Louise van Hill

After the checkup, she went to the mall to purchase some things to surprise her husband. She purchased a beautiful small donut box where he put the ultrasound pictures of their baby. Second, she picked up a bigger box and put various items that Henry likes.

Henry arrived home and Sheri went outside and run into him. He loosens his tie, and Sheri straight away helps him take off his jacket and his tie, she passed them toward the maid who is standing next to them.

Henry grins while looking at his wife. Sheri looked at him.

"What?"Sheri asked.

Henry stroke her check and embrace her.

"My wife appears to be overly sweet today," Henry said but Sheri smirks at him.

"Come let's eat," She urges his husband.

After the evening meal, they went back to their room to rest. Sheri places her head at his legs while Henry is carefully reviewing some documents.

"Darling, I forgot to give you one more thing." Sheri looked up at Henry. Henry stops all that his working and looked at his wife who is walking toward her wardrobe.

Sheri went to her wardrobe and picked up the box she put together.

Henry looked at her when she hands it over to him.

"Open it" Sheri anxiously spoke.

Henry unwrapped it, and he put out everything. He found a beautiful necktie, a bar of chocolate, a bottle of expensive wine and a beautiful box. He uncovers the box and studies the picture inside. He nervously looked at Sheri and asked.

"Is it for real?

Sheri nod and smile "It's real, we are two months pregnant".

Henry jumped from the bed and run towards the door and excitedly shout.

"We're having a baby." Shout Henry and he went toward Sheri and pick her up and gently spin her.

The whole mansion was shaken with his joyful shout. Sheri giggles at his favorable reaction.

"Thank you, Thank you, you make me so happy." Henry grins

Sheri giggled hysterically.

"Don't inform it yet to Mom and Dad we need to wait until the baby is absolutely safe."

Henry looked at her and hugged her, "of course from today on I will work at home."

Sheri was dumbfounded.

"No you won't that is unnecessary. I know you will be totally on my back the whole time, no way. Don't worry I will take good care of me and the baby."

Henry pouts and looked childish toward Sheri

"This is our first child I want it to be there all the way," pleads Henry

Sheri laughed by his actions. In the end, she halts instantly in disagreeing with him. She allows him to work at home but with a few rules from her. For the next 2 months, he happily worked at home and monitored Sheri.

Sheri finds it also good since it diminishes the contact of Henry and the female lead.

After disclosing their pregnancy with the whole family they were all delighted and hug her.

"Oh honey we are so ecstatic." warmly said by both of their mothers.

The father of Sheri looked at Henry and strokes him in his back.

"Good job, you can bind her now forever."

Henry laughs and shakes his head.

"She's the one who tied me up." Henry warmly said while looking at his wife.

Each family member came every day at their house making Sheri felt loved. As the months go by, both Henry and Sheri decided they wouldn't want to know the gender of their baby. So they waited, after 9 months and a baby boy came. They name him, Arnold.

After a year again they have another baby girl. They named her Liss. Sheri was so dedicated to her family that every minute of it she enjoys it. Sheri naturally becomes a hands-on mom fulfilling Louise's wish.

In the third year, they have another baby they named him, Rex. In the fifth year came Wendy their youngest since Sheri had a hard time giving birth to their last child they decided that will be the last.

Henry witnesses his children grow. He was extremely gratified. This life he will never alter for anything.

The moment Sheri gives birth to their first child she literally forgets her missions. She felt she is in a fantasy world where she had an outstanding man beside her and wonderful baby in her arms. She treasured her children and her husband making every second last. All of them adored their mom. Every occasion they make her felt treasured.

As the years go by the reactions of a body of Sheri toward her husband is at peace. She can feel the warmth while looking at her husband and her children.

Sheri's parents and Henry's parents spoiled their grand babies especially the patriarch. The moment the first grandchild was born he felt energetic.

When they were still children, they prefer staying with their grandparents because Sheri is strict toward them. She made sure they will be unspoiled. She instills toward them the value of life and hard-working. When their youngest was 15 years old, Sheri was notified by the system that her time is up.

Sheri felt crushed, but this body and this life she only barrow. Every day she lavishes them with kisses and love. Her grown-up children were a little bit embarrassed by their mom kisses, nevertheless, they love it. Every day she will send them personally to their work and school and make them their preferred food. Her two daughters for the first time she spoiled them, shopping together and going to the spa or even going out to have breakfast. There are moments she cries solely thinking that she will depart from them so early. She wants to beg the system but no one is listening. All she could do is to be with them every single second and minute of the day.

Morning came and the warning of the system came.

"Times up, host, you will depart after 6 hours." Sheri looked at her husband who is sleeping. She went close toward him and kissed his lips and plays his hair.

"Thank you, "Sheri mumbled toward his ear.

'hmmm," Henry mumbles.

She felt sad and almost burst into tears, but she's holding it.