Louise Van Hill

Henry went first toward their company while Sheri gives kisses and hugs toward their children.

At a later time, she went to pick up Arnold at the airport. He is presently 19 years old he was in another city for a business trip and is learning how to manage the company. At their young age, Sheri and Henry advise them on how to generate money. They fund and support them unconditionally. They are proud of them because each one of them owns a business.

Sheri waved at Arnold at one of the gates of the airport. She strides toward him embracing and kissing him on his cheek. The ladies who are there were giggling when they saw their interaction.

"Mom," Arnold bashfully said.

"Aww, my handsome man is already being shy." Sheri teases her son.

When some of the young ladies heard her, they giggle more. They went out at the airport and directly drives toward their company.

When they reach the front of their company Sheri looked at Arnold and she caresses his cheek and holds him tight.

"Baby, say hi to your dad for me, take good care of your self and make sure you eat every day, ok?" Sheri said gently.

"Are you alright mom?" asked Arnold.

Arnold feels there's something wrong with his mom. Sheri smilingly shakes her head and pretends everything is fine. She's on the verge of breaking down but she's holding all her emotions. She doesn't know what to say.

He kissed her mother's cheek and waves the moment she started her engine. Unknowingly to Arnold Sheri grips the steering wheel and starts to shed tears.

In the office. Ms. lovely is not working anymore there because she was married to Mr. Hank of GAIN cooperation. He was the business partner of Henry, and presently they have two children.

Now the private secretary of Henry is a man.

Arnold strode toward the private office of his dad.

He knocked gently and was let it by Henry. Henry looked at his son and hugged him.

"How was your trip?" asked Henry

"It's ok dad, by the way, mom said hi and these were the papers you've been inquiring me to do," Arnold said.

Henry looked at the young man in front of him. He was extremely proud, all of his children were all smart and capable. Thanks to his wife who work hard at home who guides and teaches them everything.

On the other side of town, news emerges in.

"In the south lane of the fifth avenue. A terrorist car drives toward a building with a bomb. some of the passerby cars were hit by the blast of a homemade explosive. Woefully most of the passengers on the car were dead on arrival or have a fatal injury.

Back at Henry's office.

"Hey Dad, what do you think of the possible collaboration of my independent company to your company? Mom has been gently insisting I should be collaborating with you but my revenue is way higher than your company so I am kinda skeptical." A devilish smile surface at Arnold's face.

Henry strikes the back of the head of his son.

"Who says my companies revenue is lower than you, you little brat don't forget you still owe your mother and I a couple of billions," Henry mentioned.

"Well, dad I can seek grandpa to pay for my debt." Arnold's cruel taunts.

"Don't think about it you brat. Without your mom, I have already disowned you," answered Henry.

"Ouch, that's hurt." Muttered Arnold.

Both of them hoot with laughter. It can be perceived that they enjoy their relationship.

Their boisterous laughter was interrupted with a call.

He looked at the number. It's an unknown number. No one knows of this number except his wife and his parents.

"Hello," Henry said.

"Is this Mr. Bacht." the other person on the phone asked.

"Yes, this is him," Henry confirms.

"Sir, we sincerely regret to inform you. Your beloved wife has met an accident. Your wife is still in a critical situation it's best you come as promptly as possible. She's currently at the Jones Hospital." The female voice said.

Henry drops his phone when he heard those words. He looked fearfully at his son.

Henry stands up and was scarcely supposed to run frantically at the door but his feet give way, luckily his son is there to aid him.

"Dad!" Arnold asked with concern.

Henry looked fearfully at his son on the verge of crying. His son becomes anxious.

"You're mom.. Your mom meets an accident." Henry stuttered informed Arnold.

"What?" Arnold was shocked.

"She's in Jones Hospital now." Henry state

"What? How did it happen? " Arnold asked again.

"I have no clue son, but we have to go there now they said she's in a critical condition." Henry almost tearfully said.

Arnold at once supports his dad and both of them walk toward the elevator. Arnold gives an order to fetch their car from his secretary. At the elevator, his dad was still in shock. He's like a zombie can't think or scarcely speak. Arnold called Liss to inform her to contact their other sibling, grandparents and tell them what happened. Arnold operates the car neglecting every signal, and they arrive at the hospital in less than 10 min. They rush where her mother is.

Henry came inside and was shocked at what they've seen. She is lying on the bed connected with different tubes. She has an oxygen mask in her mouth. The doctor entered and explains the situation toward Arnold.

Henry was furious.

"Why is my wife still here and not in the operating room? He looked sternly at the doctor wanting to kill them. Arnold looked anxiously at her mom and breaks down and cries.

When Henry yells at the doctor, Sheri painfully opened her eyes.

A softly call can be heard addressing her husband.

"Henry," Sheri softly said.

Henry drew nigh near the bed.

"Shhh. It will be alright I am here." Henry softly said.

She smiles at him and heavily pulls her oxygen mask aside.

"I told them not to operate me since they can't do anything anymore. I prefer to spend my last moment with you guys and see all your faces."

Henry gripped her soft hand and places it in his face and kisses it.

"No you will live, and I will do everything to make it happened." Henry started choking.

Sheri smiles at his husband and gently shakes her head slowly. This is a man who has been absolutely devoted to this body and has been an amazing husband and father toward their children.

"I know you will, but my body can't take it. Don't be angry at the doctors here. They are all excellent. I am the one who has requested it to them since my chance to live is 0. My injury has already reached to the point they can't make any operations." Sheri softly said.

Henry cried he couldn't think of losing his wife, not this time that they are almost ready to retire. Sheri tenderly wipes his tear, no matter how painful her injury is she reaches toward his face and holds it. She dearly wanted to hold him longer and be with him but fate doesn't allow them.

She dearly wanted to hold him longer and be with him but fate doesn't allow them.