Awakening 2

One thing to know about this life is that the strong will always lord over the weak. That is the way it has been for the past millennium. Predators devoring prey, the big squishing the small. The weak and feeble run and hide from the strong. The weak and feeble must adapt to avoid becoming prey. This is the way of the world, or at least this is the way the world has become. What happens when the meek become the strong? What happens when those that once seemed powerless had the most power all along?

Kei's body rose from it's unconscious state. He felt that he had been asleep for years. His entire body was sore, but there was a strange warmth spreading throughout his veins, filling the pain and replacing it with a pleasant euphoria. Looking around Kei noticed that standing before him was the strange man who had knocked him out and... and killed...

"You..." Kei spoke through gritted teeth.

The man, no, the djinn was flabbergasted. The force of his kick should have had this runt out cold for a good hour. How was he awake so fast. This couldn't be. He still wanted this body he was currently possessing. His mistress would most definitely kill him if he didn't bring the boy back and he would not accept that fate. He launched his body towards Kei with such speed that any normal human would have thought he had teleported before them. Unfortunately for him, Kei was no longer a "normal" human. Kei flawlessly evaded the incoming attack and even kicked the man in his side as he dodged.

On the side, the real shadow man watched the one-sided battle witha smile creeping over his face. 'That's what happens when you mess with an awakened, hehe'. His body was still show from being tossed around, but they were gradually getting better with the renewal of his powers. Shadow man looked down at his battered arm and tried to summon a shadow hound when he flinched as a large object crashed beside him. Looking over, he saw that it was the djinn who was knocked unconscious by the boy.

"Wow... That was quick." The shadow looked up at the boy who had our unadulterated rage in his black eyes. The boy acted like he didn't hear him and grabbed the unconscious man by his neck.

He squeezed that's with the intention of scaping his neck right then and there. What right did this scum have to kill the only person that cared for him? What right did this bastard have for taking his only family member away from him?! A peice of yeah like this didn't deserve to live. Kei added more pressure to his grip. He felt the burning fury calling for blood. It was the first time he had experienced such a raw and deadly emotion and it wouldn't be quenched until he saw this man's eyes go dark.

The shadow watched the boy's fury and remembered his own initial struggle. He could tell that the boy had lost it. As this was a dangerous moment, he reached out his had and gently place it on the boy's wrist.

"Calm thy self, little one. Killing him will not bring back your fake father. Death is a temporary release for something like him. If you want to punish him, you must take a step back, 'kay?"