Awakening 1

Kei was going in and out of consciousness when he witnessed the only person who ever cared about him getting a hole ripped through his chest. Father Mark had been defending him but this cruel man killed him like he was a bug. Kei had tried to call out, to warn Father Mark about the danger, but he was too weak

'Do you want to be strong?'

A voice called out to him from the recesses of his mind. The voice was just like the one within his dreams.

'Do you want to protect the things you care the most for? I can help you.'

Kei's awareness of his surroundings was fading quickly. He had no strength to stop the mad man from dragging him to the front of the cathedral. He barely had the power to hold his eyes open and witness the shadow man get flung into the large Christ idol on the wall.

'I can help you kill him, just give yourself to me.'

With that, Kei lost all awareness. In the back of his mind, Kei was standing in front of a shadowy boy. Even without being able to identify the boy's face, he knew that the boy was 'him'.

'Do we have a deal?'

"No... I even know what you are."

'I am you. We are the same, buy slightly different.'

"Why would I need to make a deal with myself? Isn't this just like a demon whispering false promises?"

'I am you. You are me. We are the same and yet not. I have the ability, you have the power. together we could be unstoppable. For now you are weak and being kidnapped by this pathetic djinn. Why are you stalling?'

" That dude is a djinn!?! Wait, wait. I don't trust you. I know I am weak; I am better at running away than fighting, but I will not be giving my body to a demon! I rebuke thee, in the name of Jesus!"

Upon hearing Kei's answer the shadow boy snickered and stepped closer to him.

"That is a good answer, but it would be better to call directly on God, than on a pipsqueak. The deed is already done. We are already one in the same, so there is no need for asking.'

The shadow boy's body expanded until it covered Kei. it was warm and comforting to his already chaotic mind. He felt his body become light, like the weight of the world was lifted off of his shoulders.

'Just take a rest, and when you wake the world will be a more interesting place.'


He witnessed the boy get knocked out but because he was stuck in the floor, he could only expand his body and send out his shadow hounds. Being the second time in a 12 hour period, he could feel the strain on both his physical and mental body. Not to mention that he had just escaped the confinement of that sadistic woman. He knew that he was not fit to fight this goon, but he had to. He couldn't let that woman get the boy.

On any other day, one of her lackeys would have been a piece of cake to deal with, but now he was getting his a*s whooped. His hounds had been destroyed and a random old man had been stabbed through the chest. This was of no concern to the crazed lackey, but this made the shadow man's job much harder. He had already killed 2 and a half people today, but now this thing had to kill another! It was going to be such a hassle to avoid the authorities after this was over.

He launched another onslaught of attacks, but thanks to his fatigue, he was too slow and the lackey was able to dodge and returned the attack. The man kicked him in the face so hard that he went flying into the hanging idol in the front of the church.

'Damn these fricken church folks. Didn't they know that this was against their own book to have idols!?!'

He was in so much pain. He would probably have to see a chiropractor when all was done, but he couldn't think about that right now. He had to find a way to get the boy from that thing.

Those were the thoughts going through his head when the room suddenly got really hot. The sudden rise in temperature caused the psycho man [that we now know is a djinn] to stop in his murderous tracks. The source of the heat was none other than the unconscious boy in that things hands.

It was the 'Awakening'.