Percival would received a message from the Front Lines that the new Cavalry Company that he is giving a training right now must be sent to the Front Lines to battle the White Haired General. He read the message thoroughly this is not what he expected for an outcome to happen because the Cavalry is still in the mid shape of the real training. After 2 days of training 10 wagons would knock on the Fort gate. "We are sent here by the Royal High Command" The officer with a Blue tunic. Percival would order the Gate guard to open the gate but before they been let through some Cavalrymen would check the wagon they are full of new equipment. The wagons would enter the Fort they would all align in the courtyard. Then the drivers would unload the equipment while Percival inspect them. "These are new uniforms they look unfamiliar to me specially these one they look like steel plates that we can wear for added armor. Hmm.... I see so they have given us lances that is long and sharp. The steel helmets and more light not like the armor we have been wearing that takes long to wear and heavy" But Percival eyes take fancy to a new weapon. The Officer would walk toward Percival as he looked curious with. "this is a new type of weapon from the Coleriyari Continent they use this in every part of their Army the Emperor has given this weapons to the new special unit that has the most outstanding outcome." Percival would pick up the weapon it is a wooden and steel it has a barrel that can be feed by a ball of steel. The Officer would teach Percival on how to use it. they would test it to their old armor and with a surprisingly outcome it goes through it. "This weapon is deadly" Percival said while holding the pistol. The other cavalrymen would be fascinated but it has only a few supplies so Percival gave it to the Sergeant and some soldiers who got a bulls eye.

After 2 more days, The Fort Mondragon has now being newly occupied by a new Cavalrymen from the Academy.Their faces are young men and women of the Academy they look like the face of his old comrades when they are still new in the Academy. In the afternoon Percival and his Company would wear their uniform they also make their own banner after that they would prepare to move out. Their banner would be a Red Horse with a white background under the horse there is their motto " WE RIDE, WE FIGHT, WE CONQUER WITH OUR MIGHT" Then in the belly of the horse there is a number 90th. Percival and his men would reach Saregasa Forest by midnight as they would camp and set their tents. As always Percival would set his tent then Sleep while his men would fix the food and other stuff. Then after 3 hours of sleep Percival would be woken up by Francesca "Hey.. Percy... uh... Can you wake up.... IDIOT!" Frances would slap Percival face. Percival would fall from his bed. "Uhh.. my head... that hurts.. WHAT THE HELL CESCA!" Percival would look angry while looking at Francesca. Francesca would hug Percival like nothing happen and laugh. " We need to move its already morning sir" Percival would wear his uniform and fix his tent.

After 2 days of travelling they have reach the central camp. The Central camp is composed of around 350,000 all in all without Percuval forces. When they enter the camp all soldiers would be looking at them. Like the other soldiers would be amazed on how they see the new type of Cavalry. The soldiers would gather up along the way. While Percival men would look straight ahead and not look at the other soldiers. Percival would order dismount on their horses and take camp. After he ordered that he gave his horse to his sergeant and to the High Command tent in the camp. He reached it and enter with a salute. "The 90th Cavalry ready for deployment sir!" The Lt. General would salute back and look at percival new uniform. "Is that the uniform sent by the Imperial Highness?" Percival wouod reply. "Yes, Sir!" the Lt. General would be amazed on how it strikes fear and Dicipline in battld. "Now as you a Company Officer you will revwive the Military rank of Major. Here is your pin and congratulations!" the Lt. General would hand the pin. Percival would reply "Thank you Sir!" Percival would ask something. "What time is the battle sir". "The time of Battle would be at 1500 hours but your cavalry will be having othet mission. And it is to occupy this town and burn this village to the ground. The High Command said that it will be a risky if we cant occupy a town in Telonia and RainHorned. Don't be worried I will give you a platoon of Spearmen, Axemen and a Company of Archers. " Percival would be shocked on this given soldiers but still he rather want to sleep and take a nap rather fighting in this war. Percival would reply" Thank you Sir. Rest assured that this mission will be succesful." at 1200 hours Percival company would start to pack their equipments and preparing to move out. After an hour Percival and his Brigade would begin marching to avoid open space targetting theyvwould enter the Falhunan Forest it will decrease the risk of having enemy collision. After 3 hours as the battle in the central begin they would reach the town of Le franc near the border of the RainHorned Empire. Percical would let some scout first as they take camp in the cover of the forest. As they would disregard of using too much fire. When the scout get back to the camp they would report that inside the village there are 2 company of spearmen hidding for an ambush. Percival would be shock that mean the Rainhorned have known that we are going to attack this village. Percival would order his sergeant to rely a certain message. "We will not attack for 1 day we will delay and focus on gatherimg information. Percival would use his new officer telescope to see soldiers that are on patrol inside and outside of this village. The village is a vital point to supply resources to the frontlines of the RainHorned empire pillaging it will make the Rainhorned cripple and retreat.