Shocked and unaware of a sudden confession from his Commanding Officer. Percival would look into Helga eyes as he can see the shining of her eyes. "Ma'am as we know we are not allowed to be together" Percival said with a sad face but he hides it with a gentle smile. Helga replied "Is it because of my father huh? Is that it!" Percival would look down as he heard it. Percival would reply with a nod. Helga would move his body to hug him but not tightly. "Are you telling me to stop this feelings that I wanna share with you is that it?" Helga said while her tears would fall on her cheek. Percival would reply "Yes it is better for us to be apart than to stay together I cam from a Noble Family with a standard of ours and also your Family that also has a standard to marry other noble families" Helga would cry on Percival "I cant accept that conclusion Percy why!" Helga said with a angry voice while crying. Percival would hug Helga they would stay hugging for a while but it will be broken by Helga. "At least I have loved you even you didn't feel the same" Helga would turn around smile while looking at Percival.

After 2 days of resting and the 3rd week in the front lines Percival and his new Company that is newly formed under him. Percival would be meeting them in the newly constructed Fort Malcondragon the first constructed Fort near the Front lines. Percival was instructed by Lt. General Pepito Alonzo that they need cavalrymen like the RedCloaks so Percival was transferred to the Doctrine and Marshals. The Doctrine and Marshals are the teachers of War and some tactics specialize in deepening the skills of warfare on the battlefield. Percival would be wearing his Brown Officer tunic with his officer cap his saber would be on his side. "ATTENTION CAVALRY FORM!" The Master Sergeant would notice Percival walking towards the Company. As the cavalrymen are forming the Master sergeant would turn around and face Percival with a salute "23RD CADET CAVALRY READY FOR THE TRAINING SIR". Percival would walk up to the stairs and stand on a small stage facing his newly fresh out of the academy cavalrymen. Percival would salute the sergeant he would look into every newly cadet cavalrymen faces they are all fresh out of the academy their faces are not worthy to see the chaos on the battlefield. Percival would give a speech about how will they train for the next 12 weeks as it is intense and needs to improve faster the company size is 80 newly cavalrymen out of the fresh cadet core of combined ReinHart and LionHart. After that speech Percival would introduce himself at the end "I WILL BE YOUR TORMENTOR AND LIFE SAVER EXPECT THE WORSE AND DON'T CRY ON OTHER SHOULDERS IN THE FRONT LINES ITS DIFFERENT I AM CADET PERCIVAL RAIN BANKREI YOUR COMPANY OFFICER" Percival said that with his tough intimidating voice but when the cadet heard that he is only a cadet and not an officer some of them laugh. One would say "WHY WOULD WE FOLLOW A CADET?" Percival would smirk "Actually I am a cadet with a Academy Rank of a Marshal of Arms" Percival said that become he go down on the stage the cadet that question him fell quiet. "And Because of that do give me 120 push ups all of you!" All of them would drop and do their push ups. Some of them was shocked because how can that be a Marshal of Arms is an equal rank as a Colonel in the army and a Academy field rank of a Field Commander that is leading a Group of 500 students. After that Percival would start to take his nap he already sent the schedule of the training for the following to his Sergeant.

3 days had passed the Fort was lively as ever. The cavalrymen would do constant exercise and battle sequence for their maneuverability in the battlefield. Percival would received a report from the front lines the 45 men that was under him is going to the Fort for a training. He formed his Company in the Academy and they serve well in the Front lines. The empire has gone to further cause their is a new Front line the Empire has the upper hand state in the letter but still Telonia is not giving up. The famous White General is unbeatable while the Rainhorned has now being slowly being destroyed by the Empire. After Percival read the letter that was sent to him he would look to other letters he also get a letter from Helga he read it when he goes to sleep. But still his old companions they never seen them for about 6 months now. "What had happen to them and where are they?" Percival said while he was looking into some papers after that he went for a nap. In a few minutes a knock would be heard on his door Percival is in a deep sleep he is sleeping on a couch in his office. The knock would get louder and suddenly barge in it was the Sergeant of the 2 platoon. "Sir there is a 20 cavalrymen outside of the Fort sir." Percival would open his eyes and looked at the sergeant. "Who are they?" the Sergeant replied "They said they are the one who are sent here for a training they are form the ReinHart academy" Percival didn't receive any letter from ReinHart. Percival would quickly fix his uniform and head out to meet this new cavalrymen. The cavalry men is headed by a red haired lady with a blue armor with a Dragon crest logon on her chest. Percival would let the squad go inside the Fort. The lady Knight would unmounted from her White Horse. She would look around and find the Officer in charge."I am Second Lieutenant Francesca Maximillian of the 34th cadet cavalry of ReinHart Academy. Who is the Commanding officer of this Fort." The other cavalryman would ignore her and continue their training. Percival would come up to her with a strange face. "The ReainHart academy never send a letter here are you sure you are supposed to be here.?" Percival said while looking to Francesca. "I will give the letter to the commanding officer. I heard He is the famous Western Garrison hero and the Officer of the RedCloaks of the Battlefield." everyone would stop what they are doing once Francesca said that. "What did I say something wrong" Percival would cross his arms. "I guess you have done a research Yes I am the Company Officer of this Cavalrymen that are in training and also the Commanding officer of this fort. I am Cadet Percival Bankrei" all of the cavalrymen was shocked again for the second time. Francesca would stare at Percival again "Are you sure you are Mr. Percival" Percival laugh "Yes I am that guy is there a problem Second Lt. Also let your men rest and head to my office and give the letter of your transfer here". Francesca would nod.

After they both entered Percival office. Francesca would sit on the chair "Now give me the letter Second Lt." Francesca would blush as she saw his idol Percival and this is the first time his idol is near her. "Well you see sir umm the letter is inside my armor and I can't get it so" Percival would smirk and sit opposite to her. "So do you want me to remove your armor or GET THE LETTER OF TRANSFER cause really ill make you cry if I will get it out of your armor." Francesca would blushed and after that steamy response from Percival she gave the letter. Percival would read it it was for a exchange. Percival would dismissed Francesca. Percival would give the schedule to his Sergeant and repeat his routine of lazing around. Most of his men would think over it that their officer is the famous Red Cloak General of the battlefield. They would gossip while eating Percival would look into some papers but not long he would go back lazing around like a kid. Francesca would notice he is always lazing around one time Francesca would sit beside him under a tree. "Why are you always napping around sir?" she asked a daring question Percival replied. "Why is there something you will do for me so I can stop napping" Percival smile while looking at Francesca. Francesca would blush and would stand up and leave Percival.

After 3 days and the 2nd week of the Newly formed cavalrymen the RedCloaks of the Front line would come to the Fort. They would bring their Blood Angel banner. Percival would greet them as they would kneel before Percival. "MIGHTY TO FIGHT EASY FIGHT EASY WIN!" they would shout their motto. The newly formed cavalrymen would be amazed specially Francesca. Percival would throw a banquet for the troops a small happy dinner. All of them would have fun. His old sergeant Artemio would go to Percival and whisper." I also picked some good men from the other companies in the front lines I also invited them to join and also they will come tomorrow morning" Percival would smile and say "Drink my sergeant I know that the front lines is a stress. The sergeant would smile and laugh" Well then sir I would enjoy myself. The newly formed merging into the old. The experience that can coup with the changing ways of warfare. After the banquet Percival would go to his chambers in the Fort. In the middle of the knight a hooded person would come in inside his chamber. Percival would be in deep asleep as the woman would come closer as he removed his cloak it was Francesca. She was in her nude body he would sleep beside Percival to warm him for the night.

Morning comes Percival would open his eyes and smell something different a smell of a lady. He would look to his left and see a naked Francesca. Percival would be in shock to see this but nonetheless hope he had memories from last night. Frances would open his after Percival would move Frances would smile and touch Percival chest "Naughty boy" she said seductively.