years."

"Acknowledge, accepted amount of missions calculating, you have 7 missions and your job is to correct the life of every second female lead. After you complete your mission. We will start transmitting you to your own world 7 years prior to your kidnapping but you can only stay there for 1 year and after a year you have to do another mission. If you fail the mission, you will lose a partial amount of the given months of return."

Sheri didn't mind as long she could have a chance to change everything.

"Thank you," She tearily said.

"You will arrive promptly in your mission and be instantly given the memories of the body you occupy. All the missions are based precisely on the earnest wish of the owner of the body, and an important reminder is, you must not be out of character. Make sure that change has to occur in small details. Good luck host."

She still had a lot of questions to ask, but she was suddenly surrounded by bright lights.